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Posts posted by johny

  1. 45º is good. Obviously a smaller filter has a smaller flow capacity and its pressure drop due to dirt will increase at a greater rate than the specified one so the benefit is probably minimal. Do you have a problem with the bearings rattling on a cold start up until the oil gets round?

  2. My Vitesse hates running hot as the carburation plays up, pinking starts, tick over drops and the oil thins so making me twitchy about bearing lubrication so yes I would avoid situations where thats likely to occur. Of course the solution is to get your cooling good enough to cope with queues in hot weather which I have now done. There seems to be various ways to do this and I have gone the electric fan route with it set up to run on after stopping which greatly improves hot starts.

  3. The idea with this conversion is that the filter can hang down and stay full of oil. The original used to empty itself so on start up took time to refill which caused the bearings to have to operate for a while without an oil supply. The only downside is that due to lack of space its difficult to get the conversion filter into a fully vertical position but anything is better than the original and some people use a smaller screw on filter to help....

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  4. Thats a mechanical temperature gauge so should be pretty accurate. The original had a sensor that screwed in the same place with a single wire plugged into it and operated using 10v from a regulator which also supplies the fuel gauge. I dont know if removing the original temperature gauge might have affected the output of the regulator so giving an inaccurate fuel level reading....

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  5. it doesnt make any difference unless you want to run your engine so hot (up to 119ºC) that a 7lb cap would lift. In fact having a higher pressure cap puts more stress on the head gasket sealing, water pump seal, rad etc as on start up when the coolant expands it has to reach 13psi before it opens to discharge the excess to the overflow bottle.....

  6. well perhaps Ive made it sound worse than it is getting the sump off as I havent done it on a 4 cylinder only the 6. Its true its on your back but if you can get the car up to a reasonable height the working environment should be ok. Then its only a few bolts round the sump and hopefully it can be removed without too much aggravation so giving access to the crank with its main and big end bearings. These are easy to undo and inspect but must be replaced exactly as found, CLEAN and with bolts torqued up correctly......

  7. Well working on the underside of the engine with the sump off is not nice at all. The access is poor, youre laying on your back, its difficult to keep everything clean and what can be done is limited so if thats where the problem is (quite likely) I recommend the engine is best removed from the car. On the other hand the cylinder head can be removed in situ fairly easily and the same goes for the front timing chain cover however you could do all that only to find the engine has to come out anyway😣 This is why it would be soooo useful to have an idea of what the problem is....

  8. 2 minutes ago, rozentas said:

    Just to clarify my name is Steve Rozental, thanks all for the feedback, have learned so much, but as you say no nearer to identifying exactly what the noise is.

    oops I got mixed up from the video!

    With noise its normally difficult to locate the source in an engine because it transmits all round - sometimes a large screw driver placed in contact with different parts and with the handle on your ear can help but you have to be very careful of the moving bits!

    Did you try turning the crank by hand with a spanner in both directions to see how it feels?

  9. I cant see the point of having more than one but as the pump itself has a filter (gauze screen) there is an argument for putting it down stream of this so the bigger debris is stopped beforehand. However in many cases theres a section of hose prior to the pump where its very easy to install the additional filter and, in my book, easy is always good👍

  10. well you could check the valve clearances when the engines cold. Its not likely to be the problem but might show up a problem and is another great learning opportunity especially as its a routine job that needs doing from time to time....

  11. Not stupid at all as has come up on here before and so could be found with a search. First is single rail and second 3 rail, both with OD but the gear change part is similar on non OD units as well. Single has reverse selected by pushing lever to RH side and 3 rail to the LH side......


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