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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. Damn! I was just about to say the same, but you moved quicker with the Zimmer frame and got to the large print computer keyboard before me.
  2. They must pay the owner by the mile
  3. to come back to this question of a battery being too big (capacity not physical dimensions). I run my 13/60 with the standard dynamo and a 540A/62ah battery. The car was taken for a run, the actual state of the battery charge wasn't controlled before hand - yes bad scientific practice... The route was the 'pretty' route to town via rural 'B' roads through 2 small villages with 50kph limits, a 2Km section with a 70kph limit to the edge of town. Filled up with petrol and went into town for a 'pause café' with a couple of mates fro an hour or so. Total distance each way 15kms. Same return route less the petrol station stop. No stop start driving to speak of. Car stood for 1 week. Connected battery charger and virtually immediately showed full charge. Didn't do a volt test but the charger does do its job. OK, so not really scientific but does show that a dynamo is capable, certainly when the car is driven on open roads, of keeping a large capacity battery charged.
  4. I run my 13/60 on 98 and haven't suffered this type of problem. At the end of each season I do nothing special, if the tank is full or close to empty it stays like that until it needs filling again. The last pre winter fill was the 8th October, first fill this year, 28/02, with 180 miles done between them - must have been October & November use. Must be the dry winter climate here in Normandy !
  5. I'll second that unconditionally 🇺🇦
  6. Shortages are more likely to be caused by a sudden and massive increase in demand, as has happened before. People who normally drive around with half a tank of petrol filling up causing a temporary shortage at the petrol stations. Here heating fuel delivery companies are dealing with big increases in demand as people stock up even if they wouldn't normally do so at this time of the year. One company taking orders wasn't able to say what the price would be. Another who usually delivers within 48 hours was quoting 7 days.
  7. The friend I popped round to see in my 13/60, that cost 41€ to fill last week, has a Simca Aronde and is due to go to a big Simca event in Brittany next month, we worked out that at today's petrol prices and his consumption of 9L/100kms it would cost 160€, he is thinking of not going. He will I know as the call of the 'Aronde'* is too strong. Makes my 7.6L/100Kms for the 13/60 seem positively economical. *Old name for hirondelle
  8. A report on local TV here had the case of a guy who works as a security guard in a big shopping complex and has to start before public transport is running. He now can't afford to fill his 4 x 4 so uses his wife's little Renault while she goes to work on public transport. A 4 x 4 might look impressive in the car park but he loses the smile at the pumps . . .
  9. Dearer than that here at the moment but still cheaper than diesel for the car. I'm hoping my stock of heating fuel is enough for the rest of the winter 🤞 and by the time I reorder prices will be less heart stopping.
  10. The advantages of living in France. Order a coffee in a bar and almost without fail you'll get either a small piece of chocolate or a biscuit. Yesterday fuel was at 1€99.9 but today they have had to give in and put a '2' as in 2€00.8
  11. Well, I wouldn't want one in my 13/60 after thinking about it while out this afternoon. I'd be worried about catching it when trying to use the clutch
  12. YES! Just got back from a little run to see a fiend myself. Lovely, a little cool in the shady sections though
  13. Surely there isn't room for one in a 13/60? I can check that out in 20 minutes as I'm taking mine out to meet a friend. N.B. worked out the extra fuel cost of using the 13/60 compared to my diesel Yeti for the visit, due to the ever rising cost, as the cost of a coffee. As we are meeting at his house and therefore the coffee is free the overall effect on my budget is zero. . . Happy times
  14. I hope you don't drive down the road with it connected and the light on the car roof or dashboard ✋👮‍♂️
  15. What you could do is when you get back after a good run, no lights etc, put it on charge and see how long it needs before fully charged. If the dynamo is in good condition I think you'll find it doesn't need long.
  16. That's what I was drawing peoples attention to with my previous comment about Leonardo 🔁
  17. All the more reason for filling up before you get that low.
  18. Already available as generic kits, all it needs is for some bright spark ( bad choice of phrase) to market them as specific kits to preserve the tank on classic cars and double the prices. 😉
  19. So, if I understand this correctly (and it is far from certain my fuddled brain has) in my 13/60 there could/will be a layer of water at the bottom of the tank which, if only a thin layer, just sit there until I need to turn the tank lever to 'reserve' and run the car virtually dry when it could get sucked into the system and cause problems. Over many years the level of water could even rise to the level where it is above the pick up pipe even in the 'normal' position? My brain hurts! Time for tea!
  20. That'll make even more interesting to read . .
  21. Yes, but I have an advantage, I learnt to speak Polish from a couple of guys here at work, when I worked. As everyone knows a few polite words go a long way. dzień dobry! Ok, so that is all I know but it was essential at the start of each day...
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