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Magnetic sump plug


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PTFE tape, Johny?? Gonna see if I can find a suitable diameter magnet strong enough to do the job and insert into the sump plug . . . Eric - any ideas? "buy a magnet, drill a hole, dob of superglue, drop the magnet in - job done!" 🙂



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Does the plug leak, John? What is the type again? Might make a magnetic one for the engine and just install a 'new' one in the gearbox! Just for fun!




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Which is best?? Ideally I'd like to drill a sump plug and tight-fit a bar magnet - but then I realised there's also these slim-jim new types that are very strong . . . . except they might loose themselves from the plug a little too easily . . . 


Best, C.

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 15.31.50.png

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 15.31.36.png

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do we really think that 10mm of magnet will catch all whats whizzing around in 5ltrs of oil !!

you can buy mag sleeves to fit around the filter canister  ....or knock the mag of the back of one of the old speakers

lost on the shelf and strap it on the filter   then you start to cover the volume you are dealing with 


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there are lots of alternatives  from these cheap ones to more complicated   and there are 

filters with built in magnets but they are a few ££ss more 

seems a much better way to catch your   elephant in the room 


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Word of warning regarding the magnetic sleeves for oil filters.

NEVER EVER remove the sleeve with the filter still fitted to the car.

Only remove the sleeve to fit to a replacement filter after the old filter that is full of steel filings has been removed from the car.

No, I didn't learn this from experience !

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Picture some years old of magnetic drain plug from my Vitesse gearbox after developing a knock in third. Two teeth off cluster third gear, did the drain plug prevent further damage, who knows.





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Yowsa Wowsa! So Kevin; you're saying when doing an oil change with one of these babies on, that you take the sleeve and filter off at the same time. Then fit a new oil filter and thereafter attach the sleeve in position once more, yes?

So the old filter and any grindings come away when disposing of the old filter rather than them perhaps falling back into the engine.

OK. Duly noted! Thanks 😃

Paul - I reckon a gearbox magnetic plug is probably even more important! Look what it did for you! 



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easy enough  if you follow the service guide you change filters every other oil change as the filter has excess capacity. 

but most being paranoid about something thats lasted 50yrs often with crap servicing will change the filter at each oil change 

its all down to your preferences 



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I also think it works best to make your own magnet plugs using the original tapered ones. I drilled a hole and dropped in a 10 mm neodym magnet. Works great and does not leak. I guess we will never find out how many % of the total amount of swarfs they collect. But at least they don't do any harm and they certaily works good as an alarm in case something really bad is going on.

I have one under construction (nut still not welded on)



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1 minute ago, Colin said:

Roger; push fit or glued? 

I did add a drop of glue, but I think it would probably stay in place without it. But better safe than sorry 🙂

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14 hours ago, Roger said:

I did add a drop of glue, but I think it would probably stay in place without it. But better safe than sorry 🙂

I reckon that even if it does drop off it'll just stick to the sump pan, so won't mess up the engine. 

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