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Vitesse Mk2 steering question

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this all depends on tyre and wheel sizes if on wider rims you can up the load  , theres a very heavy engine up front which has to be taken into account 

do you  have a std steering wheel or a aftermarket  as a small dia  eg 13" will really up the parking loads ,has it had a recon rack fitted with a 4 cylinder rack as that 

makes for quicker turns on road but silly heavy on parking as the ratio  is different ,  std rack is 3.5 turns lock to lock  if its less the hand wheel loads are much greater 

also worth checking the tracking the spec calls for 150lbs on each seat  if done unladen its all going to be wrong  


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44 minutes ago, bfashbolt said:

Can anyone tell me if it is normal for my Vitesse to feel very heavy when steering at parking or low speed?

Not really, it should move at low speed very well - mine certainly does.

As Pete has indicated - a lot depends on the tyre and wheel size. More rubber on the floor the greater the resistance.

It will be useful if you can expand on what your suspension plus wheel / tyre combination is and the size of the steering wheel.

Additionally, how are the trunnions lubricated ?? Hopefully with EP90 and not grease - if the latter it will cause tightening & premature failure of these units.

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Hi Peter, thanks for your reply. I'm still finding out about the car, it has had restoration work/upgrades but I can say: steering wheel original, road wheels standard steel with correct tyres, front suspension new but as original spec. I'll try the 'turns to lock' tip, plan to have it in to local mechanic force once over, I'll have them look at tracking.

Thanks for the advice, very helpful. 


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Thanks Classiclife,

It is OK at low road speeds, a little heavy but might be as I'm not quite re-adjusted to lack of power steering yet. Parking speeds it's very heavy.

As I said above I am intending to get someone who knows more than I do about it to have a look. I know my old cars, I know a lot of basic stuff but I'm no mechanic!

I do think the previous owner restored aiming for originality so i don't think we have an issue with incompatible parts. The previous owner sent a boot full of labelled spares with the car so I think he was quite fastidious.

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Thanks daverclasper, I'll have a go at that. The previous owner did say it hadn't been used much after restoration so I do wonder about classiclife's comment about front trunnion lubrication?

Thanks all for your help, fantastic to be a member of this Triumph Community😀


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It shouldn't be heavy at slow speed. But if you turn the steering wheel when parked it will be heavier than a modern car with power steering. The trick is to just get it moving very slowly before turning the steering wheel when you are pulling out of a parking space.

I agree with all the comments, plus get the tracking check.


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there is also what pressures are you using the handbook probably say 22 psi in the fronts which with modern tyres is too low 

many end up with around 26  , its  bit trial and error  getting the balance of handling and ride .

if you let a mechanic near it do NOT GREASE the front trunnions   EP90  GL4  spec  these are a oil bath not a grease tub.

you grease the rear wheel bearings. the plug/nipple is seen    under the drive shaft 

gear box and Diff EP90 GL4      engine 20/50   use decent stuff  engine oil in carb dash pots    and for best use a 97+ ron fuel  



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Yes it is immediately easier when I am moving a little, already got 26psi in tyres as suggested. I'll get the front trunnions filled with the correct oil as per guidance. All other aspects of ride/handling seem fine, only had it less than 2 weeks.

Thanks all, much appreciated, I'll get back with updates soon.


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Yes it is immediately easier when I am moving a little, already got 26psi in tyres as suggested. I'll get the front trunnions filled with the correct oil as per guidance. All other aspects of ride/handling seem fine, only had it less than 2 weeks.

Thanks all, much appreciated, I'll get back with updates soon.

More Weetabix and more PSI then! I have been spoilt driving my Jag for the last 3 years so might be right about Weetabix!!


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28 minutes ago, Paul H said:

My tyres on mk2 vitesse are set at 30 psi ,

I do not usually differ with Paul, but I think 30psi is a tad too high and you run the risk of enhanced tread wear in the centre band circumference compared to the remaining tyre width.

26psi is about right, I know it's only an extra 4psi to 30 but that bit extra will make a difference - including medium to fast speed handling. I am basing this on tyres of 165/80/13 aspect.

Purely my opinion.



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I agree with Richard, I've had the GT6 fronts at 30 and it's very easy to lock the wheels, not enough rubber on the ground! 


11 hours ago, bfashbolt said:

I have been spoilt driving my Jag for the last 3 years so might be right about Weetabix!!

They do have a downside, one Jag tyre costs five Triumph tyres! 


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Yes it is immediately easier when I am moving a little, already got 26psi in tyres as suggested. I'll get the front trunnions filled with the correct oil as per guidance. All other aspects of ride/handling seem fine, only had it less than 2 weeks.

Thanks all, much appreciated, I'll get back with updates soon.

More Weetabix and more PSI then! I have been spoilt driving my Jag for the last 3 years so might be right about Weetabix!!



Tried 30psi and it did feel a bit 'light' at the front, stick to around 26psi I think, just have to build up some more upper body strength 😉 ps - agree about the Jag tyres!

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I run 28psi on the front of my GT6 - any less and I can feel the slop in the sidewalls of the tyres! I'm running 175/70 R13 Toyos (found the same with previous Avons in the same size). Not had any issues with the steering being 'too' heavy, except for when I measured the toe incorrectly and ended up wildly out! That was an interesting and short test drive...


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Yes it is immediately easier when I am moving a little, already got 26psi in tyres as suggested. I'll get the front trunnions filled with the correct oil as per guidance. All other aspects of ride/handling seem fine, only had it less than 2 weeks.

Thanks all, much appreciated, I'll get back with updates soon.

More Weetabix and more PSI then! I have been spoilt driving my Jag for the last 3 years so might be right about Weetabix!!



Tried 30psi and it did feel a bit 'light' at the front, stick to around 26psi I think, just have to build up some more upper body strength 😉 ps - agree about the Jag tyres!


28 psi sounds worth trying as front tyres are Avon's. Once again can I say thanks for all your comments, what a great community I have joined!!


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It will feel heavy when stationary, and parking, for the reasons said above.     But diddling with the tyre pressures to try and get it lighter is the wrong approach.     Tyres have pressures to get the maximum tread on the road and the best adhesion.     Too much (or too little) will not achieve that.   Best to check for 'correct' tyre pressure (it varies with your driving style, as well as the type and size of tyre you have fitted) by measuring tread wear, or else tread temperature.    The first only needs a tread depth gauge and a notebook, pennies, the second a tyre pyrometer, hundreds of pounds.

With respect, get used to the heavy steering when manoevering, or else consider an electric power steering kit.    Never used one myself, but I've worked on rally cars that have them, for similar reasons!   The best have a speed sensor that modulates the assistance and cancels it beyond a set speed.  Lots to choose from: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=C2N_XcKcCcWflwSotpPgAg&q=electric+steering+kit&oq=electric+steering+kit&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30l9.1106.5896..6435...0.0..0.178.1673.16j5......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i131.a5KmB_w_1Mg&ved=0ahUKEwiCzqOokNXkAhXFz4UKHSjbBCwQ4dUDCAg&uact=5



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Yes it is immediately easier when I am moving a little, already got 26psi in tyres as suggested. I'll get the front trunnions filled with the correct oil as per guidance. All other aspects of ride/handling seem fine, only had it less than 2 weeks.

Thanks all, much appreciated, I'll get back with updates soon.

More Weetabix and more PSI then! I have been spoilt driving my Jag for the last 3 years so might be right about Weetabix!!



Tried 30psi and it did feel a bit 'light' at the front, stick to around 26psi I think, just have to build up some more upper body strength 😉 ps - agree about the Jag tyres!


28 psi sounds worth trying as front tyres are Avon's. Once again can I say thanks for all your comments, what a great community I have joined!!


Hi all, had a close look at from end, as I said restoration/upgrades done by previous owner but no comprehensive list of replaced or upgraded parts.

I can see new springs, neoprene bushes and I can see the trunnions, no nipples just a screw in blank? Wondering if steering feels stiff for obvious reason that I'm not used to it yet or is the newly re-assembled front suspension/steering is still a little tight? Anyway, found a couple of classic car garages near me in Darwen sonic it persist I'll let someone have a look at it. It isn't a major problem, the car is still very driveable!!

Fantastic input from all, thank you!

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