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Air filter box hoses


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Just logged on to rimmers to order the flexi pipe from the airfilter box for the vitesse (swap back to stardard air filters) and I was shocked at the price each - any one recommend a different pipe? (could I use fish pond hose?) Or are they actually required?

How are they fixed at the front - I'd thought of cable tying to engine valance or trying to get the spitfire hose clip.

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Yup, fish pond hose is fine, in fact better if it's smooth, why is the standard one corrugated?!! Impedes air flow surely?  It's good to get cool air from the grill to the carbs, I've got a radiator cowl and I've drilled holes to insert the pipes, but cable tie or hose clip would work.


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the vitesse originally had a shaped metal bracket that fitted to the side of the radiator and held the two hoses one above the other. They do come up for sale occasionally but are quite rare, easy to bend a strip of metal to do the same job though. I used plastic corrugated fish pond pipe but did have to swell the ends a little to get them over the airbox intakes....

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Pete by gently heating the uPVC pipe with a torch you can bend the pipe, not too much or you'll singe it.

Ref the air inlet pipes I got a couple of 1mt lengths of original style spiral steel plastic covered about 1 mt long each from my local Jag service provider and used parts guy ex Mk2 Jag when getting the X serviced several years ago the pipes were the interior air pipes from the heater to the rear compartment, cost $5.

Been a bit slack and just fitted them last week!! still got a few feet left.

Re the bracket fitted to the radiator side I had had the original chromed, it didn't come up to well to much pitting so I made an aluminum one out of 1/8in ally suitably formed around uPVC pipe to get the double radius that holds both pipes.

Peter T

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