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Rebuilt engines


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Yes it makes one wonder. The lack of address and only a mobile, plus the ebay prices quoted.

Let me cut to the chase. I really need some experienced help here from you guys as i am obviously way out of my depth here.

About 5 yrs ago i removed the head on my 72 mk4, took it to a very reputable engineering shop and had it refurbed for unleaded. I also get them to fit double springs (mistake no. 1)

Around this time my mum passed on my b'day with the big C. This hit me hard as 2 yrs previously i lost my dad. 

The head never got refitted and i put it to one side (mistake no. 2) Should have refit it really.

Then three years ago i got this stupid idea of removing the block and stripping it down for a full refurb. The engine went to the engineering shop and i supplied them with all the parts needed. I also supplied thrm with a mk3 profile cam. Mistake no. 3.

When all ready to go back in, child no. 2 arrives, so block is put asside with head. Mistake no. 4.

At the begining of this year i thought the time was right to get the engine back in the car. I made a start then my best mate falls ill late January and dies of pneumonia. 

Life's a b!£ch i say and decide pay someone to finish off the engine install (a local classic car restorers) Mistake no. 5.

I got the car back last month. Everything fine and dandy. Put a few miles on her then last week fired her up and click, no start. Swapped starter out for a known good one and same click. Put a new starter solonoid on and even threw a new battery on and guess what...click.

Got my pump pliers out and went to turn the front pulley nut and zero movement. Not happy. Infact totally p!$$ed off tbh. Removed rocker cover and loosened rocker assrmbly a couple of threads and still no movement. I did notice a valve sitting way too low in the head, bugger.

I do not have anymore desire to drop the oil and inspect inside the sump as it will only upset me further when i see what i think i will see. The oil looks grey in parts on the dipstick so i think it is safe to say engine needs another full rebuild, but this time in one hit and not over many years.

I was having trouble with the rocker assembly during rebuild and wonder if the new cam profile and double springs had a bearing. Plus the engine was sat a good few years (though cling wrapped) not ideal for the cam and other rotational parts)

So i am all ears chaps. Are you my engine rebuilder or do you know who is. I reside in Leeds, up north.

Pm if you prefer



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how much £££ are you anticipating throwing at this disaster ??

whats the engine number( defines what head is fitted )  

MKIV upto FH25000 had single springs  from FH25001 has double springs and larger valves but less lift 

club engines via Ivors serles are fully remanufactured ,, as new not just reconditioned 


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1 hour ago, Simons3 said:

Are you my engine rebuilder or do you know who is. I reside in Leeds, up north.

Hello Simon,

PM sent.



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Thanks Richard and others for your pm's, i will follow these leads up.

Pete, it's only an engine and will be fixed, but not by me. The £££ will be more than i wanted to spend, but not a disaster to me. Engine number is FH3..... but vaguely remember head being single spring. Maybe it was swapped out prior to my ownership. Thanks for the heads up re Ivor Searles, i will google them for more info.


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Simon I have a remanufactured MG Owners Club Ivor Searle engine in my MGB.  I ordered a balanced Stage 2 spec - my own engine was a wreck.  It's sewing machine smooth and pulls wonderfully.  You don't get your own engine back with the MG version, it's an exchange basis.  Not sure what happens for Triumphs.  It's a bare engine exchange - no dizzy, carburettors etc so it comes back like this photo.

New Engine on Delivery 2.JPG

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3 hours ago, Pete Lewis said:

never studied these but  decent exhaust but seems a small inlet porting  is that just the photo

Not sure what the little things above are, but it's a 5-port head. Two of the red plugs are in inlets (the round holes) the other three exhaust.

57 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

But it does have a pull-out ashtray half way up the right-hand side, just where the string is hanging... :)

What's really behind it, and the panel beside it?

Push-rods and tappets. It's a tall engine with a very low-down camshaft.

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16 minutes ago, NonMember said:

Not sure what the little things above are, but it's a 5-port head. Two of the red plugs are in inlets (the round holes) the other three exhaust.

Push-rods and tappets. It's a tall engine with a very low-down camshaft.

Thanks. I must get a look at one in the flesh, just for curiosity' sake. Nice to learn something new.

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2 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

But it does have a pull-out ashtray half way up the right-hand side, just where the string is hanging... :)


What's really behind it, and the panel beside it?

Tappet chest, my dads one developed a leak from one of those... very  messy but pretty easy fix.

Robust engines, if a little unrefined. Reckon there is a lot more power to be had with some work. Probably benefit from balancing too.

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Yup, unrefined.  With work and balanced it's pretty good, even on standard carburettors and air filters.  Definitely not as revvy or smooth at the top end as the Triumph seems to be.  I've replaced the MG gearbox in the photo with the Mazda MX5 gearbox conversion from Vitesse, which is also being fitted to Triumphs.  It doesn't change anything in terms of top end gearing but my old box was worn out and I knew and loved this Mazda box from my last kit car. 

Engine and Gearbox Reassembled 2.JPG

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