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Noise when engaging O/D


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Good afternoon gentlemen (not noticed any ladies on here yet?)

Happy lockdown again :(

My 13/60 has a Toledo box with overdrive.

 I was 'fiddling about' as one does, with the car in the garage and the ignition was on. The car was in neutral  I accidently moved the gear lever from the left to the right and hears a loud 'electrical crack sound' (my head was in the footwell) :)

I checked and found o/d was in OFF position??? I jiggled and fiddled, removed the o/d switch and 'adjusted' the switch contacts. All seems well now and the loud 'crack' only occurs when o/d switch is ON and I move the gear lever from left to the right and a muted click when moved right to left with the ignition on.

Questions is.... is this "clicking " normal.        Thanks for reading.

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12 minutes ago, Jeffds1360 said:

(not noticed any ladies on here yet?)

There is actually, albeit not serial posters.

That sound is the solenoid engaging & disengaging; which you will only hear when the ignition is on and the stick is moved to the right making contact with the OD inhibitor switch to energise the solenoid.

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Clicking is (probably) the solenoid operating. The inhibitor switch is doing its job, you only get ODin 3rd/4th ie when stick on on the right.

(Toledos never had OD, but do have 4 synchro boxes, identical to mkIV spitfire. Kipping sold many many OD conversions using 4 synchro boxes, yours is likely one of them)

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i guess this is a Dtype   (solenoid on the rh side)

there are two things to click  the relay and the main solenoid 

a light click  is the relay on the baulkhead somewhere 

the louder is the sol on the OD

the fact the loud/soft click depends how the relay has been wired if its live all the time and the od on /off is after then it will be clicking when 3rd/4th is engaged , the louder click from when you call for OD 

this is not normal the od switch call should control  the relay the relay controls the main od solenoid ..... if you get my drift 

mademoiselle pierre

have you not read Paula's posts  ?????????  thats a good start  

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4 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

yep  the 5th of November 

Ah yes.

"Remember remember the 5th of November

Gunpowder treason and plot

I see no reason why Peter of Lewis

Cannot be called Mademoiselle on a Thursday, if that's the way he wants it..."

Doesn't quite scan, for some reason... :)


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That sounds perfectly normal to me when you move the lever right with od switch on the solenoid engages with a fairly load snap when you move the lever to the left it will disengage which is much quieter. There are 2 switches for the od the column or gear lever switch and an inhibitor switch so that it only operates in 3rd and 4th, so if the overdrive witch is on moving the lever will activate the inhibitor switch which when both are on activates the solenoid

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Ok. Thanks lads. I may look at rewiring as per Pete's options and only make the solenoid live when the column switch is activated.

It threw me when it activated and the column switch was off!

Carpets and tunnel off again to trace the PO's wiring :)


P.S. which line should I put a fuse in and of what rating?

Edited by Jeffds1360
Extra querie
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8 minutes ago, DanMi said:

I thought the OP had fixed the switch as clearly it shouldn't activate when the od switch is off

You might want to include a warning light to show when the od is engaged , I’ve done this on my Vitesse 


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EDITED... twice

I'm pretty sure it was the column switch. All seems well now. Tunnel still off while I trace all the red wires that he installed.

Looks like live (from coil) goes to 86 (WRONG see below), 85 goes to column switch and on to the isolating switch on 3rd, 4th(2nd WRONG! it switches to earth! the 3rd,4th isolater switch is wired into? somewhere in dash which must prive an ignition live.) and back to 30.(WRONG! see below) Solenoid wired to 87. Relay has a plug in 15a fuse. Never seen that before.

It works when static. Loud clunk from solenoid and light click from relay. Test run tomorrow if it stays dry. Thanks lads.

******... I got that wiring wrong ..... swap 30 for 86

I was upside down on my head. Coil live feed to 30 and 85 looped to 86 via both switches as it should be :)

Wish I knew how to 'put a line through text!, ? Found the wiring diagram in my old  1964 WSM under vitesse :)

Edited by Jeffds1360
wrong contacts :) and wrong link
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I've double checked the wiring and see that the low amp circuit goes to earth via the column switch, to the column itself.

Ignition switch live goes to relay 85 and all the way back from 86 via the gearbox switch to the column switch. This can all be thinner wire? (It's heavy duty at the moment)

WSM Diagrams show it earthed via the gearbox switch, with the sw coil live going to column switch. (Old 1966 book which includes Vitesse diagrams)

Not sure which is best. I'm looking to have the shortest high ampage circuit. Which route is recommended these days?

SW live off coil to relay and relay to solenoid need to be heavy duty wire I believe?

How is the heavier wire to the solenoid meant to be clipped in place?

Is that double Dutch or just swahili :)

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44 minutes ago, Jeffds1360 said:

SW live off coil to relay and relay to solenoid need to be heavy duty wire I believe?

I'm not sure I'd take the high current feed off the coil, as the coil supply may not be heavy duty wire.

The factory wiring for a Mk3 Spitfire with D-type O/D takes the relay contacts feed from "ignition switch terminal 1", which is the brown, unswitched wire. The winding is supplied by a white wire from "ignition switch terminal 2", then the ground side of the relay winding passes through the column switch to the inhibitor switch thence to ground.

The Vitesse 6 diagram does put the relay windings between the two switches but still takes the contacts supply from the ignition switch brown terminal. The coil connection is the top side of the column switch, which is the light duty circuit.

Given that the relay is mounted on the bulkhead, I've tended to feed the contacts from the starter solenoid, as that's a very solid battery positive terminal.

So the heavy cables are: Starter solenoid brown wire to relay pin 30, and relay pin 87 to O/D solenoid.
The light cables are: coil +ve to relay pin 86, relay pin 85 to column switch, and column switch to gearbox switch

Edited to swap relay coil numbers, as 85 seems to be "ground" normally, not that it matters at all.

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Now that's great and thanks. Sensible to use starter solenoid too.

The PO that wired this was **¥#

I've got 14 and 22 wiring to use, I dont trust what is on after that short to earth. I'll look at swapping the light/heavy feeds but it is column switch to earth not through inhibitor so I'll have to do myself some diagrams and redesign it a bit :)

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11 hours ago, Jeffds1360 said:

but it is column switch to earth not through inhibitor

It doesn't matter much what order the two switches and the relay coil are in, as long as they're all in series. The factory took the gearbox inhibitor switch to earth because it reduces the number of wires fed to the gearbox sub-harness. If you adopt the Vitesse 6 method - feeding power to the column switch from the back of the ignition switch - then you also reduce the number of wires across the car behind the dash, but it's harder to put a fuse in the right place in the circuit.

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the Dtype takes a pull in current of approx 10amps for just a few seconds once the OD sol reaches the end od a short travel it clicks a switch in the end of the solenoid  to cut the pull in coil 10amp down to a hold in coil of approx 0'5  amp 

this  10A is why a decent initial feed and cable is substantial and from a decent source but its only for a blink of the eye 

if the pull in coil is energised all the time you can fry eggs on the sol. 

the switch is under the rubber boot and unless a very old version is not really   repairable  

with any D type OD its worth linking a ammeter in the circuit just to see all is well as a test .


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Right .... it seems that the only things I need to change are the live feed from the coil to 30 (w2 on old diagram) to a feed from the starter solenoid and I can reduce the wire size down on the 85 (c1) to column switch.

You will note my 85/86 are 'reversed' but that is not a problem, I'm trying to reduce the length of wiring and 'heavy cable'  :)

Or.... should I totally rewire and ground the solenoid and 'liven up' the column switch?

why is nothing simple :)

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