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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. Even looks nice in an 'Erald. Matador red seats going on top.
  2. Looks like my old Regimental Mess Uniform. From the Regimental Asylum.
  3. Excellent - I'm well impressed. Let us know how it lasts, but at present that's a professional looking finish.
  4. Buy a really cheap pair, try to pick up a nut, and they'll do the rest.
  5. Put them back in the engine, the oil will soon stop them rusting...
  6. Just because it isn't there doesn't mean you can't be aware of it. You're being unconsciously anti-stay and need retraining.
  7. The Freelander has two hydraulic struts on the bonnet, no stay rod. It goes up, it stays up. Tr7 was the same in the boot; two hydraulic struts which were great until they failed, then like me you had to carry a brush shaft to prop it up. Plus - how many people ever use the Herald bonnet stay, or know why it has two possible positions?
  8. Before I got the lift installed I was lying under the GT6 working on the rear axle when the cat very unexpectedly climbed on top of me; I doubled up in surprise and banged my head off the diff. Thankfully there was no diff drain plug or I'd have a square scar on my forehead to this day... we don't get snakes here but there are some enormous spiders!
  9. Knebworth Classic Show 2013 - it hasn't been looked after very well, since...
  10. I like the bit written on the Mini... "Is there a problem Officer?" But: Blimey!! That Bond has gone downhill since I saw it last...
  11. Did the boot hinges arrive yet? Other Herald stuff I sent to Malta arrived safely, but if those haven't turned up I'll have to trace them - but the local PO says wait until after Christmas as they can't cope at present.
  12. No idea!! I found that pic on the Net as it had the shiniest top of any. Any I've tried, like you, dried to a dull silver finish. The best I've seen, for any kind of metallic finish, was Cold Galvanising spray paint, which at least dried to a brighter silver.
  13. Mine was the same when I bought my GT6 Mk1, a rectangular pick up pipe, the engine was 2000 saloon MB-prefix and the original long gone but it could have come from either. I bought a new pump with the strainer assembly. If it worries you - don't; you can always buy a replacement to 'puck' yourself up...
  14. Was thinking that myself, wondering what state the shaft is in...
  15. No, that's correct and the gap at the top is taken up with a rubber spring pad. Interesting that the top leaves have buttons in between (you can see the dimples on the ends of the leaves), my last Herald renovation only has them on the bottom four leaves.
  16. What I do is to spread an old quilt over the engine, that the bonnet will rest on but not suffer any damage. Set the bonnet on it so that it rests on the bulkhead rubber strip, move it about as required - the quilt will settle under it as it presses down, so that you can adjust forwards / backwards and up / down - then once the gaps are good bolt on / up the tube brackets. It's handy for one-man operation.
  17. Was wondering how he had a 158 degree thermostat, or needed one... but he lists in F not C.... (which is 70)
  18. Definitely not Valencia Blue. The GT6 is Valencia and although the Herald looks black it's actually Royal Blue from 1969, although I've seen it photographed as a lighter blue depending on the camera angle and lighting.
  19. +1 for the Herald Estate. Sell the others and use the money to keep the Herald safe.
  20. The problem there is when the nut remains stubbornly stuck, the wrench rotates and your arms end up looking like corkscrews. (Ok it was an electric drill that suddenly jammed but the experience was the same)
  21. This was mine back in the day, and it was due to the rocker being incorrectly aligned with the pushrod. However this one broke almost immediately on startup - how far did you get on yours?
  22. And where has she left hers? In the Mini?
  23. The Tr7 uses a plastic breather valve that sits up like a little chimney, and screws into a threaded aperture on top of the diff, but the original split-pin system should be fine as long as it's clean and free to move about.
  24. Cancel my last, if you've that many you have enough spares. Engines are like buses, you never see one for ages and then...
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