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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. The fact they can bounce about like peas in a collander in the event. Is`nt relevent. Mind, I sat in the front seat of pop`s old Hillman, Suicide doors and all no one thought of restraint. Lap belts in racing cars?. (or not?). I think? Moss drove the Mille Milga without?. I`ve seen a photo of Jenks in the front without?. Pete
  2. A lot of these "rules" tend to be impirical, The example I quoted was for large openings in Pressure tanks. In the case of a 10mm bolt the "compensation" would (sensibly) be a minimum of a decent size washer to the rear. Spreading the load across a large(r) area is always a sensible option. If I recall correctly, for example, The "compensation" for the Belt fastening as fitted to the the rear wheel arch of a Herald/Vitesse is of the order of around 3 to4 inch diameter? welded to the outer (wheel) part of the arch?. Pete
  3. In the "early days" of seat belts, there was an awful lot of relience on "1/2doz Self tap screws". John is correct in that backing on the location is esential. Reinforcement should be at least twice the "lost" material (hole) and in my veiw far more. (A "rule of thumb" used for compensating rings on the shells of Pressure vessels, is 2x the removed material), and would be as point as any to start from Pete
  4. While I would concur, that Seat Belts would be beneficial, (I even have one for my dog!, in the 13/60). One has to extremely careful HOW they are fitted, to vehicles that where never designed with belt use in mind. Just screwing them to the floor, as was the case with very early Herald`s, would be providing a false security In my View. Also, providing suitable mounts for ISO child seat fixings would be extremely problematic?. I would suggest that even getting a Garage, to agree to actually fit belts, might raise H&SE/liability concerns they may not wish to become involved with in todays "litigate at the drop of a hat society"?. Pete
  5. Learned that lesson long ago. And have the scars to prove it! Wore right through my leathers, and spent several hours having gravel plucked from my arse, the young nurse was quite nice though!. Strangely too I believe that learning to fall properly came from doing ju-jitsu as an 8yr old, father was a 4th Dan black belt. Wanted me to be able to defend myself. I much prefered swimming though. Long story about 4 guys who walked away from a car wreck. No seat belts back then. All heavily intoxicated. The worst injury being next day’s hangover. Pete
  6. There are virtually no aspects of “life” where this commodity does not exist. It is the very reason for the existence of that other commodity The Public Servant. From our over managed health service to the dizzy heights of national governance. Indeed it is the very essence of the existence in many quarters. It feeds on a diet of taxation in all forms to be dispersed according to arcane rules fixed by an equally inept management system called a Parliament. Or in some cases just a single operative. I am surprisingly happy at the thought that at my age I do no longer have to care enough to worry about it. I saw a tee shirt a while back. On which was emblazoned Take care what you say, at my age, life in prison holds very little deterrent, or words to that effect. 3 full squares a day, and priority medical care might just suit?. Access to t-v, library maybe a gym. There are folk in some care homes paying thousands a week for similar?😂 Pete
  7. PeteH

    Synthetic Fuels

    Of course the obvious answer is not to have an E-V and to go to the garage and stick 60litre of Diesel in? 5 min in and out. But I guess that`s far too simple🙄 Pete
  8. Looking at it, I think you may have to raise the front of the Bonnet to get clearance. On a 13/60, I spent weeks "tweeking" the gaps even now they aren`t perfect. Pete.
  9. PeteH

    Synthetic Fuels

    On the subject of Home power generation, Last year, (my first FULL year of operation.) I made a total of aproximately 50 to 60% of my annual consumption, from 6.8Kw of panels, Primarily West facing with 30% facing South. The biggest asset was the installation of the 5Kw battery pack, which about 80% of the time manages my overnight consumption. Obviously we only export at Max during the Mid year. But I have sold in excess of 4Mw/hrs to the Grid in that period. All round, bearing in mind that at our age, we will never entirely recoup our investment. I am more than happy with the return on the system, which is financially greater than it would have "earned" as saving`s. As for E-V`s, in principle as transport for the individual, especially those of us who live rurally, they get my thumb`s up, however the infrastucture to support the change does not exist, and will not exist for many years yet. Even IF you have the means to charge at home, there is not the scale of recharge points needed, and the reports of those not working in some cases 2 out of 3. Further underpins the (infra)structural need. Pete
  10. For some strange reason, falling off a motorcycle when Pi**ed, hurts less than when sober?. 😭 Pete
  11. 1960`s Car` = 1960`s Risk`s?. Rode, motorcycle`s without helmets prior to them being made compulsory. Vehicle`s without seat belts?. Wearn`t Belts for whimps?😁. How did we all survive?. Pete
  12. PeteH

    Synthetic Fuels

    I cannot speak for anyone else. But after more than 60years of driving, everything from tracked vehicles to rally cars. I find it insulting that some car manufacturer’s apprentice thinks they know what I want? If I wish the car to shut down whilst waiting in a queue. Then I will push the stop button. Not some bunch of electronics which think they know best. I like my technology but I draw the line at it controlling me. Similarly I have driven vehicle in some parts of the world that have no conception of what a white line actually is where even the road itself is more a figment of the imagination. Where spraying tar onto graded hardened earth in designated a highway. Anyone who watched the Top Gear episode in Vietnam/Cambodia, will get the idea. Pete
  13. How close dimensionally to the convertible? Pete
  14. I used to frequent a well known US R-V owner site. One of the “sticky” posts had just one line, in capitals. It read “ There is no such thing as a stupid question”. When you consider we all need to learn, that is only good manners. (Sadly something that modern discourse would seem to lack altogether).? Pete
  15. PeteH

    Synthetic Fuels

    Of course part the reason that E-V "fuel" costs are lower is the Fuel taxation regeim. 60%(ish) of a Litre of Petrol/Diesel is TAX. Electricity is only 5%VAT in the UK and I understand not even taxed in some countries?. In terms of Lifetime costs, one must also factor in the cost of the raw materials/rare metals/plastics, used in E-V production. It`s a can of worms that many advocates of the E-V fail to address. "Cheap/Free" electricity still carries a price....................Somewhere. On a Different Note, SWMBO has the Latest incarnation of the Quashqai, what is described as a "mild hybrid", still a 1200cc petrol but somewhere hidden is a Battery, which "assists"?, The most noticable thing about it is the accelleration, can quite catch you out at times, but OK for showing the local "boy/girl racers" a clean rear end. The downside (for me) is the dammed stop/start thing. Been online trying to find a way of permanently offing it!, without breaking the warranty. Mind if the "Welsh experiment" (20mph) catches on nobody will be going anywhere.........fast. Already complaints from delivery drivers as to the extra time it takes to make urban deliveries, and the extra fuel consumption, and by definition added pollution from running I-C`s below optimum efficency. Pete
  16. PeteH

    Synthetic Fuels

    Get it fitted with a “flux capacitor” and you could go back to the 1950’s and fill?. Pete
  17. Enjoy, I think East Yorks, is just a tad too far for a Sunday out, we have a local gathering, if I get the passenger seat belt sorted we may just venture the few miles, the weather in your neck of the woods is predicted to be quite balmy, unlike up here where we are predicted have cloud coming and going☹️, Photo`s expected👍. Brooklands has quite a lot of "history", Back when I used to do examinations there for the BAC factory. There where 2 huge Bomb casings outside what had been Barnes Wallis` Office, "Tallboy" and "Grand Slam". His office was as he left it when he finished there. Got shown round by the site Engineer sometime in the early 80`s. Don`t get me started on the modern "mental elf". I always think of the guys saw action in WW2, they just "got on with it". Mind I suspect an awful lot drank more than was good the pubs where always full come 5-6pm. My take is that the country has had it`s resiliance bred out of it. If we started moaning, we where more likely to get chucked out onto the Football or Rugby field to work it off, than given counciling. Have a Good weekend!. Pete
  18. I had to type, often lengthy, reports on Pressure Vessel Examinations on a portable one, some of the "clients" required up to 5 copies, the effort needed to produce a legible bottom copy demanded very hard pressure on the keys. I was very grateful for my first P-C. which allowed me to print multiple copies, even if it was all set up in DOS, with less memory than my watch, and used 5" floppy disk`s for storage, before the advent of the Windows GUI. always wanted a MAC back then, but they where over twice the price up front. I still had that typewriter after I retired, no one asked for it, and to be fair I`d forgotton i still had it until we moved into the self-build and unpacked all the stuff from 3 years of storage. I think it went to a charity shop?. Pete
  19. I recently Bought a "one man" vaccuum bleeding kit. so far so good. 2 cars and the motorhome, full brake fluid change, and nice firm brakes. 👍 and no spills. Pete
  20. Mechanical Typewriters? Portable. No wonder I got RSI. Pete
  21. Would MX5 seats be a better fit for a Spitfire?. I have them in the 13/60 with no issues. Pete
  22. I have a battery portable one which if I place it wrongly triggers the welding mask!. Pete
  23. As aprentices we where told never to re-use spring washers, having once put under compression they never act properly again. The Maintenance shop had a huge bucket of them under a bench. The same with locking nuts, once removed they where never reused, at least on the job. Some found there way onto other (govy) jobs but not the plant machinery. Pete
  24. In some ways like the First Ford Capri. Th rear seats in those where only any good for a couple of small children, but that was the market it was aimed at, i.e: the 2.2 family. Who wanted a "sporty" car but needed 4 seats. Back then, no belts or child seats anyway. Pete
  25. I don`t know if this may be relavent?, But did I not read somewhere that the Rotoflex and Non Rotoflex cables are diferent?.
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