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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. An Excalibur previously owned by Roy Orbison. Made over 25grand I think?. Pete
  2. Went looking for some pic`s I took, when I worked on Mine (Swing Spring). But Colin beat us to it. So settled for a Piccy of the end result Pete
  3. Pete, can you remember what they called that Black "gunge", we got in the 60`s?. "fixed" many a leaky seal?. Filthy stuff, get it on your hands and it took ages with parraffin or similar to shift.? Pete
  4. There was a similar one locally a few years back. Fitter crushed when a car came off the stands. Old trick but worth using, IF you have wheels off, put them under the car, cills or chassis rails. Worst case they will mittigate any crittical damage. Pete
  5. There are, or where, a couple of companies who would refurbish your old springs re tempered and rebuilt. One was in the Doncaster area and had good reports. Old fashioned “forgemasters” who knew their business. Pete
  6. It would, Just short of 1/2 ton, Did the springs survive?😁 I broke the back of a Home made Trailer doing similar things during a House build, and had to reconstuct it!. Pete
  7. There was an even more simple answer, often used back in the day?. Icwt of bagged sand in the boot. Worked in SWMBO`s Vittesse, on the daily, "traffic light grand prix/commute" to work.😁 She was noted for her "lead foot" back then. Even surprised the odd "young buck", when the "Old Girl" beat him off the line, and was into the car park before him😉 1 Cwt?. For those brought up in Metric think 50Kg. Pete
  8. Ahem!!. Back in the day that would have been a "guvey job" for the night shift.😁. Robert Blackburn, (Blackburn Aircraft), was alleged to have reckoned the 5pm Exit, was costing him £5000, (at 1950`s prices) in the "stuff" that got smuggled out!. "one piece at a time" Johny Cash????. Pete
  9. Back in the 60`s. We had some NLA (prewar) production machine shafts, in a Factory, with similar scoring, they where sent out to be metal sprayed and reground?. They where refitted, and when I left some months later they where still operational?. Is it worth looking into?. Pete
  10. Mc D’s. Bragg they recycle their frying oil into the lorry fuel. That would be fun following the smell of burgers…….. Pete
  11. If, said switch exists?. Just decoupling one terminal should be enough?. As for warranty? Who would know?. pete
  12. The “trick” according to one of the tech boys. Is the fact that allegedly there is a bonnet switch which allows the tec guys/gals to run the engine during servicing. You are supposed to wire it permanently open?. Pete
  13. Reminds me of Honda bikes, cheap to buy back in the day, and generally more reliable, but a new say? Exhaust was an arm and both legs. pete
  14. The first thing I switched out. The Nissan comes with a bloody alarm as well. I’ve been forbidden to permanently disable the auto stop start though by herself. Pete
  15. It`s been like that forever. Pre-war? Jerry Built. Post war? Jap Crap. More recently Taiwan and Now China, are getting brunt of it. The real issue, is likely the sourcing of material. Eg; back a few years, well 20 or more now. it was the Russian Steel. Alleged High scrap content. The Jap; steel suffered the same. Which was allegedly the reason why early Imports of Toyota`s for example, rotted out in just a few years. We had had Fiats, and other Italian Cars. What everyone "Forgot" was the British cars rotted just as quick. The rubber composition in tyres, can be (are?) "tweeked" for the target sales area. "grey imports" can be therefore "wrong" for Europe, if fabricated for (say) South America. Sadly underlying it all will be the "bottom Line". Pete
  16. When I stripped mine out, 13/60, I found a variety of mixed Rubber and Alloy mountings. No consistancy anywhere. I made the assumption that the body having not as far as I know been off before, going by the butchery commited in the name of repair on the underside, said Packing was actually ex Factory?. Pete
  17. "steering like a boat". Exactly how the Vauxhaul Cresta, featured in last weeks Bangers and Cash was described, That and wrecking your knee as you got in!. Same with the Old Mk1 Victors too. Aquaplane did a tripple carb conversion and full head rework, for the Zodiac and Zepher. School pal who was an RAF J-Tech. Had the convertible, power hood, tripple carbs, the whole business. I used to get to "mind it" for him when he did a stint abroad, Great "pulling" macihine!!. Pete
  18. It is rare, that just altering one parameter, makes a decided difference, it is all but certain that it will alter the overall balance of the Engine at some point. "Tuning" per-se, only really works IF the Whole engine is looked at. "We" tried enhancing the performance of Ford Crossflow engines back in the day. In the end we came to the conclusion the the easiest/cheapest option was to use the Pinto Engines, in virtual bog standard form. Pete
  19. PeteH

    Found in the sump.

    "fly by wire". Nearly dumped an Aircraft on a Crowd at Farnborough Air Show one year. Frightening to watch, It` might be on U-Tube?. Pete
  20. Assuming your Engine is standard, the Makers System will likely be the most efficient?. I know folk do fit aftermarket items, we all do somewhere, But manifolding and fueling will have been reasonably well calculated by the designers. IMHO. Pete
  21. That kit has gone to £22 now. plus £4.95 Postage. This is on E-Bay at £30.98 delivered?. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/403899872756?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D242766%26meid%3D5796bb607c934341adae5392566b876d%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D394304848642%26itm%3D403899872756%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv11WebTrimmedV3MskuAspectsV202110NoVariantSeedKnnRecallV1%26brand%3DUnbranded&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A4038998727565796bb607c934341adae5392566b876d|enc%3AAQAHAAABIMFr2e4EmAnM%2ByHZkULYKDIJ4L66fOjNL0iupgt%2BzO1%2F3AE1t3mNirUYB96NktMCicMagiS6mbeTl0xquGODv9mISvTsKZ3eFCukOgpIoeyLCH2ATCRtfM7cfsDmS9ZdBdZnTjX49cvE6bl6I5DhW%2Bz0ZJC4Q8046iTQ4QiZWXtY5ootLn5wTme7rtOoNyWWstr%2B%2F5IolloaxT9OTMDxijugq5U2k%2F7zOI0r8K2GRO4iC1jEbhm1yE0QOL91EbbFQ3Z9dcJH50e4R6ckh3Hqr6zziAKmUt2TZKHj5r8owMwFfZUQi%2BDAilYPYi%2BMi%2FqxWum%2Bq76PCREuJqkcGuu%2BcoHcs6YIsI%2FUn1nMpnCeLLaCWRC0XvdyBreXSHOxuKaSPg%3D%3D|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2047675 Pete.
  22. Nice. Whats the "mill" in the white one?. Is the Convertible a Galaxy? Pete
  23. That IMHO, is largely because your average workshop no longer has tradesman Turners. A company I am familiar with, the owner served his apprenticeship with me, has had a request out for over 6 months for a Turner, No takers, the guy who retired creating the vacancy, still goes back to do the odd job that no one else can cope with, he`s now into his 70`s. Pete
  24. Replacing the Brake fluid circa every 2 years or so is not a bad idea, on any vehicle. Recomended by most manufacturers. I had a very "brown trouser" 5min on a hill on the old A18 some years back, I only stopped when I got into the village and jambed the tyres in the kerb of a bus stop. Brake fluid Boiled. That was a lesson learned. We had not long been back from Europe and over the Pyrenees in it.! Pete
  25. One of life`s lessons. I learned the trick to file brake shoe leading edges, trying to get Triumph TLS front brakes not to "grab" and throw you off, on greasy roads, on a 1950`s Tiger T100 Motorcycle. Pete
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