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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Has potential, the boot for starters is better than mine was!!. The driver footwell was virtually non existant!. Get it running and go from there.πŸ‘ Pete
  2. I agree, When loaded the Herald would be below the top of the Truck, which would be Ok for Tween Deck Stowage, "we" carried a lot of vehicles in that fashion to Port`s in the Persian Gulf, back in the 60`s and 70`s. Often the space on the Truck body would have A KDC kit instead of an assembled car. So long as the combined weight was below the SWL of the ships "gear" they could be landed overside onto barges for transport ashore, many if not most Gulf Ports did not have deep draft Warf`s. Dubai, in the 60`s was just a Creek, and we anchored off to discharge. A "Run Ashore" involved a "bum" boat, usually some elderly wooden craft with a Gardner or similar panting lethargecally away!. Happy days!!. Pete
  3. Pretyy Much tells you Here :- https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-registration/old-vehicles Pete
  4. I`ve so far "got away" with using these. They are actually Wire/Cable cutters. But more than wide enough?. Pete
  5. I have one, runs off the Air compressor. So far I have bled out 3 or 4 Vehicles, including a Mercedes Sprinter. Complete changes each time and no issues with drawing air, but tight to get onto the "nipple". Pete
  6. I have yet to experience this. I replaced mine by turning it over until the filler was on the bottom, and gravity did the job!. (it was off the car at the time). I got one of Lidle`s 12V pumps when they had them. I use it for oil changes via the dip tube. on my (relative) "modern", easier than grovelling underneath on the driveway. Pumps allsorts of "stuff" including 30+ litres of diesel from the Campervan I part exchanged. Pete
  7. Taken from the Parts Manual this 13/60 Exhaust looks as if it mounts higher than shown in Colins Photo`s, as the bracket is shown at 90deg to the pipe and not vertical?. Mine is stored under the roof, and is I think a full aftermarket Stainless one. so may have some difference? Pete
  8. I assumed this was the right way round?. with a crush tube inside the carrier?. Pete
  9. They look like two different ones?. From different cars?. The one on the left looks the same as the one on My 13/60?. Pete.
  10. The Bonnet gaps are not hard to open up, getting the lines to flow front to rear without big gaps to the cill was not easy though. Pete
  11. One of the "old fashioned" methods with Gaskets was to smear a mixture of Oil and Graphite on both sides. Ocasionally the old "tricks" work?. It was mainly used on steam, but I had no problem getting water to seal too. Pete
  12. Can I just make the observation, that M&S (mud and snow) tyres often have stiffer sidewalls or a different carcase construction. They are "favourite" with motorhome users who habitually take their campers in winter (Ski-ing) "en continent". Some UE countries have them as a "winter essential". That might reflect upon the handling too?. Just a thought? Pete
  13. We used to store rubber seals in Powdered White Chalk, in a 40 gallon drum kept in the Popellor shaft tunnel (coolest place in the ships machinery spaces) Some of the sealing "O" rings where up to 30" dia, and cost the 1960`s equivalent of the "Arm and Leg". Looking at that E-Bay add. Kryptonite is cheaper!. Pete
  14. After weeks of "adjusting", the gaps and lines are looking a bit more even. But the chance of getting them much closer is not very encouraging. Pete
  15. With Mechanical Face seals?, Even traces of dirt during assembly can lead to failure, some require "startup" lubrication, Storage, especially long term can also shorten the operational life. My first experience of them came with a new build ship which had them on the sea water cooling pumps, the Spare seal was supplied in a sealed Can!. Fitting them needs almost "clean room" conditions, we where "advised" to run the pump weekly at least, the regeim was to change over pumps as a weekly routine when in use. Pete
  16. Looking at the Parts drawing (Canley). Am I right in saying the seal is a Face seal?. Not a lip seal?. Pete
  17. I beleive that some disscusion is current with regard to using Lumens. Instead of wattage?. I think as a rule of thumb a ratio of about 10:1 seems to be the measure in watts?.
  18. Take a large Insurance out on his life and grease the stairs at his care home?.😁 Pete
  19. Bloke`s don`t moan. We only make reasoned and objective observations.πŸ‘ Pete😁
  20. My Runabout is Black, That needs careful handling in to-days society. Noir?. Even more care in Spanish - Negro?. Do I get it re-sprayed perhaps? would a Red one be more politically Correct? Would a pink one earn kudo`s with the alternative society?. 😁 Matron, Screens, he`s off again. Pete
  21. I have a crack/defect where the front of the Quarterlight Fits. Driver door, Herald 13/60 C-V. My suspicion is it to be from P-O`s using the quarterlight to open/close doors or even as a lever/handle for entry /exit?. It had been brazed, not welded too. Pete
  22. A whole new variation of being "square wheeled"?.---------( for the unitiated, stopped in C-B Jargon) Pete
  23. In the late 1940`s Grandad still had the chickens he had kept all through the "hostilities". With the increasing availablity of egg comercially. He, I guess, took the decision to repurpose the land the chickens run was on. So the family had a lot of chicken over a short period of time, we got used to seeing the headless birds running about. In the mid 50`s, I went duck shooting, with an "uncle" (pal of dad`s) on the Humber Bank, 13years old with a 12 bore. The "snowflakes" would have a fit to-day!. Rabbit`s and other Game, where often Hung headless outside butchers. Full carcases hung on rails in the shop too. Are we any better off?. Asked the question, where does meat come from. Most kids say Tesco.πŸ˜‚ Pete
  24. This would imply that vehicles before 1st April 1986 are not going to fail the MOT, providing the test parameters are complied with?. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/special-notice-01-21-headlamp-conversions/mot-special-notice-01-21-headlamp-conversions Pete
  25. Am I correct, in saying a recent change of law/ruling? will now allow the use of LED`s for "classic" headlight units?. Or am I confusing that with something else?. Pete
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