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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. He admits he (personally) is not up for it. And reading between the lines, I suspect age may be a factor. I had a cracking BMW 100RS which I enjoyed riding. but eventually it caught up with me and the last year was 40 miles between MOT`s. It had got too much for me.☹️. If you don"t have the skills it can be an expensive exercise in the hands of the "trade". A worthwhile gamble for an enthusiast with skills. Pete
  2. You cannot use that yardstick to-day, Some of the British derriere`s one witnesses on our streets, rival those seen in the USA. But I do admit, the only time I have seen "super wide" wheelchairs was in Houston!. "Fat City USA" Allegedly😉. Pete
  3. I have a search running, primarily for parts I am needing. This came into my Inbox about an hour ago. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185579237652?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l3160&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=da418f3334f24b0c9a17389284cd2aab&bu=43056976069&ut=RU&exe=102358&ext=240835&osub=-1~1&crd=20220915032932&segname=11021 Be interesting to see where it goes. It sounds as if it (could) need the engine pulled as a minimum?. Pete
  4. Well, at least it`s "All Quiet on the Western Front"?. Pete
  5. The other intersting feature of that Photo. is the run of the Rear brake pipework?. which is shown in front of the rear axle and not behind as my 13/60 is?. Is that a Ausie Build. OR KDC?. Pete
  6. Back to the Karma Sutra Again?. Pete
  7. Front to rear, would not appear to be crtical, except that with the majority people Right Handed, Fitting the bolt with the left hand and fastening the nut with the right hand, would be "natural". However fitting bolts from above and "Nutting" Below, has a purpose, should the nut be lost, the bolt remains in place and is not lost as well. In many cases that would prevent an immediate danger. Loss of full control for example. Pete
  8. Covid, did not do many small business` any favours, trading into a loss is business suicide. Pull the plug, cut your losses, pay debt, and move on, I know of at least 3 small, and not so small garages that have gone under purely as result of the drag on length of the pandemic. Most of the "survivors" went "online" early, where at all possible. There are a LOT of websites that are months out of date, some are business that no longer exist!. Pete
  9. I fell foul of that, we had Spanish Tiles in our shower, "someone" used the steam cleaner on them and especially the grout, end result was the glaze lifted, equals a new shower, or in this case a full wet room (£££££££££`s😭😂). Now relegated to a shelf in the shed, must look at it for cleaning the engine though?. Pete
  10. There apears to be no logic in it. But the thinking could be along the lines, is that it reduces the possibilty of being reversed If removed, "spring" steel has a tendency to like it`s set position(s) and with age, will protest to the point of breakage if made to conform to a new setting. Pete
  11. PeteH

    Rough Idle

    A worn fan belt can give similar issues?. V/wedge Belts are designed to drive on the sides of the belt Not the base of the pulley. Worth a check?. Pete
  12. While you have the core plugs out, great oportunity to give the Block passages a good flush out too. Ref; your brackets Under Head nuts. Is there room to get a Half nut on the top, once torqued down?. Rather than put them under the head Nuts?. This type of bracket is generally just M-S and easy to fabricate a slightly longer version?. Pete
  13. At around £30 a pop?. As we are prone to say up here " how ********* much".😭 Pete
  14. I have tried many different "Brands" of Double side tape, despite clinical cleaning they all seen to fail in relatively shrt order. Anyone found one yet that will adhear to modern Plastics, which is another issue. Pete
  15. 😁 Aparently the true King of England, is an Australian with a direct line from The Yorkist, Richard the Third.😁 Pete
  16. At 42/46Lb/Ft, released one at a time, and imediately re-torqued, you should be OK. The down side would be that If not, its going to be a "head job" anyway, and probably once you have got it all back up and running. I vaguely remember "getting away" with something similar on a Ford Engine, back "when". You could even consider, when replacing the refurbished brackets, backing the whole head off and re-torqeuing?. Pete
  17. I have only one personal memory of her Majesty, during the 50th jubilee, she visted Beverly, I was not present, but My wife took our grandaughter, who was amazed when the Queen actually came over and spoke to her and several other children grouped together. It is a sad time for this country, and a sad time for her family. It is never easy to see ones`s parents go. even one of such an age. Bless You Ma`am, The country will miss you. An important Light has been turned out. On a lighter note. I knew about the "permission to shave/stop shaving. But did wonder if that had been dropped in recent times?. It was also a requirement of the RNVR, Just as well it was not a Merchant Navy rule though.!! Pete
  18. End of another Era, Most of my life in fact. RIP. Pete
  19. One reason for failed gaskets, can be the studs, A collection of crud rust etc; arround the base of the studs, enough to stop the gasket sitting properly, or the threads and nuts are binding, in odd cases, the studs can have been taken beyond their elastic limit in the past by overtorqueing, Both the former will "fool" the torque wrench into thinking it correct, when the torque is not actually correct. Good mechanics will be aware, but not all. The later is not always obvious, unless a stud breaks, and the only cure is a set of new studs. Investing in a decent torque wrench, is always a wise investment and then learning to use it correctly. "We" where brought up doing it. But many no longer do (can on "moderns"). Others may have different tecniques but in general. Getting 50 mile on the clock and retorqueing, and again at 500 or so miles, back the nut off a flat at least before pulling down again. The order is in most w-s manuals as is the correct torque figure. Pete
  20. I would`nt get too hung up with Ovality, At the sizes you are looking at, One thousanth inch would be perfectly acceptable. Unless you are looking at "blueprinting" the engine?, Yes Vernier calipers, are not perfect but for making checks at this level adequate. In fact in the right hands, ordinary calipers will tell you if there is any ovality, it`s about the "feel". My "gut" feeling, reading your Post, is that you will be OK with a new set of standard shells. If you have further concerns, Ask About, some, especially older retired fitter`s and turner`s often have their personal Micrometers, as have I, and may be quite willing to either lend or even do the checks themselves. In fact almost anyone who owns a Lathe?, Small workshops will often do it for a contribution to the tea fund. Pete
  21. There is always going to be an issue with carb`s. In that getting the right mixture across the range of demand is at best a compromise. Fuel consumption, assuming all else is well with the engine, relies largely on the atomising of the fuel, which unlike direct injection is under the control of induced swirl the finer the particles the better the flame propagation as the atomised fuel/gas ratio leading to a better burn and releases more energy. How many carburators is in my view largely academic?. Many look at the issue from a standpoint of "throw in more fuel, get more power". Which works, but the level of unburnt fuel in the exhaust gases is the measure of efficiency. Pete
  22. The Increasing inability to even E-Mail most of the Larger Corporations and Suppliers, Is becoming incredibly annoying. I don`t wish to sit staring at the screen waitng for some "bot" to reply, Just like I don`t want to sit listening to muzak. My current energy supplier (EDF) is the worst offender. They are Appalling, getting contact is impossible. I did it once by cancelling my direct debit and threatening refusal of payment until they spoke to me. At this point in time it may just happen again, if they (try to) hike my Direct debit at month end without speaking to me first! Pete
  23. Some times Aged rubber, gets porus, Enough Petrol weeps to cause a stink, with no real sign of a leak? Pete
  24. There was a big Campaign back in the 80`s over overfilling Diesel Tanks, Run by MAG, if I recall. Several cases of Motorcyclists having been killed after hitting a patch of Diesel. Pete
  25. There was heated exchanges over the "should the ports be polished". Two distinct schools of thought, 1) doing so improved air flow OR 2) the "as cast" surface created turbulance and improved mixing. Great fun.😁 Making the Carb Inlet to manifold match though was always thought benificial. And On Twin Cylinder bikes, with single carb, using a tapered Manifold insert did improve Balance. Pete
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