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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. The rear wheels dont look as if they are suffering "tuck under" Either!😂 Pete
  2. PeteH

    Car cover

    That was the issue some years back with a Caravan Cover. After a winters use, it took me ages to polish out the tiny scratches. After that I just waxed it and left it uncovered. Wash and wax and a fleecy cover, with the Car cover over it might be OK for short term use though?. OR, something like this if you have the space for it? https://www.machinemart.co.uk/p/clarke-cig81015-heavy-duty-instant-garage---da/ Pete
  3. Thank you, I was Scratching my Brain trying to think who. My Mrs "pumped gas" at their Beverly place in the 60`s, when I was trying to pass Exams for My Chief Engineers "ticket".👍 One of the very old fashioned, Swing over the footpath type Filling stations Right in the road. H&SE would have a fit to-day!. Pete
  4. WRH132J would have originally been registered in Hull circa 1971. But thoughout the series, it was a 1200 and a 13/60 at different times. The (then) Triumph Dealership Is now a clinic and part of the Hospital! Pete
  5. I think I fitted the arms, then connected the spring, I also think I had the spring "loose" and pulled that into place afterward with extension Studs?. But it`s over 3 years since now, and I did have a Bare chassis to work on.! Does Look like it?. Pete
  6. Those aftermarket one`s, have the ribbing, which (allegedly) mitigates against slippage. Reminds me of the mod`s we did back in the 60`s in order to make "heel and toe" driving in forest stages faster without fouling either brake or accelerator pedals, with several judiciously placed rows of weld run?. Pete
  7. There are still some "out there" who despite warning notices, take camper vans on the beaches.☹️ I have seen recently one up to mid height in water, posted on F-B, (I think). Pete
  8. PeteH

    Fuel sender

    Hopefully, that will be solution?. If Not. What type of fuel gauge is fitted. Some use a Bi-Metal strip, which is Current dependant to move the instrument needle?. And Voltage stabilised. (10V?) The current is controlled by the resistance of the potentiometer, varied by the float level in the Tank. If any outside influence changes the overall resistance then one or both of the Voltage or current would be affected and hence the instrument?. Pete
  9. Story the BIL used to tell, was the Army, (he did National Service) still had C-T fire Extinguishers in the 50`s in their vehicles. They where never full, as the squadies would trickle it out, to use for cleaning oil and stains off the uniforms. Pete
  10. Jowet, Made in Bradford. Local Hull company had a few small vans made on the same platform. If I recall? they where named the Bradford Van. Flat 2 Engine?. The Javelin and Jupiter had Flat 4`s. Pete
  11. Mk1, Zepher 6, complete with triple carb conversion,and (I assume) the obligatory "aquaplane" exhaust. replacing the single pipe.? Guy I went to school with, RAF Tech on Vulcans, had the convertible with that set-up. I got to "exercise" it for him whilst he was on his first tour of Gann in the Indian Ocean. Excelent tool for "pulling". Pete
  12. Blast from the past time, Mrs, got a part time job "pumping gas" back in the 60`s when some garages STILL served you. The customers (well some) used to give her the G-S stamp`s. I think we got quite a selection of "goodies" that way. As for B-P. I`m lucky if I can get below 140/70 on a good day, and thats on "two a day", My standing H/R can be as low as 52. Fortunately the Upper limit for DVLA is 170/99, which is just as well as I need my C1-E for the Camper. (Over 3.5T) Oh! and I second the oil pressure switch change, before any more expensive works. Pete
  13. "Our" Engines where designed before the advent of multigrade oils. When it was recomended to change the oil grade from Summer to Winter and vice versa. Dependant on temperature. For example, the Herald (1200) Engine had a (recomended) viscocity range from 10W to 30W. An Oil suitable for for your "modern" may not have the correct specification for an Older design. Pete
  14. All the pipe fitters in my era, where "instructed" in the art of making "grommets" from Hemp rope. these liberally coated with "boss" White, the main constituant of which was white lead. Where used to seal bolted Flanges. On anything from water, oil, to steam. Hemp and White where wound into the thread on screwed fittings. Most Factory Pipework was made up in said fashion. When PTFE first apeared it was wholly suspect, but decidedly quicker to use and did not contain lead. Initially, the Gas Trade would not use it, the belief was it was not Electrically conductive and inhibited "bonding". Pete
  15. Woman Thing, Sit in bath for hours, keep feeding it with hot water, surounded by tea light candle things, Book, glass of Wine etc;. All now redundant as the bath went, replaced by a wetroom. Far more practical?. But not quite as "popular".😁 Pete. P.s. just noticed the typo. No firefighters, just firelighters!!😁. My wife`s cousin, got the firefighters once. Daft B******r got her foot jambed behind the tap array trying the "turn tap on with foot" routine. Her husband, told me, and he and I all but wet ourselves laughing. He got the bill for the plumbing repair.😭 Pete
  16. Spent “tea lights” make fair firefighters . Don’t have so many now the Bath has been replaced by a wetroom Pete
  17. PeteH

    Fuel sender

    I am thinking, a poor earth return would introduce extra resistance into a circuit that measures resistance? Might that be your issue? Pete
  18. PTFE is the modern “go to” replacement for boss white and hemp. It’s really one of those if it works use it. One drawback being it does not work well on badly cut threads which tend to shred it. Not advised by Calor for LPG by the way?. It also does not last long when used on high temp (superheat) steam. Pete
  19. My understanding, being that the Engine was running satisfactory before removal. The car itself had quite major issues with the chassis/body. But a substantial catalogue of service records, and an "unleaded" head conversion when some other work was done too. There is only a question mark over one cylinder which is showing a marginally lower compression pressure than the other 3. The "plan" is to remove the sump for a clean and check though, as well as the head to see if the apparent issue is valves or rings. At this time, all I am doing really to to satisfy my curiosity viz the potential for "failed" thrust bearings. I am a big believer in "if it aint broke don`t fix it". Especially with the current state of "iffy" parts from some sources, even those who`s reputation in the past have been good. Pete
  20. I`m thinking perhaps another Austin/Morris/BL car of the same vintage?. Pete.
  21. If I get a bit of time over the weekend, I might pull the engine out of it`s hidey hole and see if I can discern any significant movement. If I recall, the Flywheel/clutch assemby are still attached, so any movement should be obvious?. I do have a DTI and magnetic base, so maybe I can assess the actual movement if only a few thou even ?. Pete
  22. Anyone ever surprised?. No one in civil service ever talks to anyone else, everything is "secret", even the number of biscuits consumed. That`s how the Manderins maintain control. Yes Minister/Prime Minister, was written by Peter Jay, who had insights into the "workings" (or not) of Whitehall. and the civil service in general. Pete
  23. Not only are they a not infrequent sight on US INTERSTATES they pass you at 70+ No 56mph limiters there. Pete
  24. One of my "Pet Hates". Much old software will not run on new O/S. I have perfectly good versions of software, some back to the 90`s. NOTHING wrong with it from a working point of view. But now incompatible with Windows 10 even. Never mind Windows 11. My wife, is perfectly comfortable with Windows 7, But, the latest Intel (i7) processors, DELL themselves admit to this, will not allow a dual boot, which is how we used to get round it. As for Security it`s my belief that unless you are the Government OR one of those who insist their lives MUST be on a computer/tablet/phone whatever, Good, working, regularly updated cyber security software, is all needed. I suspect most of these "upgragdes" are merely there to keep the "techies" in work. They do not understand the concept of "if it works DON`T fix it". We are currently having a lot to do with the NHS, who`s systems have got so fractured that one department cannot access information on the other. We know this How?. My wife is currently having Chemotherapy, and recently had a stroke, the stroke unit could not access even the medication being given, without ringing the Oncology department!. This added to the delay, the nurses spend more time tippy tapping on laptops and pads, than dealing with patients. In my opinion, this is typical of modern business too. Stock control, only as good as the person entering data, Want something online? They somehow need your inside leg measurement in oder to supply a 9/16AF bolt?. Comon guys and gals, get real. And I do not trust the so called "cloud". To my mind tantamount to putting your cash in a safe and handing the key to someone else. Stored on a computer/server Where?. Well Iceland is one place (not the Frozen food outlet, but the Country). although maybe that might be safer? (frozen assets😁) How can that be secure?. Rant over, and I feel a lot better, More coffee I think, it`s still only 6-30am!!. Pete Pete
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