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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Does anyone use the "flash" anymore?. I`ve got the feeling that, like indicators on BMW`s,😁 they are redundant?. Pete
  2. My 12V Aldi, Fuel transfer pump with a Small dia suction pipe worked quite well, But I had no body tubs on the chassis at the time. As For "best" shirts, I still have the Frilly one, Goes with the D-J, for "gentlemens smoking nights", or Institute Dinners. All sadly sat in the wardrobe for many years now!. The rest would be Jeans, and T shirts/Various. Formal Dinner Dances, could be very expensive, SWMBO never wore the same Dress Twice!!. And "frocks" are not cheap!.😭 Pete
  3. I`ve looked at doing this on a Herald, It certainly looks "do-able", Although the stalk may need "modifying" (bending) to sit in the correct position relative to the wheel?. Mine would be slightly more complictated, as it`s been modified to Elecric Power Steering, Essential with two dodgy elbows and some RSI. Pete
  4. I like raisins in my scones, but then I also like treacle on Yorkshire pudding!. We don’t have blackberry only Bramble. Pete p.s. Today is———. Yorkshire Day.
  5. I suspect it depends on the Operative?. I took a paint kit back to a Branch in Hull, it was several shades away from the quoted colour. The youngster on the counter just scanned it and refunded it back to the credit card, I had the receipt but he never looked at it. Pete
  6. I`ve already had the engine (solo) hung on the 9x2" Beam in the garage. I put in to suport the "Crap" stored up there. (most is being stored for Grandkids) the rest is Herald I have a couple of "Acrows" which I can put in as a precaution, probably not needed but?. Time will tell if it works!. Not planning to lift too many engines. So the cost of a Crane is not justified. (Machine Mart £379) Best "offer" on E-Bay £190 currently. The one @ £80 it in Devon would probably cost an arm and leg to freight!. Pete
  7. No Air operated Brake?. 😂. The not so funny is if they havent been regularly drained, or the auto drain is not functioning, and they won`t come off because they have frozen.😭 Pete
  8. I was making 20tonne/day fresh water from sea water in the 1960`s, using the engine cooling water exiting the main propusion and generation machinery and circulating a heat exchanger situated in a vaccuum vessel. No reason why it could not be scaled up using Power Station condensate in Plants close to the sea?. If your a Cruising Fan, all your washing and general fresh water is made the same way, there are even plants to treat it for bacteria and use for Drinking and cooking. Solar still`s are often used in hot enough climates too. There is no such thing as water shortage, just needs lateral thinking. Pete
  9. 13/60. Dodgy images as the engine is parked in a Dark Corner, but you can get the general idea. Currently a steel pipe with short hose connection, may well get re-made in copper with brass fittings, and I am tempted to take it behind the Thermostat housing too. Pete
  10. 😂😁. Love the "handbrake" bit. We used to take the button out on Rally cars. When your using it to induce the rear to step out it`s better off not being there. Parking was a Piece of wood wedged under the Handle. Pete.
  11. The landlord been watering the beer again?.☹️. The Advice I got from the manufacturer, when I had a problem starting a Generator, was NOT to store modern (E) fuel, but to use fresh fuel whenever possible. That advice appears to be viable as the issue is virtually non existant if I drain after use, or run the genny dry, and fill next time needed with recently purchased Fuel. I now do the same with the Chain Saw and Strimmer too. Pete
  12. Sadly. The downside of ageing and associated ill health, is an acceptance that decisions to attend virtually ANY social event has to be made "on the day". I lost a whole shed load of money, just before Covid, when Mrs Pete took a fall and we spent the whole of the Summer of 2019 travelling between hospitals, physiotherapy etc; and home. A Music Festival we had booked and paid for up front we could not attend, No refunds either, and no Festival 2020 because of Covid, Damn Bloody China!. I now will not even book camp sites except at last minute, Fortunately with the Motorhome, we can if required, hunker down behind some Pub or other for a night at least, having all our own facilities. Currently we are getting telephone "requests" to attend clinics at as little as 24hrs notice, dependant upon the results of blood tests mainly, whilst necessary, it is not exactly condusive to a regular life-style, or on some days even meal times!. No complaints here, just a statement of fact, and an apreciation of an NHS going the full 9 yards. Pete
  13. Thinking back to earlier post on Fuel Pumps, there is an aparent issue with non O/E replacements. Worth a search of the subject?. You may find it a better "bet" to look into a refurb of the existing one?. Kits are available online and alleged to be Ethenol friendly. Pete
  14. PeteH


    I note you refer to a "new" fuel pump?. It has been noted on the Forum before that there is a "quality" issue with non O/E replacements?. Also dirt, debris, Pete`s Slivers?, holding the valves open would have effect. Reminds me of My old Mini Van, 60`s Vintage, which would try to start, Cough, Fart and stop. The answer was to grovel under the van with a heavy object and persuade the old SU electric pump back to life!!. Pete
  15. Eh???. What??. 4hr sea watches, largely spent between 2 or 4 Large Marine Diesels and 4 Gen;sets. In the days before "Ear defenders" became even voluntary!. Hearing loss, and or the ability to filter out noise, (take your pick!). So. I go for a hearing test, the test results come back, loss of some frequencies had occured. Parting shot from the the Tech:? " The frequencies are those generally of Womens Voices" 👍. So, when SWMBO say`s "you don`t listen". I have the get out of jail free card!.😂. Downside, unlike my Pal, who was RAF. I don`t get the compensation package☹️. As for LED`s. The Campervan, has all LED`s, makes one heck of a difference to the battery drain. Pete
  16. The ones on the left where fitted to the 13/60 (1970 build) when the strip was removed for safe keeping during the strip out. So I would surmise that a P O had fabricated the alternatives?. TBF, I might even suggest they are a better alternative?. They certainly represent some real lateral thinking. Pete
  17. Another "serial offender" is Kwik-Fit. Tyre fitter, swore blind the scratches on SWMBO`s car where there when checked in. We knew better, eventually after much discussion with the area manager we got it rectified, not the first time either, tried to sell her a new battery for the last car (out of warranty), when the issue was a failed alternator (still in warranty). I could tell him how it happened, the fitter rolled the wheel past the car and the rim caught the (painted) valence. Seen them do it before. As for locking nuts, hers never come out of the glove box. No point, in my view, If they want the wheels they have to get into the locked car anyway. Pete
  18. 063 teminals to back, came with the 13/60 in 2015. No Idea how old, But boosted the P-107 recently. Kept charged by an Aldi 20w solar panel. Pete
  19. Beer, Is technically a Vegetarian Meal in liquid form, part of your "5 a day", and is approx 93%+ Water.👍 Pete
  20. Sounds to me like the same/similar issues that come with older versions of Windows, and New versions not running "legacy" software. My Older I-pad cannot run anything above IOS-9.4. and I can only read this Forum, but not comment. What is about "Techies" that they dont understand "if it works DONT fix it". Pete
  21. Cleveland Discol, derived from industrial Alcohol, primarily from The Distillers Co, Was produced from 1928 to 1968. Father, ran his Hillman almost exclusivly on it as It was sold by the nearest garage. Pete
  22. I will add. Any Male who needs to go more that once or twice a night, and who had not had his Prostate checked, would be advised to make effort to have it done ASAP. A very good Pal and ex collegue, complained of need to go "every few hours". For over a year I badgered him, and all he would say was OK next leave. (He was a Rig O/M). By the time it happened, it was too late despite all the oncology could chuck at him!!. I got the call, from My wife, whilst in the USA. Not one of the best days.!. PSA`s are a start, but not totally reliable, Finger in the hole, uncomfortable, but tolerable. Magic Eye up the old man, is definitely not to be repeated too often. Pete
  23. PeteH

    New noise 😒

    The last time I did one (Not Triumph). I finished up welding a bar to a Socket?. Gave just enough clearance not to have to remove the Radiator. Pete
  24. B-W. Don`t forget. Mine is a 13/60?. Other small chassis cars will likely be different. Pete.
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