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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Thats like dinghy sailing, tiller to Port, turn Starboard!. Always catches the novices out. Especially if it then gybe`s and you get a whack on the back of the head!!. Pete.
  2. Mercedes don`t seem to be particulary accurate. Mine reads 50, using the limiter, sat-nav read`s 47. As pete said Taco`s are recalibrated on a regular basis. Had one go bandit on me once, noticed I was doing near 70 on the M180, I had to write to the traffic commisioners and "explain" with a copy of the repair report!. Beemer drivers, round here, definitely do not know what indicators are!, those of the female persuasion seem worst. Pete
  3. Something not uncomon, in vehicles of this vintage and older.
  4. This is O/E (13/60) as far as I am aware.? I assume it is Below the Thermostat?. Pete
  5. Rear wheel steering?. Hmm?. Drove Fork Lift Trucks like that (40Tonne). Take a bit of getting used to!. Pete
  6. We have one of the early 3 wheel Mobility Scooters, SOoooooooo?, Reliant Robin?. "Trotter International Trading".👍😁 Pete
  7. Nothing wrong with colour tune. But like all "tools" including computers, they should never be regarded as "god". Big mistake made by too many in todays world. Mk1 ears, eyeballs and nasal passages are the first line of defence. Pete
  8. PeteH

    K&N Filters

    Not easy to remember which vehicle, But one or two had a "flap" Valve in the system which opened and closed according to air temperature in an effort to regulate on cold or hot days?. Pete
  9. PeteH

    K&N Filters

    A Mate of mine, Sadly deceased, Used to opine there was a lot of "snake oil" involved in the "performance tuning" aftermarket. He tuned many an Escourt for rallying, quite successfully, mostly by making sure the power curve was "blueprinted" in the most efficent manner. Pete
  10. Oh yes they did, they pushed it down the Mall, 3 blokes in Hi-Viz.😂 Marmalade is for putting on Toast, here. Mind we also have "treacle" on our Yorkshire Pudding!. Pete
  11. Not like some of the "locals" then, You can hear the Base from Miles away!. Surprised they are not all deaf/do-lally. One local "sport" has a Subaru with a 4" pipe, and a sound sytem that would grace a Festival. Pete
  12. Fairy Godfather?. Could do with more of those! in Triumph Land. Pete
  13. The "old adage" used to be "Turn the (radio)Volume" up?. Pete
  14. Slow down to 50? and smell the roses, and give your ears a rest?. 👍 Mind, I am well retired and in no hurry to go anywhere fast, hence why my "resoration" is now some 7 years in the "doing". Pete
  15. PeteH

    K&N Filters

    It`s the reason you see intercoolers on Turbocharged Engines, Increased Air density = More oxygen available for the combustion process (simplified). When air is compressed, even "ram" air, it`s temp; increases, cooling increases density. Pete
  16. That one looks "bling", as for mine* (*steering wheel) It`s actually quite small, but as the car now has working PAS, it can be, but it will need re-covering if I decide to keep it. I must admit a tendency toward "wood rim" if I`m honest. Pete
  17. The Grandson has a nice one, to far to go to steal it though!. As he works outside (plumbing) most the time, It`s a need rather that a choice, they live ouside Gosford. Pete
  18. Snap, thought!. Actually a series I could never get into, as was "game of thrones". Pete
  19. Never really considered, painting the 13/60 wheels white. I just assumed they came siver, as mine are,? I do have a redundant half tin of White Boat Enamel, from the Dinghy Sailing days?. Mind it must be 30 years Old!. In any case I fancy period alloys ultimately. Pete
  20. Little "tip" from experience. If shortening braided cable, (non coated) run solder into the area where you wish to cut, before you cut, stops the braid from unravelling. used to do this with bike/M-Bike cables back in the 50`s/60`s. Pete
  21. Wagger, On the "plus" side, you are now assured that all under the rocker cover is operating as it should!.👍 Silverlining in every (oily?) cloud. I found a top Chiropracter, some years ago he "cured" the sciatica, 3 sessions, even relief after the first session. Good one`s however are hard to find. Most of the better one`s are American Trained. I was a complete sceptic, but in the 80`s I had big trouble with my neck, crawling around inside steam boilers does not help, A work collegue of the wife at Westland`s, recomended her. The relief after the first session more than worth the fee!. Pete
  22. Stetson? Anyone?.😁 Aussie Bush Hat?. Mine, Came with the "parts kit". Pete
  23. The colourtune is just another "useful" tool, I have/had 2. Useful for basic setting On a Vittesse (1980`s) and the Beamer (1990`s). Have you tried Swapping the plugs?. I had a batch of 4 for a Punto, brand new, a few years back one of which was "faulty" straight out of the box. Putting 2 into 3 (say) will confirm if the issue is the Plug or confined to that Cylinder?. Pete
  24. Slightly "off topic", but relevant I suspect, try putting the Wiper blade assembly inside a split section of 15mm pipe wrap when stored?. Works for me on the Camper van. Pete.
  25. This is an O/E Stanpart one from my 13/60, (though it may have been recored, it has Serk-Marston tag on the top) the upper pipe IS parallel to the Rad line, not slightly upward?. Pete
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