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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. The photo is of Genuine Burr Walnut. Which as I said, for my money, too dark and with a totally different grain structure to that used on my 13/60, that which is a much lighter and more open grain. Ed, is correct, in that the Burr (burl) walnut is found more often in very high end Motors. Jaguar in the 50`s/60`s, and the likes of Rolls where more likely cadidates. The cost factor allone would be a dis-incentive!.
  2. As Colin Pointed out. The floor pans have 4 holes each side, to take Spire Clips. Mine (floorpans, new) where from Rimmer/Canley, and 5 in total in the Bulkhead. Pete`s suggestion of Dzus fasteners occured to me too?. I think I asked, back a while, if anyone had done it?. Pete
  3. Most of the very rare ones are those now thought "politically incorrect", and never re-issued. Eg; Disneys "Song of the South". Along with others beloved by kids of an earlier era; who never considered them in anyway "political", just harmless, and in some ways quite "moral". I supose if you look hard enough, you can find "political incorectness" in anything. Benny Hill?. Pete
  4. Couple more recent Observations. This one was interesting too:- Pete.
  5. I`ve heard it reffered to as "Burr Walnut".?. But for my money too dark with a different grain stucture. Viz: Burr Walnut. I think that is what Jaguar. used on the old Mk2`s? Pete.
  6. The gap at the base of the "B" post is where it passes through. Photo taken 13/60 when Tacked up. Pete
  7. Ferretaria?. ( or one collegue called them "ferret shops"😂). Proper "old time" Hardware stores. Some you can spend days round and still keep discovering stuff long forgotten!. BTW. that`s a damn good price for the crossing though.👍 Pete
  8. When I was stripping out, all the spire clips where on the Floor pan and vertical bulkhead. (or what was left of it!). Pete
  9. PeteH

    GT6 & Vitesse WSM

    Yeh!!😁😁. Next Thursday, Black Swan, (AKA Mucky Duck). Pete
  10. I don`t actually know what the torque figure for the 1200 is?, (and unbelievably, the 1200 handbook does not specify it!!) but the 6 cyl, according to Haynes, is 90/100ft-lb. In which case 90lb near the end of 14" is still a big bag of sugar!. "Flogging up". A time honoured method in heavy engineering circles, is at best inacurate, and more learned art than science.!! Calculation of the degree of turn to provide said torque involves many factors, including wether there is a washer between nut and face, 2 friction surfaces, the pitch of the thread, et:al, and is something I have long forgotton!!. Pete.
  11. Hydraulic press`, superb tools, however great care is needed to ensure the part(s) is supported sufficiently to avoid distortion or breakage, especially on castings. Often it is better to preload a bearing puller (say) and then "shock" it, that which a press brake will not do.? Pete
  12. Strange Jaquzi?. Good trip though, I liked driving through Spain, prefered it to France. Did you get to ride the new Ferries?. Big upgrade I am told from the Old Pont Avon?. Pete
  13. There is big demand for Vynl lettring graphics and logo`s. in the Truck/Van field. When my camper was repaired after being assaluted by a reversing SUV, Lady "pilot", The company who did the bodywork and finishing, perfectly matched the graphics on their in house cutter, taken from photographs. Pete
  14. PeteH


    The "science" of V/Wedge belting is that the belt drives on the sides of the vee. What often happens is the Owner/Mechanic, is not conversant with this principle, and when the belt wears just keeps tightening the belt, which eventually is now trying to drive on the bottom of the vee, and slipping, so said operator tightens and tightens belt, by this time the force on the bearings is causing the sort of wear Chris is observing. The next owner more conversant replaces belt, tensions to spec; and only discovers the past transgressions when the device fails. Even in the wet the belt should drive if it is correctly tensioned and driving on the sides of the vee. As an aprentice, I, along with several others, was taken by our training officer to the nearby Fenner Factory, and given the "tour" and a long disertation by their training officer!. something must have stuck, despite the distraction of several hundred female operatives who comprised the bulk of the workforce!. Pete
  15. Those letters/numbers are an easy cut from vynil on the sort of machines Mrs Pete has for Card Making. Hers is a Silhouette, but there are others by Cricut too. Worth an ask around amongst the Card making fraternity?. These where produced on Hers:- Pete
  16. At anything over 5 to 7 years, the sidewalls will have started to stiffen, more especially if they are not used regularly. Something to do with the plasticisers/polymers in the tyre mix?, breaking down or something. I replaced less than half worn tyres on the camper van, for similar reasons, @ £130 a wheel. Lockdown has done no favours either with enforced imobility. The "spare" had never been on the `van and was as bad!. Pete
  17. "Bonding", was also used the mitgate the effects of errosion due to the use of disimilar materials. Keeping the terminations clean was essential though!. I am looking to introduce a Earthing/bonding lead from front to rear when I re-wire. Pete
  18. 👍. I do the same using the developer normally part of the NDT crack detection kit, Mind after 20 years my "stock" is depleting. Pete
  19. How do you fry the chips, Hot gas from the engine.😉 Pete
  20. With taper plugs. The operative word(s) are "it shouldnt", however by 50+years most have been so well abused that it`s become mandatory!. "Boss" white and hemp are/where in much use back in the "day", especially on steam. Once it "cooked" it set like concrete!!. The quality of the threads had a lot of influence on the ability to seal as well. Pete.
  21. PeteH

    Core Plug

    Or as one old "Chief" used to remark. "if at first, you don`t succeed, get a bigger hammer". (28lb usually did the trick), but most Nuts where up to 6" across!. Pete
  22. Didn`t actually work too well on many!.☹️ I full 8x4 (old money) sheet of steel went back into the 13/60!.😁 Pete.
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