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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. By the look of those o-rings, they have gone hard?. You could try replacing them?. Pete
  2. Cup or finishing washers in the Carpentry Aisle. Screwfix have them as do B&Q and various E-Bay sellers These are solid turned in Stainless;- https://www.zoro.co.uk/shop/fasteners/turned-cup-washers/m8-turned-deep-cup-washer-a1-stainless-steel/p/ZT1115487X?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=pla%2B|%2BFasteners&utm_term=ZT1115487X&utm_medium=pla_css_2&targetid=pla-393231189249&loc_physical_ms=1006816&dev=c&gclid=CjwKCAjwzeqVBhAoEiwAOrEmzeUJb6XoVStKOAiRsQSdbDXS1vOxD-Itp-Chj_Jc6nXRreGj5Nxa7BoCKGIQAvD_BwE Pete
  3. On the face of it. Those spacers look as if they would be a simple job to reproduce on a lathe with access to the correct dimensions?. Pete.
  4. At the VERY least the top of the battery should be covered, wouldn`t be the first time that some metal object chucked in the boot has managed to bridge the terminals with disasterous outcome!. The majority ones in the boot are (usually) in covered vented wells too?. Not too many years ago, a fire claimed the lives of a couple, believed started by an overcharging battery under the passenger seat of a camper van. Pete
  5. Run a length of wire from the fitting to the battery Negative. if it improves, it`s the Fitting earthing, if not try moving the "Trailing Earth" lead to the can of the flasher unit. Pete
  6. My feeling is the longer the run the larger the cable. Voltage drop needs to be compensated for. I am planning to run a seperate Earth cable too. My "gut" feeling would be to put the battery in a closed box vented outside the car. Which is how my Camper van "house" batteries are stored. L-A Batteries give off Hydrogen gas periodically, not something you want to risk in a closed (boot) space?. Pete
  7. Earthing Fault, Via a dead bulb?. Pete
  8. I once witnessed a very expensive set of wheels which where scrap. Cause? Over tightening. Close to 2 Grand in the skip .
  9. Sounds a lot like my knees😭 Was that omega 3 Ian ? Pete
  10. PeteH


    Yea but life would be much less interesting πŸ€”
  11. PeteH


    Old trick for getting bushes out of blind holes As tight a fit steel dowel and fill the hole with grease insert dowel bash with hammer normally the bush will be driven out by the grease you can try putting it in a vice which is slightly less brutal. Pete
  12. I Think.. It is already a requirement in France?. Maybe just for "heavy" vehicles?. Pete
  13. I think it is from Sealy?. Connects to the airline, which provides the vac; and so far has done full fluid replacement on several cars and an American R-V. Since I lost Braking on a hill with 9tonne of Camper, because the fluid was boiling, a real "brown trouser" moment!. I am a bit "anal" to say the least about replacing fluid at frequent intervals!. So far, I have never had to repeat the bleed, so I guess it works well?. Did the P-107. last June? when the rear pads got replaced. The Sprinter is the next I suspect, It`s fluid was last changed on warranty 30K service by Mercedes. Pete
  14. PeteH

    Nuts and Bolts

    "Handy" things to have are a few "die nuts". Often found fairly cheap at "jumbles", Brilliant for cleaning up old/crusty threads. Another "trick" is partial saw cuts through the thread in a Nut will often remove softer crap more easily?. Sadly. Most of the 13/60`s Chassis bolts had to be removed with an Angle grinder!!, so that was a full set of new ones!. Pete
  15. PeteH

    Nuts and Bolts

    I have 2, or maybe 3?. Old Buscuit tins, literally full of old (and new) nuts and bolts, saved my bacon a few times. But I can see the attraction of a "pack". One advantage being you only pay postage once?. I am fortunate, as we have a local "ironmongers" who keep just about every size imaginable!. (Scotts, In Hull) I`ve had BSF and AF (UN) off them in recent times. Canley do a fast(ish) turnaround too, but the postage can be as much as the item!. Pete
  16. You could giver her a ring, that would "test" the suspension!πŸ˜‚
  17. And I always thought, they sent a guy up in a space suit and a tin of G5, to polish the defect out?. 😁 Pete
  18. Having no choice of assistants these days, as they are now distributed across the planet. I indulged myself in a vaccuum self bleed kitπŸ‘. The main advantage being it does not argue back. Unlike 14 year old female assistants, with "attitude" and i-phone in one hand!. Pete
  19. As both John and Pete, have pointed out, you are likely to get a repeat of the leak, unless the face is flat, Sealant is very likely only a short term "fix". Compromise would depend on how good you are with a Flat file and some "emery".? Small sheet of plate glass and feelers to check the accuracy?. Pete.
  20. From Memory, I think I put Dolomite? seats in the Vitesse. Back in the 80`s, they came with headrests I believe?. I know they where from a Triumph in a Scrapyard. One of the "perks" of the job back then being the fact that most Scrappys, had Air compressors, and the vessels had to be examined every couple of years so I would have a scrounge whilst waiting for the owner to clean the inside of the pressure vessel!. Pete
  21. Fuel Prices!! Smug, Smug, Smug. So when there was a shortage back in the "spring", I did a hoarding job and have 10litre of E5 @ around Β£1.40ish?, in my garage!. The reason for the "hoard" was that we had a series of Hospital visits scheduled, (oncology), and it was all that was available locally, and I did not want the risk of running too low. In the event not required, and to be fair I had all but forgotton it was there!!. I will have to get it used up now but SWMBO`s car will use it, it will take E10 as a matter of course. We are back to Oncology on Wednesday, despite her having a stroke 2 weeks ago!!. This time with a wheelchair too. Haven`t been anywhere near the 13/60 for several weeks now!. In fact I cannot see parts of it for the crap "stored" on it. Just finished loading the Dishwasher, and the laundry is next!, at least the Bed has been made to-day!. Lunch was a "one pan and Slow-cooker job". The sky guy just swapped out the Q box (for the second time in 6 weeks) and left. Dog will need walking next. After I chase up the Hospital who have been calling but wont leave a name so the call blocker won`t let them through....... What part of leave your name do they not understand?. What is it about NHS admin?. do they all come from the same mould?. The Front line staff Dr`s, Nurse`s, paramedic`s all brilliant, back of house? bunch of Deadbeats!!. Rant Over Pete
  22. I think, that if you use a Multimeter, on the Ohm`s range, It should rise reasonably slowly to a peak reading. if nothing happens or the rise is instant, assume the Condenser to be defective?. It`s a LOT of years since I tested one, but I think that is correct?. They are (or used to be) cheap as chips, and I tended to replace any time I replaced the points. Pete
  23. I still have the "remains" of a 40 year old GALLON (not 5litre) can of original Finnegans waxoyl. It goes in the "air" gun and liberally sprayed under the Camper van, and the little P107.πŸ‘ Thinned with white spirit, it get used for allsorts of things, Gate hinges, bolts, Etc:. I went for the Bilthammer for the 13/60 chassis on the basis that it had a better "creep" effect (allegedly) than it`s rivals?. So whoever get`s to do the next refurb; will be able to confirm if that was true?.πŸ˜‚ cos it sure as hell is unlikely to be me!.😁 Pete
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