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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Your "common or garden" 304 stainless has a tensile strength HALF that of The equivalent steel. You have to go to 440 grade (and 4 times the expense) to get anywhere close. Hence, In My View, the reason why those available from reputable sources are indeed 4 or 5 times the price of "steel" ones. 440 grade is also more problematical to machine. If you are using them with "Alloys" be careful of Bimetalic errosion too. Pete
  2. Mike nowadays the animal rights police would have been baying for blood on cruelty grounds 😹 Pete
  3. The Caravan Looks a lot like the old "Bluebird", my Aunt had?, The exterior was Painted HARDBOARD!. Daft as It seems, Aluminium was in short supply aparently, even though the war was over?. No insulation, Gas Mantle lighting, Parrafin stove, cooking and heating, had many a holliday in that as a kid. My First thought was that Herald will never tow that `van. But I note no Tow bar anyway!. And they do look like "bullseye" Lamps, They where on early mini`s, and Moggie`s too, as well as a lot of other early cars, Landrovers too I think?, so maybe someone went round the scrappy?. Pete
  4. Looking Tidy. Despite the Setbacks, you must be pleased with the potential?. Have to ask?. What happened with the Trailer?. Pete
  5. Hence why I have elected for the "Analogue" option. Run new cable from battery via fused relay Requires crawling the full 7 M under the bus, with a fistfull of tie wraps, but saves shed loads of time and frustration. with the added advantage that I don`t get a load of stupid Errors, on the dash readout!. Pete
  6. Yes you are right. I checked, and was looking at the wrong line in the Chart when typing!. (slappy wristy😁) Pete
  7. Pakyan. Arabic for Chariot allegedly. I think some of the panels where pressed locally.? The Indian, Hindustan, was a badged local Morris MO. I believe?. Certainly looked like one!. another popular Taxi. In Bombay, (Mumbai?) and other port city`s. Pete
  8. In the course of something else, I have been tracing cable(s) on a 2008 Sprinter. The main loom is over 1" thick, and has literally dozens of (thin) wires, how you trace that lot?. IF they last that long, what will future generations make of that?. Pete
  9. I realise, It is hard to judge dia from the Photo. But an M6 thread (most likely modern size) major dia is 6.5mm (1/4"). Maybe the supplier will advise?. Pete
  10. On my 13/60. it came Passenger Side. You get some idea of the Fuel Pipe run from this Pete
  11. These are on E-Bay? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264300755004?hash=item3d898d783c:g:HcAAAMXQ~6VQ4OLQ Pete
  12. I suppose I got lucky?. I stripped both master`s and Slaves, washed them out and re-rubbered them curtessy of (one of) the usual suspects. Tested by clamping in the vice with the outlet plugged, no movement over a 2 day period, so I think they will be OK?. Pete
  13. Matching paint?. Tiny brush, and a steady hand!!. Pete
  14. Learned this back in the 90,s. My then co car kept cutting out. Umpteen trips to the service dept. No joy. Then a youngster who had just come back from a manufacturer’s course solved it in half an hour. Cleaned the earths an never another issue. Pete
  15. These.went to Iran as kdc,s They where loaded in crates, always last. With the loading officer watching his draft marks. Millwall docks 1960’s. We took hundreds including most of the Hillman Hunters that where re badged and used as Taxi,s. Driven back from a night ashore in one many times. edit. When the shah was in charge. All change when the idiots took over. Pete
  16. It`s (Not?) surprising, just to what extent "celebrity" has on a vehicle value?. Seen back in the 90`s in an old nissan shed being used by a couple of guys restoring and servicing cars, was a grottiest, flea bitten mini, barely a smidgen away from scrap. I asked what the "score" was and the owner said, quite seriously, we are going to fully restore it. Can`t be worth it I said?. Answer?. That will fetch in excess of 100K when finished. It was aparently the one, that John Lennon, had bought new for his then wife Cynthia and had been painted pink. This was not long after Lennon had been killed, and stuff was being sold for stupid money, if it had, had, any connection with Him. Pete
  17. Found the pic; They all need a serious clean. Pete
  18. Strangely?, That reminds me of the late 60`s?. Without the i-phone. Pete
  19. I am assuming these are the ones that bolt the seats to the floor. Just captive nut`s.? I think some have bolted right through the floor in the past?, Big washer underneath. Pete
  20. I`ve done a similar re-fit in the Herald, with a pair of donated MX5 seats. Wiring for SRS on Mercedes seats. Unplug, and it`s an £85+VAT job to have them re-set!!!😭. NO prizes for guessing how I found that out!. MOT fail if you leave them!. Pete
  21. Earthing, The BANE of automotive electrics. Got worse too (IMV) since the introduction of "canbus" systems!. When I get to the point of re-wiring, one of the things I intend is a substantial "earthing" cable, front to rear directly connected to the Battery Neg;. and run all the lighting and returns to/via it. Pete
  22. This is the thing I dread, been asking about locally, and the few who show interest, are making noises about "maybe next spring (2023)". So much I am seriously contemplating have a crack myself. I have done one before, Vitesse 1980`s, that time I had 3 weeks in an empty garage as we waited between house moves. This time no such. Kitting mine out as a Spray booth will be a nightmare, Errecting a party tent in a Barn belonging to a friends son, is a possible option. It`s a 1/2hr trip each way each time though, but his compressor is massive compared to mine, and old!. Then I have all the "tricks of the trade" to re-learn after some 30 years. The upside I suppose being that much of the cost can be used for upgrading kit quality, and I will be in control of the logistics?. The down, my experience is limited to spraying Cellulose (on cars). And never done 2pack, nor any of the modern paint systems, except in rattle cans. Add to that the colour I quite fancy is a Metallic!. Pete
  23. I am definitely in the don`t remove it (just) to clean it "camp". An Engine that is already "out" for other purposes, might get it removed, more to check the state of the rotating parts than for cleaning. Replacing crank seals, for example, it would make sense to do a clean if the sump required removal, (not all need it). Pete.
  24. I suppose the probable answer might be how do you do your modern?. Most have Brake boost/servo`s. And most in my experience are bled whilst the engine is not running. Pete
  25. Snap(ish). Seen locally back in September 2021. When I saw your pic; above, I had to check, as the owner of this one was considering a sale. Pete
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