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Everything posted by AidanT

  1. These are mine http://forum.tssc.org.uk/index.php?/gallery/image/1285-imag0332/#modOptions 5" JBW minilites in dark grey with 175/70/13's They fit perfectly with no rubbing Aidan
  2. AidanT

    Torque wrench

    I think John is right here. I purchased a digital adaptor mainly to test my mid range manual that I've had since a teenager and have ended up using the adapter I can use it on my normal wrench or with my breaker bar for those high torque items It cost the same as a mid range torque wrench but is much more flexible Aidan
  3. AidanT

    Car SOS

    Totally agree a complete chocolate teapot ! Aidan
  4. I wonder of its because you are not the current registered keeper? I didn't have a problem getting mine. Unfortunately I have not been able so far to contact any of the previous owners. They don't seem to have a web presence. I have asked the area AO of the area the car came from to see if anyone in that area knows anything but no luck so far Aidan
  5. TBH... keep them for breakdowns and go for full electronic system. there are quite a few available, but I would recommend to not buy the cheap ones. The club shop sell Aldon, some recommend bbc and I have a H&H system - but they rebuilt my whole dizzy. Not had a problem since.... apart from would you beleive it the dizzy clamp being too loose! Got the Tee shirt before you did! HA Aidan
  6. The lady that did my seats also does covers, but again the issue will be the pattern and again cost will be a big factor, she ain't cheap! Aidan
  7. Fleabay has two post hydraulic lifts for under £1,000 delivered Aidan
  8. Hi I was considering the replacement of my m.c. but now you have me concerned Would you mind sending me a pm to let me know who this trader is so I can avoid Thanks Aidan
  9. Hi I was considering the replacement of my m.c. but now you have me concerned Would you mind pm'ing me to let me know this trader Thanks Aidan
  10. That's a Pitty. A man with great knowledge Aidan
  11. Rarebits sell the correct style door seals Aidan
  12. AidanT

    Car SOS

    It's a Pitty they dint put an extended version on the internet or something. One with more details. I love the way they skim over the bodywork etc and suddenly it has a perfect body for the paint job !! If only ! Wasn't there a thread on here about the owner wanting to revert back to normal aspiration? Or was that another car? Aidan
  13. AidanT

    Car SOS

    Is this the one fuzz changed to fuel injection?
  14. Welcome from a Mk1 owner now and a similar story I had a mk3 in the late 80's and was a member then !! Aidan
  15. Couldn't agree more. My car has turned out well. I was still 100 plus miles away but spent many years in Pete's patch.
  16. I think you have hit the nail on the head. It depends on what your willing to spend. It's definitely a good idea to go for the club moulded carpet, pricey but much much easier to fit. For soundproofing I used the fibre one which I'd give an ok to. Someone who has fitted different types would be best to answer which is the best
  17. I use Blue for fuel applications and TBH most other uses to ! Ebay Item number 261806670754 Aidan
  18. Hi Pete No plans to drill holes through my side windows Fine for the race track etc, but a bit odd on a road only car ! but Johns knowledge is still very useful. The intent is to make something that is easily detachable to get back to the standard car if necessary. The heat issue has improved with the bulk head sealing but I still think driving next summer may be improved with an increased air flow around the feet and through the cabin, especially with the windows open Never been one for Sandals or bare feet driving!! Purchased some moldable plastic to make a test scoop, the card one was too flexible and flew off at 20 mph! Aidan
  19. I think Kevin is correct Heat (energy) can neither be destroyed or created it can only be converted as I remember it Aidan
  20. Hi John Thanks for your input. Is there any reason why a redesign of your "tubes" that would sit on the air intakes before the windscreen would not also work? I have also gone over everything to try and seal up the bulkhead. Any thoughts out there on methods to find leaks? Aidan
  21. I use paddocks most of the time as their prices are generally better and they have free delivery over ten pounds. Just be aware though the prices shown are exc vat. Aidan
  22. All Well I am going to see if I can fabricate something. My thoughts are that this if it works will be a really simple solution to increase the cabin Aiirflow thereby maling it cooler - Probably will need the quarter light windows combined will make a massive difference, hopefully easy to fit and remove and made from a plastic, as most scoops are. I will let you know if successful Aidan
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