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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. My real name (Mark) is actually in my signature - which unfortunately isn't shown when using a phone or tablet seemingly!
  2. It just says that it it hasn't got a current MOT it may revert to market value. I suspect that that will only be used if you crash and something is wrong with the car.................. Not that a MOT is really proof of roadworthiness.........
  3. I'm hoping to come along - have a couple of jobs I'd like to do before I come though - so will depend to a degree- I can bring my posh new timing light (assuming I remember)
  4. To be fair to Peter James it’s not in the small print. And it’s on the valuation form they sent (which is effectively the club one with their name on it. )
  5. Had my car valued by the club and sent off to Peter James and they (club) have said £6500 and Peter James have accepted it with no increase in premium (I put £4.5k on the proposal) i did notice the t&c’s say it might revert to market value without an MOT. Once I’ve got the front springs and shocks replaced and the rear shocks done, I might get it into our local garage (they only charge £15) - but will try and supervise as they don’t know classics particularly. At least I have got the idle sorted so they shouldn’t need to touch the carbs this time.
  6. Personally I am not keen on them. Only because it looks wrong on an older car. But I’m not the one that has to live with them? as long as the rolling radius is the same they should fit - unless they are too wide that is. Different radius and you’ll have to alter the speedo drive gear.
  7. Actually, I guess its more like this http://fisherbuggies.com/vdo?Page=3&Items=12 but can't work out how the oil temperature would be any way accurate unless it gets fitted into the sump?
  8. Or more accurately, one of these http://www.savemybug.com/type4.htm (or the type 1 one depending on the length required?)
  9. Is this one of these John? http://www.vw-resource.com/dipstick.html
  10. That is actually a very good call. Accuspark have been known to fail and cause problems - its certainly does sound like electric - once going is fine, but perhaps the heat causes extra resistance in a joint somewhere along the line and is enough to stop spark creation ion startup when its hot - but not enough to cause it to fail when running - possibly due to the lower starting volts - possibly that could be proven by jump starting from a running car.
  11. Another thing to try, is taking off the fuel line from the pump to a jam jar and crank the engine - obviously fuel should come out.
  12. I wasn't aware of the fixing by the B post. I'll have to have a look to see what I have fitted to mine!
  13. Got a current MOT and has done for at least the last 12years. So can't be that bad, though a few advisories to consider. Should be good - ideal to keep you busy and away from the TV!
  14. Thanks Roger - I will keep an eye out for the deals - no desperate rush as it still works!
  15. My spitfire 1500 is the same (as has been said). Its quite awkward at times - mostly when I’m out of the car tinkering. ?
  16. According to this https://www.tayna.co.uk/car-batteries/enduroline/063/ The 063 has the terminals at the back?
  17. The clamp is how it was fitted when I got it - I assumed that the posts should be towards the back simply because the cables don't sit right and are over the edge of the "bulkhead" and foul the wing rubber strip (Not fitted to mine on the passenger side!) This is what I was expecting (I know its not a Spitfire - or at least a 1500!) But to be fair this looks fine too!
  18. Restoration is probably a bit of a stretch - more a keeping it on the road! Anyway, I've had a few bit of the paintwork sorted - the passenger side sill had a couple of paint blisters that bothered me as did the little bit of rust on the rear deck due to the clip rusting and finally the metalwork under the master cylinders. Paint is not my thing, so I had an expert do it - who apprenticed on Triumphs and E-types etc The paint is a non standard (for the Spitfire anyway) Nautilus Blue according to the paperwork I have - a BL colour but not one I believe ever used on the Spitfire. Don't have any before shots really, but a couple of after ones. Couple of things that need to be done still - the bulkhead wants a bit of black on it (PO put some stoneguard or similar on it) The battery needs to be replaced with the correct one - but no rush as it works - it just means I can't fit the rubber trim to the bonnet as the cables being in the wrong place foul it. I'm going to replace the master cylinder brackets - they are on order, but not yet arrived, together with the fixing bolts and clevis pins - the clutch one is quite badly worn. I've got front springs and dampers to replace as well as rear dampers - I'm waiting for the arrival of the spring compressor. Must give Angie a ring in the morning! I also want to change the dash - my dad has offered to do it and given he is 81 now, sooner rather than later! - and I must sort out what vaneer to use (He has all sorts in stock - not sure what will suit best!)
  19. Its a better story than the reason my user name is what it is! It is indeed a very welcoming and warm club - I've been in a few (Am in!) that are less so, though on the whole pretty good to be fair! One I've been in since I was about 18 as have many of the members.
  20. I was going ask how you intend to get home - this answers it! Fab trip.
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