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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. I have added a dash cam to my BMW - well added the power controller to it so it can be left on when parked but will shut down if the voltage gets too low - but some mornings it has been complaining of additional current draw and it has shut down some circuits! So whilst not throwing a wobbler, it knows about it and lets me know it does! Far too clever these modern cars!
  2. I don't think they do one small enough to get into the hole - 17mm seems to be the smallest. (Its 9/16" or ~14mm Anyway, thinking some more, to recut the seat needs to be done with a lot more care - it needs to be square to the centre line of the hole otherwise it will leak even more! I think Chris's idea is just to remove any build up from the seat and not to actually do any cutting. So a light spin by hand with the drill bit more than anything else. Oh and given the PRV valve has a tapered edge to it, I would think the seat needs to be similarly chamfered.
  3. Sounds a great trip (The things like traffic jams are just to make it a bit more challenging!) I would like to do a decent foreign trip in my Spit at some point. Just not sure there is enough room for all the junk the Missus would want to take!
  4. the drill is something that has been suggested by others including Chris Witor. But I do understand what you are saying. I think I’ll poke the camera down my other engine and look at the seat in that one.
  5. Which would be at about 7 O'clock assuming the oil has pooled at the bottom. ✔️ It could be - though it also looks to be away from the seat. The camera does come with a magnetic "bit" that can be attached the end. If is steel is will come out I would think - otherwise its a bit of rag I guess. Not that there is a lot of room to do anything! I do have a couple of spare pistons so could to something - but I am sorting a short drill out to see if that will smooth out the seat. The seat of the piston isn't very big - and I am a bit concerned in the three areas highlighted in the picture below. The red bit is possibly damage? Green also damage? Blue looks a bit thin as a seat - assuming the seat is not the big slope and the bit that seems to be at the bottom (of the picture!)
  6. I bought a new USB camera which came today - certainly better than my old one - but still not brilliant - one issue being which way up is the camera as its round It does video as well as still - tried both and the best shot I got is this one (The video needs more practice!) Whilst it doesn't look bad, I'm not sure the seat is very clean? Or more importantly symmetrical around the hole?
  7. Its ok, you can get replacement smoke
  8. Ha That old trick - often recommended on the Disco forums for many an issue! I'm getting a drill sorted to see if I can clean up the PRV seat (hopefully will fix my low oil pressure) - before I try that one - but I will give it ago! Hope you are enjoying the trip down to Spain
  9. I think mine is more than an offset error - as its out by 10% across the range - so 44 at 40, 55 and 50 etc - so I assume its the wrong gear in the box? Not that I will change anything unless its simple - pulling the box just for this would be insane. (Though its something I might do for kicks!)
  10. Yes no problem as along as the fitting is the same - which is ruddy obvious. But you can get 4 and 5 pin relays and corresponding options for the which pin is missing.
  11. I don’t see any blue smoke when driving - so I don’t think it’s particularly bad. Since sorting the manifold leak the exhaust colour is lightening up though is still a bit black. Tbf I drive a diesel as my daily so black is normal ?
  12. Mine was a new pump and I’m sure when I checked it, it was ok. But I see the blueprinted one from him is only a fiver more than the standard one. (Not that I think he does one for the spitfire.)
  13. Dave it might be. I didn’t check the rings when I put the engine in at Christmas- but seemed to have good compression (I’ve not checked it) and runs smooth enough. Its not a huge job to remove again next winter if I fancy having a look.
  14. The last bit of the drive was fairly gentle as it’s a 20limit to the house from the main road (which is 30 anyway) i will knock it back a half turn and see how it goes. Thanks Pete ?
  15. I forgot to mention when I went out at the weekend I checked the speedo against a gps speedo on my phone - and it is reading about 10% low. So 32mph on the gps was about 30mph on the speedo. So how easy is it to change the gear?
  16. So still a bit rich then Pete?
  17. To be fair, this was my proper camera with a macro lens on the front. New cost of the combination about twice my spitfire. ?
  18. That will "learn" me from not reading the posted username as well ?
  19. On mine the exhaust manifold is steel and the inlet aluminium or similar. Soft enough to have spread in the locations of the dumbells.
  20. I’d be interested in seeing how you can see the seat. I’ve got a usb camera but when I used it last time it was about as much use as a chocolate teapot.
  21. My trips to the Pyrenees often started with a days work followed by packing the car and a couple of hours kip with a planned 5am tunnel crossing. Its fine. As long as you don’t fall asleep ?
  22. Ah I was only basing it on the information that the 13/60 is a 1300 with engine number starting gk being “late” please bare in mind that I know nothing and am just basing my information on the op engine number being a gk- so ties in with the car. As said photos are king
  23. That was the issue with some of the dumbells on mine - before I swapped them out with the ones off my old engine. Due to the difference in heights between the exhaust and inlet flanges, they tended it bear on the exhaust flange more.
  24. Right engine according to this. https://www.canleyclassics.com/technical-archive/engine-number-identification-chart
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