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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. Anglefire

    Wipers failed

    Grant forgive me, I'm not good with names - I can recognise people years apart, but no idea of their names! Is this yours: I don't know if anything can be seen in this picture, if its the right one!
  2. Whilst twiddling earlier, I removed my vacuum tester from the packet and attached it to the dizzy takeoff - where it moved not one iota! But looking at the location, that would seem to me to be correct (Reving the engine did move the gauge) - as the breather pipe is just in front of it. I guess the only way to really tell the vacuum is from the blanked off servo port?
  3. Timing light is useful, but not essential - most here will tune by ear - peak revs then back off a tad - take it for a run, if it pinks under load, back off a bit more etc. But they are also useful for proving things like the dizzy is working correctly.
  4. Have you balanced the carbs? As well as making sure both carbs are in sync (So both butterflies open at the same time) It does sound like you have got it almost there though - idling at 900rpm is about right - well the upper end of right. Spec I think is 700-900rpm? If its not pulling up hills, then it could be dizzy - have you a timing light to see if it advances when you rev the engine?
  5. I had one final twiddle before putting the back in the garage. Basically I had another spray of brake fluid around the place - the bottom clamps seem to be ok. The top clamps I’ve re-tightened after it’s hot - and the carb flanges - they had a small effect to, so nipped the bolts up. And finally in a fit of madness, smeared some high temperature grease over the joint. Started her up and does seem better. Not right given the idle screws are doing bugger all, but was sitting at about 850rpm and not 1000+ But how long it will last is anyone’s guess.
  6. Oh and I checked the timing - idling a little high, but way out compared to when Pete did it on twiddle day. I’m reading about 16btdc and Pete had it at 10 or thereabouts when we left the twiddle. Its a fairly new light too. And I’ve noticed the twiddle thing on the back doesn’t seem to have the right effect to the timing. Looks like I might have to replace it with something better.
  7. Yes it has 1000 on the speedo. So when I’m doing 50 on the Speedo it’s doing nearer 60. Likewise 30 on the speedo is about 35. That would tie up.
  8. And it’s made no difference at all. In fact it’s probably worse ?
  9. Found my Land Rover socket ? still wouldn’t work on the one bottom nut but did on the other one. Just. But gasket is swapped - just got to fit the carbs and try it. There is a lot of oil in the inlet though. To be fair I did put some on top of the flange yesterday when testing for leaks - but I thought that had burnt off - especially as it had a 40odd mile run out yesterday evening. Gasket looks thinner too. And a different pattern of holes. I also swapped the clamps for the ones off the old engine as the dimples are much prouder so look to be clamping the inlet better. Oh well time to get back into the sun.
  10. It is. Spitfire doesn’t have one. But is worth checking the markings are correct. Ideally need a piston stop as the pistons don’t move much when going over tdc.
  11. To be fair I haven't - it was only a passing thought really as I was driving back.
  12. I've taken the Spitfire (1500) out this afternoon to some friends and went past a speed radar sign and I'm pretty sure it said I was doing 35, when I was showing 30 on the speedo. So wondered what the rough speed should be for say 3000rpm in 4th (non OD)? When I'm at 3000rpm, the speedo is showing about 50, but based on the attached spreadsheet, 3000rpm should be about 55/56mph? gearspeeds.v2 lr.xls
  13. Mine needs almost no choke to start now its warmer. Not that that means its right!
  14. Mine are slightly noisy - but the gaps with the Newman Cam are a couple of thou wider than standard so some reason. Must get a plate made up with the specs on for future reference.. Anyway, I would love to find a set of wire feelers as I stupidly didn't look at the rockers when they were last off to see if they are flat - though I'm sure I would have noticed if they were bad. I hope!
  15. I might have one of these. I know I bought one, but may have got rid of it when the Land Rover went. I’ll have to have a look in my tool boxes. ?
  16. @dougbgt6 Funny as it's my gasket, I never thought to mention that one!
  17. Its very hard to diagnose from anyone description as its all in the feel! But I would look at the dizzy for a start - make sure the vacuum advance is working as well as the weights doing their job - easiest way is with a timing light as you can watch the timing mark move as you rev it. I know you have said you have checked points, but when mine was as you describe, I found the points to be closed pretty much. But as tuning the carbs has improved things, it would be worth checking the float level in the bowls as that makes a difference - and that the linkages are all working properly.
  18. I think that was me tapping the rev counter to make it work - it sticks until you tap it.
  19. I changed my oil this morning and put the 3/4" adapter on and a Mann W916/1 filter (Eurocarparts about £2.70 after discount) - Its MAHOSIVE! compared to the old one The length of thread into the block with the old adapter is tiny compared to the 3/4" one! Half as many threads at best! I did check how long the hole in the block is - and its very deep - longer than the new adapter.
  20. Changed the PRV this morning as well as changing the oil (did the prv first) and the pressure didn’t drop like before. I’ll still reserve judgement until I’ve been out properly though.
  21. Didn’t get out last night but have this morning. you can also see where the gasket has compressed by the exhaust manifold but a lot less by the inlet. I managed to get two of the clamps off the old engine as they seem to have bigger dimples compared to the old one so swapped those out and also added Small washers behind the others to lift the middle bit away from the exhaust manifold - it’s better on the one half, but the other half is still very similar ? so I’m going to have to pull the manifolds off and change the gasket. Perhaps tomorrow. Too hot now ?
  22. I'm newish - and an interloper, but not from a Triumph forum. I used to frequent (still do TBF) a Land Rover forum cos I used to play this game :
  23. Hi Rob, It wasn't that side of the manifold that I was thinking of (The head side) but the clamping side - I'll grab some pictures in a bit - I've finished work and SWMBO is cooking tea so was going to see if I could slip out and have a tinker
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