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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. Close the door on your way out . .
  2. I think the implication of the post was that the fluid gets changed regularly due to problems with the braking system not that it is still the same liquid since 2007, which would be very watery by now.
  3. Yes, but. As it is 'for life' why do you need 20 litres? Unless you are planning to use it on a fleet of cars or you have a leak in the system 🙄
  4. If it isn't dripping there is no oil in it 😁
  5. I'm clearly spoilt here in rural Normandy. The recycling centre in the big village, 4Kms away, takes everything but old oil. If there is 1 vehicle ahead of me then it's a busy period and the chap there does help offload. 'Downside' is it is only open afternoons on Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. To get rid of old oil I have to go to the one in town, 10kms away. BUT I can come away with a load of compost for the garden free of charge.
  6. I called into the local little garage last week and he was using such a heater. I asked, with a smile on m face, if it wasn't still allowed he replied he didn't know and I said we won't ask. Must say it was giving out a fair amount of heat from a small unit plus the 'exhaust' was clear not black smoke.
  7. I use an old washing up bowl which is large enough to catch the initial liquid when removing the hose and stop it going onto the ground
  8. Chris A


    fitted on one side only - the passenger side. Me, I'd have it fitted on the driver's side but not passenger side, better to get rid of the passenger rather than the driver 🙃
  9. Expensive workshop, cut costs use custard creams instead. You can get away with it by using the Triumph parts suppliers system 'No longer available, replaced by'
  10. So this was a 'design fault' right from the launch of the vitesse when they should have used a higher output dynamo?
  11. The first property we bought here had never been connected to electricity, the nearest cables were 100 metres away. Once the EDF had installed their box I did the whole house - to French norms which meant I needed to do a bit of reading, in French of course 🤔
  12. I haven't suffered from that for years, maybe I need a recharge? Any recommendations for a booster pack 💉
  13. I thought it was supposed to stop you getting a static electric shock from the door handle
  14. Not a recent fashion colour, back in the 80's when I worked for RACAL the systems that I was production planner for were always in grey. RAL 7000 or RAL 7001 depending if the equipment was above or below deck.
  15. I'm not going to comment about red with a stripe.😁
  16. That is down to the law of physics that states 'Matter can neither be created nor destroyed only transformed' 🤔
  17. The odd hole here and there?
  18. I can confirm that. I have stuff not worn for ages that must only be a fraction of their original size 🙄
  19. Chris A

    Synthetic Fuels

    Recent survey in France shows 87% of the population have a smart phone. I, along with Madame, form part of the 13%
  20. Chris A

    Synthetic Fuels

    True, green bit upwards.
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