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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. what did i press, I ordered that part from Paddocks some time ago, 2016, and work fine. In fact it'll get another use this pm as I take the car out to do a couple of errands.
  2. 152677. that's the part number I ordered from Pa
  3. Drive the 13/60 there, let them decide what to scan 🤪
  4. Ok, I give in - what is it? Talking of feeling 'right at home' Sherwood forest - not that far from where I grew up, Chesterfield.
  5. What worries me about the photo is there seems to be 1 gauge missing - probably the most important one at that 🤔
  6. Yes I remember the images, cars with bonnets up. as well as not having had a proper service before setting off they were usually well overloaded, inside and out!
  7. Maybe that's what I need to cure the buzzing in my ears 😱
  8. Once the air is under the bonnet it cares the hot air away from the rad and around the engine. Another reason for having a 13/60 rather than a vitesse :- More room under the bonnet therefore more chance of the engine getting cooler . . .😁
  9. That confirms it then, in really hot weather I will drive even faster than usual to get more air flow through the radiator to cool the engine down and as a bonus more through my hair (if only) to keep me cooler. "Mais oui Monsieur le Gendarme c’était impératif pour le bon fonctionnement du moteur " Do you think I'd get away with it . .
  10. Same here, if I'm going to be distracted then I want it to be by what is happening outside the car. i have enough worries without adding more. I have thought about getting an oil pressure sensor that has a higher rating, managed to find a supplier here in France to avoid the hassle/cost of importing from UK. My petrol gauge only goes up to 3/4 with a full tank (it is on my list of things to look at, but . . .) but by the time the petrol is down to about 1/2 the gauge is accurate enough from there, plus i tend to fill up at 150 mile intervals anyway.
  11. There could be some logic in that, but I would have thought the effect minimal. I'll stick with the mechanical fan and a well maintained cooling system, including a heater that works and can be used as an auxiliary cooling fan 😁
  12. Maybe a daft question, but why would it warm up faster? Whatever type of fan is used the thermostat will stay closed until the water is hot therefore not passing by the radiator. Is it because an engine driven fan will be pushing air over the engine and cooling it even when the water is cool? I could be persuaded that an electric fan moves a greater volume of air when it is turning therefore reducing water temperature quicker.
  13. Yippee! now get out there and drive - pick a route where you have to make lots of left & right turns . . . .
  14. If the gaps are even I wouldn't worry, won't spoil the pleasure of driving the car. As my wife would say, from here days as a theatre costumière - "a blind man on a galloping horse would be happy to see it"
  15. Years & years ago I fancied one, nothing to do with me living on Burlington Road at the time I'm sure. 🤪
  16. Keep looking, things can only get better 🤔 You'll find the right one for you sooner or later
  17. No trouble here when I've been on.
  18. Take a day off, or at least a couple of hours, and go for a drive you know how much better you'll feel after.
  19. Yes, I find that I'm subconsciously thinking twice before going out for a run just for fun, but still take the Triumph in preference to the modern when possible, like yesterday I was able to combine a run out with some shopping. The thing that does bother me is the price of heating fuel up by 50%ish compared to past cost. Fingers are crossed that when I do need to reorder it will be more reasonable. Under normal circumstances I would be ordering some now.
  20. Chris A


    I fell into that trap myself.
  21. Chris A


    My 13/60 has been equipped by a previous owner with a manual cut off valve on the petrol pipe just above the tank. There is also a pull switch hidden . . . . that cuts the electricity to the coil, it means the starter will spin but of course no current to coil.
  22. Not heard anything here about smog problems due to high ethanol levels in fuel, interesting. Here we have E85 as well as 5 & 10. The 85 is around 1/2 the price of the others, it was 1/3 a while ago, because it isn't taxed as much not necessarily any cheaper to produce.
  23. That's a bit deep for this time in the morning, I'm come back to it after more coffee ☕
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