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There are some dinosaurs on this forum. Great, it means I'm not alone :)

I was also, just, able to get Radio Caroline on my transistor radio if the weather conditions were suitable, lived in Chesterfield Derbyshire at the time.

Now what was this thread about before it wondered off?

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and they say dinosaurs are extinct 

      one day we will all be dug up as a fossil

             the only rules about thread drift is they must be  daft, rude, never insulting, and sometimes  even helpful , sometimes even triumph related 

                    so happy new year    


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1 hour ago, Chris A said:

There are some dinosaurs on this forum. Great, it means I'm not alone :)

I was also, just, able to get Radio Caroline on my transistor radio if the weather conditions were suitable, lived in Chesterfield Derbyshire at the time.

Now what was this thread about before it wondered off?

Radio Caroline is back on the Medium wave. Frequency 648 Kc/s though with a relatively low power for a BC station of 1Kw.


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1 hour ago, Colin Lindsay said:

I think we should start a Pensioner's Club, which gives members the ability to comment on threads with age-related experience and owlish sagacity. Only those with direct experience of Imperial measurements and pre-plastic cars need apply... :)

Well, that I'm afraid might include me - I might be only 52 (well till April!) but I still use imperial measurements - remember them vividly though technically when I was at school we were mostly taught metric- but my father used imperial at home (he was a teacher so had later in his career to use metric with the kids - he taught Wood, metalwork and TD) - and my first car was a 1967 VW Beetle 1200 

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1 hour ago, Anglefire said:

 my first car was a 1967 VW Beetle 1200 

Metal dash or plastic dash? Makes all the difference!

Just before I left work my colleagues used to slag me when I used words such as wireless or car radio, and talked about 'singles'. I also used to estimate distances and sizes, usually fairly accurately too, but only in feet inches and yards, which some of them had to translate into metric thingies in order to understand what I meant. 

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Yes it's KHz not Kc/s as what I was taught back in the 1950/60's! Cycles say it all, as it just cycles. Whereas hertz just hurt.

Moving on to words now high jacked - Wireless, well that was a large wooden box which had a orange tuning dial, took time to warm up and had a superb brown tone. Hipster- Men had goaty beard and the girls wore tight sweaters. Both talked about Tubby Hayes and Ronnie Scotts.

High Ho.


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1 hour ago, Colin Lindsay said:

Metal dash or plastic dash? Makes all the difference!

Metal dash ? was blue. Bought - well was given it as a bit of a reck and had to do it up before I could drive it. Welding painting though the engine was ok. 

I remember my red (originally white) 1302s also had a metal dash. From memory the plastic dashes were from about 1973 or 4 when the 1303 came out?

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We never really went decimal

Jars of jam and pickle are still  454g    not in units of 10

400 or 500  but of course  a lbs a lb

 so 454g rules   not inches or hertz    the UK industry never converted the packaging , just the bl++dy labels

Bit like the location silly signs on the motorway ,  if they rounded  it up they could save a number and make the sign smaller

Saves £££s      Who cares if youre at  39.6  when 40 would be more sensible

Grrrrr!    roll on new year



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So Britain never really took to metric then?

When I left you bought meat from the butcher's counter in the supermarket in lbs but in the same shop pre packed was in kgs, if I remember correctly.

Even on this forum mpg is used even though I believe petrol is sold by the litre.

Typical British compromise, love it.:angry:

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I'm 47 and completely bewildered by the imperial system - aside from people's heights and weights. My entire schooling was using the metric system and professionally (I'm a chartered QS) we are preculded from using it - if dealing with an American client we can commission a separate imperial bill of quantities for them, but only alongside the main metric bill. Thank goodness for the bag of sugar - my only reference point for weights!


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