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Vitesse, excessive toe in

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Hi. Had some new boots fitted by Pro Tyre and a geometry check. This was done unladen. The toe in is 16mm, (left 7.7mm, Right 8.3mm, whatever that means?).

I will have a go at setting it myself, using Pete's D.I.Y method, though as the above figure seems way excessive, is there anything I should look at, to see what may have caused this please?.

Cheers, Dave


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The official workshop manual states front toe in for the Vitesse 1/16th to 1/8th inch. or 1.6 to 3.2mm. The toe in measurements on your car do sound excessive, were the old tyres wearing unevenly? With so much toe in the outside edges would probably wear faster than the rest of the tyre.


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at 16mm you would scrub the tread very quickly

toe dimensions in inches or mm  is rarely backed up by at what diameter  the rim or the tyre periphery  ie 3 mm at the rim is more than 6mm at the tyre

setting parallel eliminates this conundrum , you do need the car at static heights to use the triumph specifications , some GT6 manuals give the unladen figures 

i would get 150 lbs on the seats (or rent a crowd) and use the twiddle day bars and tape set to 0 to under 3mm toe in for radials at the tyre wall  !!!!

the trackrite  eg   https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gunson-G4008-Trakrite-Wheel-Alignment/dp/B0012M9KEC/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=trackrite&qid=1594229152&s=kids&sr=1-2-catcorr

 and set for zero side slip

tyre pro had no spec to work to and probably have not had the equipment calibrated ,  this sells tyres

you been to twiddle day  ...get your tape measure out

search toe in the simple way on here 

with 16mm toe your tyres would be bald on one edge in a season 


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go back to school and get yout trig book out and dream triangles  

if you know the toe in and at what diameter its at  you can work out you have the hypotenuse and adjacent the opposite is the distance the toe scrub drags the tyres sideways 

3mm toe gives around 20' angle at a diameter of tyre wall  24"or more  

project your toe to 5280 ft. (a mile )or a KM   and you can see and you see 3mm toe actually drags the tyre sideways a horrific distance

thats why its the most aggressive tread remover over any other geometry  errors  that do not cause serious wear anything like toe problems do.


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21 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

go back to school and get yout trig book out and dream triangles  

if you know the toe in and at what diameter its at  you can work out you have the hypotenuse and adjacent the opposite is the distance the toe scrub drags the tyres sideways 

3mm toe gives around 20' angle at a diameter of tyre wall  24"or more  

project your toe to 5280 ft. (a mile )or a KM   and you can see and you see 3mm toe actually drags the tyre sideways a horrific distance

thats why its the most aggressive tread remover over any other geometry  errors  that do not cause serious wear anything like toe problems do.


Would a chiropodist not be better Pete  :) 


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i have a track ace   ,, its simple concept but a   nightmare of the bars keep falling over the projected red spot is never easy to get in the mirror and bounce back to the screen 

youre on youre hands and knees more than youre sanity will survive  so its up in the shelf dust , track rite is just so simple 

flat floor drive over get the reading I often take mine to the pub and shock many with their scrub 

I did have a old Humber experimental dept   optical set which again is complicated to set up I gave it to Kevin  dont know if he fired it up 


Trakrite Trackright   so simple   so right   and less than a price of a tyre , if you drop it all the rollers pop out and the needle disengages  but its easy to re assemble if you have a clumsy epi



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i got mine in a trial before it was fully released , i have years of experience with all manner of gear and initial with little else around i gave it  thumbs up 

side slip plates have been around for years I had  a Weaver one weight was just about portable , but more aimed at truck so brick sh1thouse design  the trackrite is 

a light weight but ideal for DIY yes it only slides on nylon straw rollers but it works so simple and lightweight one handed job

someone in the past thought you need two one for each wheel  that would not work one tyre has to be on the deck to find the slip reaction if you get fussy the slip could be halved 

but set to zero they are parallel  and takes 30 seconds to do a test , not 30 mins of faffing about 

you still need the load static ride heights specs unless you have a unladen figure , but as you best to drive over you just need a passenger 


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On 09/07/2020 at 18:32, Pete Lewis said:

Trakrite Trackright   so simple   so right   and less than a price of a tyre ,

Maybe I'm just lazy but my local tyre depot will do 4-wheel tracking for about £15, and free if you buy a tyre, so I just call in and have a coffee whilst watching someone else do the work.

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