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Herald Rear trunnion to link bolt... struggling!

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I also think many of us get 'irritated' by a particular supplier and eventually over the years settle on one or two (the Club shop, Canley & Paddocks in my case) where if there is a problem it gets sorted without grief.  Just looking at ££££ is not the answer, but seems to be the default for some and then surprised if it does not fit.


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Cheers Dick, I see where your coming from. It's all a bit pot luck but with experience, a limited number of choices to make.

Well it's nearly back together, once I got the bushes in, I prefer to bolt flange first then shocker and arm and just lever spring up to finish.

Just that spring to do but I'm exhausted and it's T time. I made batter for toad in hole.

I know it's not the recommended order but easier to align the arm when your single handed :)

On the road tomorrow after brake bleed and hope the "new" bearings are sound. ....??? Wish me luck. 


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Well....hopefully! Even if not, and the replacement half shaft is also defunct, at least I have had the pleasure of refurbishing and now am experienced at rear axle/suspension repairs! It has been worthwhile. 

If I need to strip it right down...so be it. I'll report in tomorrow afternoon,  probably late on :)

ATB all.

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Well that last step was quite easy, two scissor jacks back and front of spring, couple of spacer blocks and a cross piece to push iot up, tap tap wiggle ... all bolts in now :)

Got to get morning exercise in then attach brake pipes and cable, bleed and test. Couple of hours l;ads

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We're on the road again we're on the road again trala la la woopydee and here comes the rain!!! ( not sure if my roof re-waterproofing has worked..yet).. stuff that... I'm out for a blast after a sandwich or two :)

Such a good feeling! Better than...... a nice cup of T.... well maybe :)

Thank you mr wolf?

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