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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. Product Quantity Price Subtotal: £28.61 Shipping: £6.00 (incl. VAT) via Table Rate Orders under 2kg Payment method: Credit Card Total: £34.61 (includes £5.77 20% VAT) DX 73 - Composite self grip type draught excluder 8 £28.61 8 metres for saloons Paul
  2. I bought a new set of VL for my Vitesse and one of them wouldn’t line up with only 2 bolts fitting . Canleys exchanged ok . Paul
  3. Just a thought are the chassis bolts in the boot missing . This was the case with my Vitesse resulting in odd noises when cornering Paul
  4. Back to the thread ! All classics leave petrol vapour smell If I follow a classic you can smell the fumes . I wish the smell could be bottled . Paul
  5. Best price I found was Canleys https://www.canleyclassics.com part no 155660 Paul
  6. For me it’s the 1/2 ins sockets 😋 Paul
  7. It’s important to find a garage that understands our classics . I MOT mine at Cracknells in Thurston nr Bury St Edmunds . The mechanic gives me a verbal commentary and advice. Perhaps we need a list . My next door neighbour had a TR4 went to a local garage and they wrote a MOT without inspection 🤕. This was 5 years ago . Paul
  8. I bought my mintex from Demon Tweaks on EBay . I trust Demon Tweaks Paul
  9. I use the Club Shop and Canleys . For front pads it’s best to buy Mintex 1144. These are much more expensive than the standard pads but worth every penny and these pads will stop your car Paul
  10. Paul H

    Old advertising

    The Vitesse handbook boasts Air Conditioning , referring to the quarter lights — Trade descriptions 😱 Paul
  11. The V ie larger gap at the top could be excess packing between the chassis and the tub . My Vitesse was an inverted V and improved the gap by adding shims . Paul
  12. Hi Pete , you did mention a van to tow . Have you considered a Portafold. These are 60,s and ideal for a classic . They won’t break the bank either and no depreciation . Id love one for the Vitesse even got the towbar ready but the other half says No. Paul
  13. What state is the Vitesse bonnet ? As might be interested if you are selling Paul
  14. Gearbox and Overdrive ready for refit The od solenoid lower fixing is a 4ins 2ba screw with tube and nuts . Might be a tad long and will adjust length when fitting . This will ensure the solenoid will never fail 🤔 Won’t be refitting till mid august though as we will be away Paul
  15. In the early 70’s I acquired a pair of large unused enamel circular AA road signs . In and out of Perranaworthal (just outside Truro ) 1 had distances to Lands End and the other to London . The securing holes were still filled with enamel . I was broke so sold them . I always wonder what they would be worth now Paul
  16. On a standard Vitesse dipped = outer main = outer and inner I modified mine dipped = outer and inner . With a remote blade fuse which is removed for mots as it’s illegal to have 4 dipped lights I have 2 relays which are situated by the dynamo , dipped and main Paul
  17. Went past it this morning Paul
  18. A trip to sunny Luton yesterday the box and overdrive were rebuilt , thanks Pete . The refit now starts , called in to a local nut and bolt company asking for a solution to the Overdrive Solenoid . One of the fixings , a 2ba screw is nigh on impossible to remove without taking out the gearbox and overdrive . The right hand chassis rail is the obstruction . The solution is a 4ins 2ba cheese head screw which will need trimming . In future the solenoid can be removed without taking out the box . In due course will advise final measurements for those interested Paul
  19. Just bought one from Canleys £65 plus postage Paul
  20. The TSSC valuation does not include a chassis inspection or even require a valid MOT . This is disappointing as a valuation can be used as a guide for selling Paul
  21. Very informative video https://youtu.be/Ln7LhhYZrgg Paul
  22. Hi Dave , the layshaft only showed very minor wear and could have been reused but could have made the box a little noisy so I ordered a new one Paul
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