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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. It is indeed an I-Pad. running ios-9.4. (the older ones won`t run later ios) Pete
  2. Cannot say about Beemers specifically, But many (modern) cars have it located in the wheel arch!. Access is by removing wheel, and arch liners!. Pete
  3. Continuing the "Thread Drift":- My Neighbour had the 2000 Estate circa late 70`s He towed a Sprite Alpine with his, an older (heavier) one on the Full steel chassis. The only thing he did was add Rear spring assist to counteract the long(ish) overhang dragging the rear down?. My Mazda 6, would`nt pull though. Swopped it for a V6 2.8 Auto, Granada Estate which had the same (Rear Sag) issue, solved with Air Springs. Pete
  4. Now it works on the I phone?????. But still not on the I pad???
  5. Hi Anyone have any idea. as to why I can reply/post on my Laptop. but not when using the I-pad? Pete.
  6. You just put the Vittesse on the tramway? Don`t You?. From `83 to 97` The whole area from Bournemouth to the Tamar was my "Patch". We "did" all the N-T sites, as part of the "insurance" package for General Accident. We too Caravaned all up round there during that period. Often in Fields. The Vittesse towed our Baily caravan sometimes too. P.s. Never attempted Porlock with a `van, having had to climb it solo in a modern company supplied vehicle. Pete
  7. The stevedores working the ports of most South American Countries Do likewise. Especially Up the Lakes and the Upper Amazon. Pete
  8. Going Up? or coming down?. Going up I guess?. But if I remember it`s not really that steep?. Now Porlock!. That`s different!. There is/was a N-T parking area up by Bossinton, used to have a wooden seasonal cafe and the Still`s steam "Tea Boiler". I took wrong way from a previous job out of Minehead and got onto a "dirt road" heading for Hurlston point the first time. Turn around back toward Minehead then minor road via Hindon. Lost well over an hour, the fitter waiting to box the boiler up was not a happy bunny! He still had to go back to Bournemouth. Pete
  9. Assuming that the Cooling system is clean and working to spec; of course. Then fan assistance should only be needed in more extreme conditions. Under way the ram air through the rad is more that adequate, occasionally even too much. Now, those of us who remember the early mini`s will be aware that the radiator was placed "East West", where the flow of cooling air came only from the Fan. which (if I am right) expelled air to the nearside wheel arch?, drawing air from the front grill. with little or no "ram" effect. The later "copyist(s)" fitted the Rad to the traditional Front of the car, which required the fitting of Electric fans. Pete
  10. Hi Shrouded fans. I had comunication with a guy on E-Bay ( from York I think?) a month or two back, over a pair of fans he had on offer fully shrouded can`t remember they car they came off. Eventually I decided they where too wide for the (Non Car, Air-con cooling) application I wanted. But for a wider Radiator they may have modified?. EDIT:- Had a look on E-Bay messages. 67x36x12cm. ex Mazda RX8. Pete
  11. Why is it, all the one`s I see have the Damn Mobile clamped to the ear??, haven`t they even heard of cheap hands free sets at least!. Least worse scenario, your never going to stop peep`s using them while driving, human nature won`t go that far that Genie it too far out of the bottle, but at least give them both hands to the wheel!!! BTW, just before I packed in driving, Volvo had the latest trucks tricked out with a sim card holder, built into the Radio unit!, you could make and take calls right from the wheel. That was over 10 yr ago now!. I guess Bluetooth has rendered that redundant?. Pete
  12. Hi Big Believer in the addage "if the bullet has your name on it". Adding the odd period looking Hi Viz light cannot hurt, let`s face it some where already doing it anyway by the late 70`s?. BUT?????. I remember, wiring a scrapyard Flasher Unit via a switch to my Mk1 Escourt, which flashed the brake lights to the rear if you where in an emergency roadside stop. Not exactly 4way hazzards, but still?? drew attention. Pete
  13. The last time I drove an Artic at 70mph. Was when the (56mph) limiter failed!. I was on the M180 (3 lane section) and was passing all the (other) trucks!!. When I got back I told Gaffer, By next morning the limiter was fixed again!😭 Had to explain it to the traffic comissioners as it showed on the Tacho!. Got let off with a slapped wrist!. Had been fun for a while!.
  14. Is that what it was known as?. Well I never knew that!. and me an ex Matelot too.😇
  15. Our neighbour, keeps her Tack and Feed in her garage. So I am baiting regularly. I used to be able to get the "proper" stuff, but that now needs a "licence". I get results though, but it is cyclic, They take the hit and the bait gets left, then a week or two later it starts all over again, But none in the back of the tumble dryer in recent times!. I had less success with Traps. Pete
  16. Conversly, I favour electric fans, however I note that few are properly shrouded to direct the flow across the whole of the matrix. (as on most "moderns"). With a wide rad; I would even consider a twin fan setup?. Fans are rarely needed anyway out of traffic?, most often never even cut in in normal use in the UK, many only coming on after the vehicle stops!. Back "when" some fitted Radiator Blinds for use in winter, or us "po boys" a piece of card board!!, otherwise the old "smiths" round heater (in posh cars) never got up to heat!. Pete
  17. Just a Thought?. Is it FLAT glass?. I know that American R-V owners, the majority of whose vehicles have FULL glass windows, not the plastics seen "over here". Have in the past had them remade in in the UK?. Some are even Double glazed!. Pete
  18. The Absolute worst and messiest job immaginable!!!. Took weeks to get the Herald clean enough to accept paint!!. And you have to be so careful, It sticks to any footwear, and transfers indoors, where Management can get quite "uppity" about it!!. I too have used the Bilthammer products both internal (in the Chassis) and external, so hopefully I am on the right track!. Pete
  19. I have only ever fitted one screen (to a mini van) back in the 60`s. bitch of a job and IMV better left to the guys who do it daily for a a living!!. However, ref; sealant, Leaking screens back then where regularly "treated" to a bead of bostick under the lipping to stop leaks. Never saw it used as a "factory" option though?. Perhaps on "production" it would have added time and cost?. Dad`s 1948 Hillman only survived a leaking screen by copius aplication of Bostic.!!.
  20. A light spray with "Mr Sheen" and a polish, finishes it off.👍
  21. Industrial ribbed "non slip" matting, (used) to come cut from the roll, circa 4ft wide, we had it for the likes of Switch board rooms etc. Pete
  22. We used these:- to square up fasteners on structural steelwork back in the 60`s. Still available online. A short section of thick wall tube under the Turret between it and the floor, will form a ridgid fastening. Pete
  23. 1/8" BSP.= 9.728mm o/d (0.337") 28tpi. :: 3/8" BSP. = 16.662mm o/d (0.662") 19tpi. Air Horns?. Pete
  24. I have this to look forward too. If I remember from the VIttesse. The biggest issue is wear in the Spindle upsetting the balance? and making ballancing the carbs more difficult. The Herald is single carb: Pete
  25. I usually, go to a local supplier George Lodge, for all my bearings, What they don`t have they can get within 24/48hrs. Price is competitive with Motor Factors. I still have my old "Equivalent" brochure from about 1960. We used to have "grades" of bearing, for different aplications. Pete
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