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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Hi Google = 174.000.000 results for in line fuel filters in 0.48seconds. everything from £1-68 upwards. 10pieces for £2-71 on e-bay!! 27p each!!. That was the other thing sugested, the use of a Fuel stabiliser. Not tried it, but it could be one option with the Inverter/Genny, it spends a lot of time in a "standby mode" between festivals and over winter. The issue has only come to light in recent times and following the introduction of Ethanol to domestic fuels. Pete
  2. Hi Useful calc;/check tool?:- https://www.rowse.co.uk/blog/post/how-to-measure-bsp-fittings The ref; point is to Airline fittings, but still a good guide. Rule of thumb used to be inside dia of the pipe being used. Say 1/4 id = 1/4 BSP. Not an exact science but gives a start point. And little use with hose!. Pete
  3. I note your location as South Somerset?. Have you thought of Thornfalcon Garage?, just outside Taunton?. Junc, 358/378. They (used) to specialise in Classics, and did some restorations (In the 90`s). P.s. Back then there was a guy in Yeovil. Who restored American stuff. I had parts off him, for my Chevy; based Camper.? Pete.
  4. As Taken out of my 13/60. (Assumed to be O/E). To be replaced by MX5 Seats. Pete
  5. I agree, but both where designed/made (I assume) with the roll bar in the mind. The Vittesse / Herald range where not so specified at conception by the designer. Which IMV makes fitting one retrospectivly like, The "Boil on the face of an old Friend". Pete
  6. I think. ICI (possibly) in conjuction with Shell Oil?. Where the producers of the Clevland Discol? Ethanol based, in my earlier post? One of the allegations viz, use of 5% or 10% ethanol is that the fuel degrades in storage?. I had a lot of trouble starting my 2.3Kw Generator, not having been used due to CV. Talking to the makers I was advised this (ethanol) might be a factor and to drain the fuel, clean the filter and the use "fresh" fuel. It worked in that instance, so there might be something in it?. IF it is a factor, then cars that are "Winterised" might well benefit from being run dry, stored, and refuelled at the season start?.
  7. Ethonal(s), has been a factor in ICEngine use since the dawn of the "Gaslolene" Engine.- As recent as the 60`s we where still buying "Cleveland Discol". Which came from the 1920`s I believe?. Interresting read Here BTW:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_alcohol_fuel Pete
  8. On a couple of cars I had over the years where that type mount/fitting was used, there was a spreader plate inside the car or often wheel well usually?. Pete
  9. I think, (maybe I should`nt?), That the sight of a roll bar/cage on an open top car, is IMV a visual detraction. It`s OK when the hood is in place (Visually). But in that case why not buy the saloon in the first place?. Putting aside the "safety" aspect(s), When seat belts where first introduced, there was a school thought which actually surmised that they where dangerous, (in an open car) the standpoint being that rather than having 1/2 a ton of car on top of you, possibly even in a water filled ditch!, you could be better off thrown clear?. Of course even F1 cars only have the tiny "hoop" behind the driver?. What would be interesting, would be to see the stat`s ref the No of open top cars on the road and fatalities caused as direct result of not having "roll" protection?. In the final analysis, it is down to how individual feels, no one should feel pressurised in either way?. Anyway, heres to a MUCH better 2021!. Keep it upright guys (and gals) Pete
  10. Probably come under heading "usual suspects" It is shown as "Available" from Canley (606366) £8.98 each?. https://www.canleyclassics.com/?catalogue=triumph-herald-13/60&diagram=triumph-herald-13/60-convertible-hood Pete
  11. Only just noticed, The Vitesse appears to be full Automatic. Only ever seen (picture of) one before (in a 1980`s "Courier"), when some guy did a conversion with a 2000? Engine and Box.? Is this the same one?. Pete
  12. So a Quick "ninja" style forey to Aldi @ 07:31am. Ski Mask and Gloved, so no DNA evidence, 17 items, Quick look in the "Boys Toys" section, Nothing to report. Back home by 08:25. No sign of the "covid plod". Probably too early, They still on the tea and biccies?. or keeping "obbo" on the "buttie" van in Wikke`s car park?. Pete
  13. Whilst I can well see from from a H&S Point of View, the desire for a Roll bar/cage. Surely that detracts from the reason one wanted the Car in the first place? Nostalgia!. Properly engineered/restored, Brakes, in good condition. Good quality tyres. For the rest, its back in the "lap of the gods". If the bullet has your name on it? P.s. Mark?. Are they MX5 "tombstone" seats?. Pete
  14. A lot of "modern" batteries are designated to be fastened by the base connection clamping Hence the locating "notches" around the base. Or have a "bridge" fastening over the top. The more "traditonal" style is that used on pre 75(ish) vehicles (like Triumphs). The Bosh/Varta badged "silver" Range have been getting good reviews. Made allegedly in the same factory BTW. The last car battery I bought, was 38quid from a local Factors, for a Fiat. 2 year warranty, still OK on 3 and counting. Pete.
  15. The 13/60 is the only car I have ever bid on. Bought a few by turning up and Haggling Though.! The Price of this, has stalled at 4.6K. Which is above condition-1 in the latest rating by P-C mag; Pete
  16. Quote:- French. Ah yes. They have a habit of engineering the wiring as thin as they can get it and it fails regularly- particularly at the door joints. I had a Citroen (BX) at one time, I too think the French have a special "thin wire" factory?. Try to connect a Tow bar wiring loom?. Nobody really likes "piggy back"/ splice connectors but for quick a quick job they usually work. Not with Citroen wiring they don`t, either you have no connection OR the connector actually cuts the wiring!. Other wise the BX was actually a good bit of working kit. Especially for fording flooded roads in deepest darkest Somerset. Pete
  17. I sometimes think, bidding, its a bit like gambling, how many get carried away with the "i`ll just bet another 10p". and before they know it they are OTT. I know when I got the 13/60, I put a bid, max`d at 1/2 what I expected it make. Went to the Pub for lunch and came back a "winner" at below my maximum. Recent sold a piece of diagnostic gear, expected about 30-50 quid tops. I was amazed when it sold for £72, only 15 quid less than I had paid for it!!. A not so recent sale of a Guitar, belonging to George Harrison stalled at around the 25K mark. the Auctioneer went to the gavel and a second before it came down another bid was made, It then went mad, and made over 90K in the end. Pete.
  18. PeteH

    Door Speakers

    Hi. My answer to speaker pods? was Polystyrene Soup/Pudding Dishes, They where a perfect fit in the doors of a Fiat?.
  19. I used the "original" Aldi one on the American Camper for several years, never had issue with the Alternator. Until it expired in France on the way to Spain. Sourced one from Belgium, and had it delivered to a French Campsite. It`s an interesting experience, Driving with a 4Kw generator running to keep the battery charged!. Pete.
  20. Current £4.6K. 33 bids. About Double what I`d have washed out at. I turned down a similar condition P6, because the Guy wouldn`t play at £3.2K. Pete.
  21. My Collegues, from "Lift and Crane" Examination/Testing, back in the 90`s, before I retired, expressed concern over the height of some of these storage units, for "reasons of saftey". The operators where in the process of introducing "unmanned" trucks (computer controlled) to some wharehousing units, for "efficiency" rather than Health and Safety reasons. I never exmined any myself (different discipline) but I could never understand why they did not appear to be "tied" to the roof sections in any way?, nor apparently even cross connected?.
  22. With Thora Hird, (in)famously mangling the gearbox?. Hope they replaced it for the poor owner?. Pete
  23. Ref; the Beatles. Run down down shed/garage/bodyshop near Staines in the 80`s. Grotty rusty Mini being re-furbed. Being curious I asked Why?. I`d have crushed it!!. Not with this history was the reply. This one was Bought by John Lennon who had it resprayed Pink, (you could see some Pink bits) As a Birthday Pressy for Cynthia. Never knew if it actually made it back on the road. Pete
  24. Hi Looks relatively "un molested", driver door bottom gap?. I`d want it up on a ramp though for a good poke at the weak points. And then HAGGLE!!. (Edit:- it`s a bidding war!!). P-C ran a "Buyers Guide" back around 2001/2, if anyone has the back issue?. Pete
  25. Thinking back to when I dismantled mine. I am sure I had to take the seal out of the rail to access the screws?. I think it was "glued" or bonded in and the "u" shape was on the outside?. Have you got the right profile Part?. Could be simply that being new it needs adjustment?. Pete
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