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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. PeteH

    Found in the sump.

    I have 2 Blue (and white) ones twice a day?, along with................................................... A shed load (well 4) "others". Occasionally the Pharmacy change them to yellow, just for the hell of it I think?. P.S. anyone else keep getting the E-Mails offering performance enhancing medications?. My Spam box seems to be full of it. Pete
  2. Got a few min, Yesterday, so dug these out. Hope they are useful. It`s how the 13/60 was fastened when it came to me. The original brackets where Rusted steel so replaced with alloy. Pete
  3. Another vote for checking the release lever pivot pin, the action would get worse as the pin worked it`s way out. Pete
  4. A lot, not necessarily Triumph cars of this vintage, rattle a bit on startup. especially if left for any period between use`s. I suspect "we" have just got used to more modern vehicles with their closer tolerances. I had a "modern" (well 15+ year old) which had done well over 150K miles and still the Oil light went out after a matter of milliseconds on startup. The engine had never been touched, beyond Oil/filter changes. To properly check Oil Pressure, you really need to fit a Certified Prssure gauge into the Oil system, In car instuments can be notoriously fickle. For those who remember such things, Many old "brit" bikes would drain the contents of the Lub tank to the sump if left to long. Tech; has moved on since then!. Back in the day, we de-coked engines at what are regarded (now) as very low milages, often doing major work on engines with less that 100K. Ford "pinto`s" for example, used to eat valve seals in very short order, you always knew, puff of blue smoke as they left the traffic lights!. in theory that was a head off job, in practice they could be changed in situ. Pete
  5. Finger pointed at the fuel pump. It primes manually, which suggests that there is an issue with the Pump valves?. As the Stroke of the priming lever is greater that that raised by the cam?. See:- https://www.canleyclassics.com/?catalogue=triumph-gt6-mkiii&diagram=triumph-gt6-mkiii-fuel-pump Pete
  6. I could do with some interchangeable parts?. Preferably NOS?.😉 Pete
  7. With the current retail price of a pack of 20 around £10.50. It`s little wonder that the countries Smokers are struggling with heating bills. The price of one pack would cover my bills for 1-1/2 to 2 days, and we have to keep the temp; up with My wife being on Blood thinners (for one). Our Neighbour, 50 years ago, who worked in the NHS, would regularly joke "surgeons bury their mistakes". His anethetist, would allegedly take a glass of gin before surgery to steady his hands. Pete
  8. There was some "discussion" in an earlier post?. Ref; the installation of the Swing Spring. Which if i recall correctly, advised an upgrade to the Front Anti roll bar too. Pete
  9. The "trick" Back when, was to use Molyslip additives. Thinking being the moly gave the bearings some "Lubrication" before the oil got there. Pete
  10. I rebuilt the ones on mine after a good clean, left the existing Buttons there, and coated the leaves liberally in Copperslip. Pete
  11. Plastic Batton Rounds. Serious "crowd control" devices, and subject of much controversy. However less deadly than the alternative. Pete
  12. Lidle (or Aldi). Had some on "offer" some time back. I got one. Thanks for that tip, will be future useful. At the moment my doors are still, like the rest of the car, in need of painting, so a Hammer and a Brass dolly are the "go to" tools for adjusting the Hinges. Once I get the gaps something like. I can go to Primer/Paint. Pete
  13. Or 257 Sqadron?. Not as nice a Green though. Pete
  14. This came up recently too? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185621762434?hash=item2b37eb5182%3Ag%3ASSMAAOSwjLFjTUNv&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5337677466&customid=classic&toolid=10049 Pete
  15. You have to be very good to acheive a result with cast welding, pre heating is an almost mandatory requirement, certainly to obtain the best outcomes. Good "coded" welders command great respect, I`ve seen some, in and out of the Petrochem industry. And some who I would not give time of day to as well. Pete
  16. Properly controlled Burn conditions, produce very low toxic output, OK, Yes CO`2, Plastics are the bigger issue, ash makes good "soil improver" Grandad swore that soot kept the slugs from his veg?. Their house had 5 fires, in winter, so plenty to go round!!. The shipboard one was 20ft container sized and occupied a niche on the vehicle deck. It was still there "dead" when I left the vessel. One Chief Eng; Installed a system of mirrors (think Periscope) so he could watch the funnel from his cabin Porthole. Too much Black smoke and the Engine room Phone would get red hot!! with the Watchkeeper getting a right Bollocking!. Pete
  17. Audible "device" in series?. No power no beep?. That is how my Trailer lighting (LED`s) appears to Work. Failed connection the audible "beeping" stops. Pete
  18. The Operators installed one on a Ferry (UK - Scandinavia), back in the 70`s. It lasted about 3 Month!!, spent more time "out of service" than in use. Good idea, but not that well engineered nor thought out, The crew, and stewards where putting just about anything in it. Even worse where the "sanitory disposal units" fitted in Ladies toilets. I near got the "sack" over one of those. Pete
  19. We should all realise by now, No one takes responsibility for anything these days. They have "rights", but being responsible?. Noooooooo, got to be someone eslse`s fault!. Anyway, get it wrong and some bu88er will sue you. T-V is full of add`s by "ambulance chasers". Cynical??? Me??, what makes you think that?. Pete
  20. The last "windows" that still allowed "YOU" (the owner) to make decisions over what and when you wanted updating, was (I think) win; 7?. After that the best you could have was a 7? day delay, before it took control and arbitarily updated. I have one (older) laptop which has windows 10, in need (allegedly) of an update, but it cannot update as it need more "room" on my hard drive in order to install it`self. So in order for this "Bloatware" to install some questionable upgrade. I have to remove needed stuff. probably onto external drives, for the moment I am ignoring it. I did a disk clean which is not enough?. Pete
  21. Clean terminals and contact area`s, a little light preventative (I still use the old Vaseline)( no don`t think even about it!!!!) will likely help and it`s only cost is a hour or two labour?. Addendum. The rear high level brake light on the Motorhome failed, (corrosion). I replaced it with a short strip of LED`s. left over from replacing the under cabinet lighting. Works a treat. So I did the same to the "awning" light over the door.👍, again works fine. I like a cheap/free solution. Couple of hours work and a soldering iron. Pete
  22. If you want to go deeper. https://www.holtsauto.com/prestone/news/your-prestone-coolant-questions-answered/ Personally, I`ve been using Coma products in all my vehicles. They do one rated as "suitable" for Older cars, Comma SLC5L Super Red Ready to Use Antifreeze and Coolant. Pete
  23. If it had been a screw or nail. Your tyre(s) would have found it quite quickly. I have a load of brass BA nuts (very small used in model making) I dread dropping one, there must be dozens scattered about the shed and garage. and being brass, the magnet on a piece of string won`t find them. Pete
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