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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. How much is the tracking/camber affected by loading?. My instinct would suggest that with the Rear spring setup, It would be necessary to have the car in the "in use" condition?. A bag or 2 of sand on each seat?. Pete
  2. Mine`s a 71, (70 Build) with the larger tank. However I believe that, from the internal condition, it to be a replacement. A lot of work/replacement had been done over the last 20 years, according to the "file". Just the body/chassis neglected (sadly). When I had the body off, I replaced the whole fuel pipework with 8mm Copper. one length front to rear. where it goes through outriggers it`s sleeved with plastic, and clipped periodically. The tank is on the shelf in the background. Pete
  3. It`s not the Cables, The Divies will put the control boxes at or even below ground level. We have that here in a KNOWN flood plain, the control gear for the Pumps is at ground level!. If some had brains they would be dangerous! Pete
  4. Thanks (a bunch!). 👍. Our youngest son is over in Aus; (Gosford) at the moment, seeing his latest grandchild (now 2-1/2) for the first time. He is due back in Blighty before Xmas. Best wished to you and yours. Pete
  5. Ref; Oil and Hair loss. In my case I assume it worked the other way round?. Being somewhat "Monk Like" in that department. I attribute it to the amount of time spent having (hot) Marine lubricating oil liberally deposited over ones person whilst working in the crankcase, rectifying the faults which occur in elderly, and not so old, Marine Engines. Pete
  6. Looks Exactly like Mine?. (13/60). Pete
  7. Do they do blue ones?. You could frighten the cr*p out of the local hooligan element?. (if it wasn't an offence😭.) Pete
  8. We used CTC, from the old time Fire extinguishers to clean oil etc: off our uniforms.?. I understand they stopped using, as a fire extinguishing material. When they found out the fumes it gave of when used on a fire where Toxic and/or Carcinogenic? (or so dad told me!). Wikepedia:- Carbon tetrachloride extinguishers were withdrawn in the 1950s because of the chemical's toxicity – exposure to high concentrations damages the nervous system and internal organs. Additionally, when used on a fire, the heat can convert CTC to phosgene gas,[10] formerly used as a chemical weapon. Pete
  9. Thanks, (32ozs. the Yanks don't do metric!🤣 My R-V weighed in at 23.000lbs, not 10.4tonne!!) Pete
  10. Ian. If I tell SWMBO that we`ll be going shopping!!, by day 3🥲. And I don't expect to return from "over there" without excess baggage charges.🤣. Pete
  11. That I understand. The issue here is that it has run foul of Laws to do with Bankruptcy. (allegedly). I don't really believe it but the cost of fighting it is not worth the effort, and to be fair It worked in as much as I got a "partial" result without the legal costs. Pete
  12. Am I right in thinking the "fat" anti roll bars are only recommended for Swing Spring equipped cars?. Or does that only apply to Non Roto cars?. And could Tyre Age be having some effect?. I ask because some tyre`s have issues towards the end of their recommended life despite having sufficient tread? Especially if not having been used for a long period?. eg; during a rebuild?. Pete
  13. SWMBO, was looking at new Xmas trees, I suggested that as we are going to be (Boris not withstanding) in Texas until Jan 6th. we might give it a "miss".? Whats the bet`s we finish up getting one in the New Year Sales on our return?. Maybe 2 weeks self isolation will be a benefit?, by that time the Sales should be over? (well maybe not the DFS one!🤣). Pete
  14. !`ve just come out of a dispute over supply of energy. Being one of those who where with "Green Energy" (Failed), we got migrated to EDF. Who sent an estimate of what was owed in their billing, I asked for sight of the G-E bills, the reply was "we cannot access their old records". My reply was "then how can you know what was used"?. The Energy Ombudsman looked at it but was "unable to help". Apparently, It`s all down to "Data protection"!!. The records are "off limits" pending decision about the fate of G-E in bankruptcy. Fortunately I have records going back to 2010. We finally agreed a figure which shaves almost £100 off their estimate using historical average consumption. And the "undercharge" repaid over 1 year!. Some thing you all may want to take a look at?. During this debacle, one thing I noted was that the recent price hikes, have mostly been to standing charges. in my case a 2.4 times increase in the S-C. Which means in effect, that you can reduce your consumption as much as you like, But the Supplier "take" remains (virtually) the same because the DAILY charge has increased NOT the fuel element. Interesting? P.S. I pointed this out to our MP, who has said he would look into it, (not holding my breath here). He has a reputation as being able to fence sit on a razor blade. Pete
  15. Whatever "floats your boat". Pete
  16. Well, I suppose 4 of them in the car would keep you warm?. Pete
  17. A Bit like the Tennessee County where Jack Daniels is made being Dry?. The nearest "outlet" being just over the county line. Pete
  18. Could it be harmonics?. Something which only "vibrates" at certain frequencies? Pete
  19. Back in the 40`s / 50`s. all the old fashioned "cast iron" radiators in our school where painted matt black, allegedly more efficient?. Mind, the school heating was coke fired and we had a full time boilerman!. Pete
  20. On balance I would agree. The only real benefit from re-importing would be the normal absence of the dreaded "rot" in vehicles from "dry" area`s. My prime reason for disposing of the Mini, (see my last "thread drift"). Pete
  21. Guy in our village, lived for many years in Spain, the house he rented, was built onto the hillside caves. He reckoned that summer or winter, the temperature was always between +/- 5deg F of 65degF regardless of the outside temperature. Pete
  22. For a couple of years back in the 2000`s I had possession of a genuine (we checked the Vin) 1275 cooper. (66 -D Reg). Unfortunately, a previous owner had blown the engine big time and subsequently grafted a 1300 engine from a much later car in. So the value was really lost. However it went like "stink", a bit of a "rocket Sled on rails". Come MOT time if failed, needing welding, so I sold it on to a guy who wanted to restore it. But where he was going to get a Genuine Cooper Engine I don`t know!. Pete
  23. The last Heating oil (kerosene actually) I got was dyed RED. Same as agricultural fuel. Probably just as well, as the R-V 6.3L V8 Diesel, would have run on it, and at 10 to 12mpg. The temptation would be huge!. They are currently predicting high winds again down this (East) coast from Midday (again). 40+mph which is Gale Force 8, with Gusts exceeding that. Bit breezy then?. Pete
  24. That`s the whole point here, the people affected in the North East and Scotland have been without power for a full week and a few are still not back on (with more gales predicted too). With the electric "out" your Gas Boiler won`t run. So either way NO HEAT. BUT "we" are being "encouraged" to go wholly electric!. Back in 2005, I spent 9 hours in a Truck in a traffic jam, M1 was closed both ways. The only thing that moved where the emergency services up and down the "Hard Shoulder". Eventually they did get the traffic moving again. But shifting 4 Conquerer Tanks and their transporter(s) from all 6 lanes, was a major event. On a "Smart Motorway" it could be even worse. I had the use of a "Night Heater" and could "pee" up against the wheel, and a black bin liner (SAS Style) if required. Pity all the ladies in cars!. One thing About Diesel is you CAN store it. I have "gas" in my garage, because I have a generator. I also do have a wood burner, and a pile of logs too. Going all "green electric" is In my view a recipe for disaster, and definitely not happening here any time soon. Pete
  25. I live in an East York`s Village. We already get occasional outages. When we refurbed this Bungalow in 2010, I put in a centre off changeover switch (100amp rated) I can now run a limited supply from my Generator (2,2KVa) If the need arises. That and the Wood burner. In actual fact, the last time we just decamped to the Motor-home parked by the Garage, its batteries kept charged by solar panels. Wagger, make a point though. Preventative maintenance is a thing of the past, now they just wait until it fails and then replace (mostly). 90% of power transmission weather issues could be solved by putting the cable underground. The idea was "floated" 40 years ago (or more) and abandoned on grounds of cost. Any one "rural" would be advised to have a backup, the load on the power system is only going to get worse. Pete
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