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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. If you are going to have to refinish anyway?. The old trick of welding a bolt/stud into the base of the ding, and pulling it out?. it won`t come right out but should then fill and re-profile?. Pete.
  2. Another thing you could try. Get it loaded up as before. And then drop it onto concrete from a height?. What I am seeing in your Photo is probably not sufficient to load it to the point where it will "crack"?. To illustrate, At One point I had a 1" square drive socket and 4 ft of scaffold tube, with the shaft braced against my bench with a pipe chain wrench. That was preload then I hit it with a 7lb hammer. The crack when it did go made me think I`d smashed it!. They are proper pigs to get free.!
  3. Get as much "load" on as it will stand. Take the spanner off and hit the end of of the puller bolt very hard. The impact is often all that is needed to shock the release. Pete
  4. What I found, The Hard way!, is that the base of the puller MUST be bolted flat to the hub to prevent distortion of the hub flanges. My puller was constructed from a Thick Pipe flange, 2" scaffold tube and a very large nut. Welded up. Extremely "industrial" but worked. Pete
  5. Not been in the channel islands has it?. If (say) it had been in Jersey. I don`t think it can be transferred to the UK with being re-registered?. It is however likely to get an "age related" Index number. Pete
  6. I would not be surprised to find that the Issue had to do with the Distributer?. If its not advancing as it should then it will be retarded relative to the engine speed and potentially down on power. Is the replacement Distributer correct for the car? In terms of the advance curve?. Pete
  7. Flasher unit?. Old style where Bi-Metal. Its probably siezed in the "on" position Try swapping it out for a New one and or known working one. Pete
  8. The helicoil kit comes with a Tap, which is the same thread form and pitch but a larger dia. the "coil" is inserted which restores the original thread size. Plenty of info:- https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=Fitting+hellicoils The Captive plate is only (I estimate) 3/16" (5mm) thick. Which even with a fine thread does mean that care is required when fastening the bolts. Pete
  9. I have refurbished a stripped thread by running weld into the failed thread and drilling and re-tapping 3/8" UNF. Pete
  10. Quick, get it patented. Before someone rips it off.👍 Long story. Short. the Towball mounted bike rack?. Dead copy of one I made to carry 2 kids bikes, when the Caravan was attached. 10 years before it appeared on the market. Pete
  11. I have a variety of old (New Stock) rivets from my days working for Hawkers (Blackburn Aircraft, yes that long ago!). They are Aircraft alloy and may suit?. What is the dia?. Also can you still get the Rivets used for Fastening Brake Linings to Brake Shoes, They where copper with open end?. On a similar Thread, have you considered a "pop" Rivet.? Remove the stem even and Rivet that?. Pete
  12. You may have to resort to making your own from Piano Wire? Thats what the ones in my clutch and Brake M-Cyls look like?. Pete
  13. Used to have the old fashioned multiwheel style. Now another cheat and use the Old diamond glass cutter, (I`m really tight!) used regular just to trim up the stone. I find that stones stay flat(er) if you move the work piece across the face of the stone when working it. Surprising No of people will grind in one place and finish up with a groove in the stone. Pete
  14. I was offered a full Genuine C-V rear-end, back in the 80`s when we had the Vittesse (Saloon), It was a tempting swap. (the donor had been a major front end write off). But by that period SWMBO was already having problems with "mobility". and it got chopped in for a Capri Auto with PAS. Pete
  15. Your welcome. I`m from the generation that still had "National Service". Believe me, you would not be wanting to be "beasted" more than once!. "prejudice" back then was for whimps and went both ways. Not nice, but that was the fact`s of life. How the modern generation would cope with those situations and that of of WW2. Makes me fear for this country. But Hey Ho, different times. One can only pray they never have to find out!. Petet
  16. That sounds like (or similar to) the Late Vittesse? and my 13/60. The Cable is held by the system with no additional clips being shown. This gives the general idea?. https://www.canleyclassics.com/?catalogue=triumph-vitesse&diagram=triumph-vitesse-accelerator-late-2-litre-only Pete
  17. Way back. I grafted a Donated Stromberg, onto the Mini. Only required an adapter plate and two extra gaskets. I think it is still sculling about somewhere.? In my view it was not a successfull graft and soon reverted back to the O/E. Pete
  18. NO. But his old Hillman, was just as capable. Peter
  19. I like pre 8am. After that, the staff start to park up for Surgery and Pharmacy, the teens queue for the High School bus (AKA the cattle truck), then the "mummys" start arriving in the SUV`s to drop the kids at the primary school. By 9 there is no place to park, so the patients park on the corner of the road causing endless obstruction. Recently, they have been vaccinating, that was fun. Still we chose to live here, so we live with it. But peaceful (weekdays) it aint!. Now during lockdown?. Anyway guys thanks for the "heads-up" with the carbs;` Pete
  20. Just goes to prove that the laws of Physics still apply. What goes in - losses = what comes out. One of the early "advantages" of the ICE, was the fact that it cut out the middle man (the steam producer). Now of course we are re-introducing the middle man (the power generation source). Pete
  21. I can see where B-W is coming from. Halfords, one would assume, supply for "modern" cars. All of which must run on E5 or E10?. Therefore one could reasonably expect the product to be "fit for purpose". ? Almost the reverse of the situation where an O/E product would be Better?. Pete
  22. There is an extremely "Non P-C" joke about that, which would probably get me barred for life in to-days "snowflake" world. We though it funny. but then we was all Matelots. which just about covers it.
  23. Just goes to prove? The broad spectrum of age, would suggest that "we" belong to the "make do and mend" age of the post WW2 austerity?. I still darned my socks, right up until about 1980. When I left the M-N. I`l bet if I look, I still have a wooden "mushroom"!!. Problem now will be getting the darning material with most socks no longer being wool?.
  24. Never noticed that!. Looks a bit scruffy, (passenger door needs looking at?) but I guess a viable rescue?. given it`s "historic importance". Wonder why "the only one"?. Pete
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