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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Thanks Guys, I`ll have something to work to, once I get it stripped. The "headache" in the spindle is of some concern. Are the spindles still available?. And any suggestions where best to go for a service "kit" these days?. I suppose the "usual suspects"?. Pete
  2. I have yet to strip it down, it`s still sat on the bench in all it`s filthy glory!. Having been dug from a box yesterday. So a good clean up is in order. I thought it would make a weekend project hence the enquiry. I expect it is O/E, (it`s the only one in the box!) so should be OK. Wear on the spindle is a concern, The Vittese had erratic idling which disapeared when the Pair where swapped out for newer SU`s. Pete
  3. Allegedly the ONLY Vittesse Coupe, has popped up on the front of the latest Coureir, LHD too?. Pete
  4. In a word, Practice. We all did "time" in what was refered to as the "grindery" as aprentices, taught to sharpen all sorts of tools including drills, Lathe tools, Milling cutters. A good basis for later life. I can still do the bigger ones, but age(ing) eyesight, has curbed the ability to be accurate with the smaller ones. So now I "cheat" having bought a drill sharpener a few years ago. One "secret" is to have the Stone properly "dressed", if you are going to do it by eye. I still have my drill gauge, we all made them in "training school", which gives the correct angle. Pete
  5. Hi Have the 13/60 Carb (CD150) on the bench. Can anyone confirm the correct Needle/Jet combinations, or point me in the right direction?. Just (mostly) to ensure it is to spec;?. Bit of a fiddle suggests there might be some wear in the spindle too. TIA. Pete
  6. Many of my drills, come from my days "on the tools", being imperial and are still in good order despite having been reground regularly, later additions are of a variable quality. The Metric ones are the worst offenders, my Swedish ones are best. Small ones I often regard as "use once, throw away". The taper shank ones, I use in the Lathe stand up well, some must be getting on for 80 Years old as they where not new when I aquired them.
  7. I have given up!. I can switch off as many lights as I like, It will never compensate for the fact that the Washing Machine goes on (almost) every day! and sometimes more than once. What is found to wash daily (2 persons) remains a mystery. When SWMBO was "laid up" after her accident I manged to get it down to twice a week. Because "we never wash coloured with whites". As soon as mobility, albeit limited, returned we went back to "daily". Pete
  8. PeteH


    Seen an advertisement for sale lately where the seller, Put "historic" vehicle, exempt taxation and MOT. C/W with recent MOT check? or some such. Pete
  9. Err? Climbing over the wall at the "offy", passing 2 or 3 empty bottles back to your mate, who went in the front door and got the 3d a bottle back?. Which was then spent on "sweeties" (post rationing) or in some cases 2 woodbine. Pete
  10. Yup, That too. See, us "Old Timers" WHERE the original recyclers after all?. Paper bags, The torn up Newspaper hung on the nail in the privy?. Fruit and veg, loose not shrink wrapped?. List is endless. Pete
  11. Before the advent of the "spring" Old time Plumbers used to fill copper tube with lead/solder, bend it, and then heat to remove the solder. Pete
  12. My 3 amp Rated 12V stabiliser, for the PAS, just dropped on the mat, (well it did after the dog had savaged it) 9pm at night!. White Van Man is still working. Looks the business?. So I`ll try it out Maybe tomorow. Pete
  13. (Sir) Greg Knight MP, is local to us, and a supporter of Classics too. I`ve personally never seen them. but I`m told he has a barn full. He brought his Alvis to the pub one time, that`s a pretty car. Pete
  14. Or V8 Burble?. V10`s sound nice too, a sort of 7.4litre rumble. Pete
  15. I`ll vote for Bilthammer too, the "test" results are impressive!!. But the old Waxoyle still has a place. Besides I have best part of a gallon on the shelf. Works best (IMV) in the old airline "oil spayer" diluted with White Spirit/Turps subs. Turn back the clock, 1950`s, and Dad would spray his old engine oil on everything under the car!!. It was parked outside on the road too, the road suface outside our house must have been lethal! Pete
  16. I was going to thank you. But My "reactions" Limit is on for to-day. What`s that all about then?. Pete
  17. Currently re-fitting the doors to the refurbished shell (13/60). Worth making up some Internal backing plates and bonding them to the inside?, whilst I still have full access?. I have some 3mm Galvanised I could use?. Pete
  18. What is the Alternator make?. I know that Regulators are available for Some (Bosch for one) and Assuming the Coils have`nt fried. They are relatively Cheap?. "Mistakes" often only affect the regulator. Worth a thought?. Pete
  19. They are identical to mine. Similar condition but in need of a clean. So I did well at £50 the pair?. Pete
  20. Need a bloody long cord/flex?. These should clean up nicely. Wonder what they make?. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224447096836?_trkparms=aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131231084308%26meid%3D770f1c508ea74dcda066e7a76ed7a654%26pid%3D100010%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D233964593710%26itm%3D224447096836%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DDefaultOrganicWithAblationExplorer%26brand%3DMazda&_trksid=p2047675.c100010.m2109 Pete
  21. Silicone, is an extremely useful product. Until it gets anywhere near Paint!. I suppose the same could be said about the PVA not working, Airborne silicones are anathema in paint shops?.
  22. There we go👍. Every days a school day on here👍. The back from self adhesive graphics?. I`m sure somewhere we have the remains of a roll of the stuff you could put on kitchen shelves?. Pete
  23. Nice job, Fancy doing another?.🖕 Mine is extremely scruffy!!. Pete
  24. Are they the same as the Herald? (13/60). Pete
  25. Couple of things?. Easy enough to measure the Voltage, even across the battery, Static and running voltages should be noticably different, anything close(ish) to 14V is OK. However if you want to measure the Current (Amps) you will likely need a Hefty calibrated "Shunt" in parallel with the sort of DIY meters on the market, very few will handle more than 10amps . I "fried" an "industrial" strength "AVO" meter once in ignorance of that fact. There was time when the Regulators in the back of Alternators where replacable. Lucas Agents could do it. Pete
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