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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. The fact that there is currently a big rise in 'transfrontalier' trade has been reported on the news. Apparently it might soon stop, or even reverse, as Germany - I gather- is going to be cutting the tax on it as well. I like to fill up in Andorra when I am in the area . . .
  2. I'm surprised you don't have a pipeline. It could be multi-functional depending on demand. When you need to fill up the petrol stations you import petrol when Britain needs to stock up on beer you pump it over to them . . .
  3. It does seem that you in the UK are having some difficulties, it could simply be that the panic buyers are sucking the supply chain dry and there isn't a real shortage, as is often the case. It might explain why over the last week I've seen more GB/UK stickers on cars around here. Or are they just nipping over to fill up with our fuel? πŸ™„ Not the Teslas though of course, seen 3 this last week all white ( do they only come in white?) maybe our electricity is cheaper then yours πŸ™„
  4. Define 'old'. It is a sliding scale depending on the age of the person. I remember, just, when anyone aged 30 was old. Then looking forward to the Beatles track 'when I'm 64'. My next marker will be, I suppose 76 paperclips sorry, trombones. 😡
  5. My 13/60 is also dynamo and Accuspark, since Feb 2015, I'm happy with it.
  6. Yes, probably omitted when stock ran out near the end of production πŸ™„ The BL badge - also missing from the one for sale. Knowing Triumph they probably thought 'well as we are now part of BL I guess we ought to put one of their badges on the cars' then went off to the store room to see what they had lots of and then said ' can you put these on as the cars pass through assembly', to which the foreman would have replied 'what about the cars already assembled?' Management reply : 'don't bother, too much hassle' . . . . . They don't build them like that any more (I think)
  7. It is a nice fitting hood and no creases or discolouring of the plastic, makes me think the car was stored with the hood up. Just a general question in passing, I noticed it doesn't have the crossed flags badge. did they stop fitting them at some point to the convertibles? My 1968 model has them but of course there is nothing to prove a previous owner didn't fit them.
  8. There is a simple piece of test equipment you could try. It may not work but it might make you feel better
  9. If it was me I'd just use it for basic lubrication of things like the gates, hinges on the shed or doors where it couldn't cause any problems.
  10. Here in France we have had a 18 centimes per litre tax cut since the 1st of the month that continues until July. Surely nothing to do with the fact that on Sunday I will be voting and doing a stint in the polling station for the 1st round of our presidential elections. No, just a coincidence of course. . . .
  11. 2004, quite a while ago now plus I imagine the electronic system was a few years old when it failed. Twenty year old technology, surely even the cheap Accuspark systems have better technology now. My 13/60 has an Accuspark unit in the distributor, fitted in February 2015. Yes one day it will fail but with all the comments on forums about the poor quality of condensers I'll fit the same again.
  12. One hundred and ninety-four pounds 90. That's a bit dearer than hereπŸ˜ƒπŸ‡¨πŸ‡΅. If I fill my modern at that price it would double the value of the car. Wasn't that a joke about Skodas? Did I mention my modern is a Skoda?
  13. I'm glad, I could never get the sums right . .The teacher would get miffed. OK, where my coat . . .
  14. So, 50 years after they were a standard fitment to a Vitesse modern manufacturers couldn't make them. There's progress for you, as in deceleration is a negative acceleration πŸ˜‰
  15. My 13/60 has them as well, the car came to me with them. Over the years it would probably have been easier/cheaper for a Herald owner to fit the aluminium ones from a scrapped Vitesse rather than fit new rubber ones. It would also have given the car a boost in its image πŸ˜ƒ
  16. From my neck of the woods the, Chesterfield not Exeter. if i remember rightly, I was only young at the time, quite a severe winter even by Derbyshire standards. Looking at the wheel tracks in the second picture I would say the car has just slid backwards . . . The street I lived on when young was quite steep and where we lived near the top there was a 'kink' which made the last 100 yards even steeper. My sister and myself would look out of the front room window and watch cars struggle up the hill and try and guess how much further up the would get once on the extra steep bit. It really was the last straw for many. Parents and neighbours would spoil the fun by spreading ashes from the coal fires on the road.
  17. You're being very polite there when it comes to some of them! Everything from the very nice DS ( sort of play on words for Déesse - goddess) to 'I'd be banned for life if I used the words that come to mind' ones. My brain hurts, can I go and lay down for a while now please. 😡
  18. Out of sight, out of mind. Got caught myself with that even though I keep a 'stock' list. fortunately only 2 or 3 small items - distributor cap, red rotor arm and coil. Now I have a spare in my emergency box and a spare in my stock box . . Age!
  19. Yes, but you know what the result was for the others who weren't on the B-Ark. ☣️
  20. Yes and for decades nobody noticed, well a few people might have.
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