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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. I would say they are a version with the 'over the shoulder' part. I know nothing about Spitfires, but on my 13/60 the reel fixes to the wheel arch. The end of the belt bolts to the floor the door side of the seat it then clips into the buckle at the other side of the car. There is just 1 strap. Pulling over your shoulder gives the lap & diagonal. Hope that helps a bit
  2. Doug was just testing to see if YOU know which it was, crafty blighter that Doug chap 😁
  3. Yes one at a time that way you will know which component was the source of the problem.
  4. At a guess to identify when/where manufactured. Batch number/factory code. For example the 2 screw on tops are clearly made from different metals so different batches at least. More importantly, do they work.
  5. In the past there was quite a delay between turning the key and the glow plugs getting to temperature. My current modern diesel with push button stop/start system stats up in the time it takes to put the seat belt on.
  6. Or use nitrous oxide, at least that way when you get a puncture you would find it funny 😃
  7. Washing it? What next? Chrome dust caps on the tyres, oops. Forgot I have them. Ok, chrome cover for the coil . . .
  8. Too complicated for me - I just kick the tyres 😉
  9. That's open to debate 🤫
  10. Almost felt like taking one to mine yesterday, not really car's fault more driver error. Got back from the weekly supermarket run, reversed car into courtyard BUT must have caught the plate in the ground that the 2 gates butt up to on its edge. By the time I had offloaded - front tyre flat! The car was bought as an ex demonstrator, only a couple of thousand Kms done. No spare only spray gunge! (previous car bought new and spare option picked). The tyre pump was able, just, to get some air in and keep it 1/2 inflated I could feel the air escaping from the inner tyre wall. 2 new tyres ordered, 35K kms done on originals but still plenty of tread GRRRRR! Also bit the bullet and ordered a 'galette' tyre and kit - no spare = no jack or tools. When I told Madame we didn't have a spare wheel she read me the riot act . . Then in the next breath 'suggested' that due to my 'age and state of health' I wouldn't be capable of changing a wheel anyway! The last 3 flats, over 15 years?, all meant new tyres. One flat was due to a bit of metal on a motorway, sidewall damage. The other was when I clipped a sharp bit of curb parking at work again sidewall! Rant over, thanks Colin for giving me the excuse/reason . . .
  11. I don't know about how often they should be changed I just keep a spare of most bits handy. A spare that is known to work, even if new I at least for it for a while to be certain. Than should i get suspicious I can swap them over. I don't have a spare set of HT leads though . . .🤔 where's my shopping list?
  12. Chris A

    New engine

    Jetson? As in the Jetson family? 🤔
  13. Yes I know I bet you spent ages & ages going through your boxes of bits. . . This is what I have for mine
  14. Only spotted the 'Triumph' sticker when I looked at it for a second time. I really do need to find a dark corner . . .
  15. Radiator fans for the propellers, the exhaust gases can give propulsion . . I think I'll go and find a dark corner as well
  16. Drones? I bet Colin has enough spare Triumph engines to build fleet of them . .
  17. On no! Not the postage to Northern Ireland saga again . .😱
  18. Apart from the red paint needing a bit of a touch up looks fine to me. Maybe tomorrow when the effects of the Scotch have worn off it will look even better . . .
  19. A sort of left luggage thing then? In that case the overdue fees will be massive. 😠
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