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Spain,Pyrenees,Clasic Le Mans Trip

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Hello All

                Well here we go again off on our adventures(I hope not mis adventures this year!)

We are sailing to Bilbao on Tuesday a going to go to San Sebastian then on to Pamplona (no bull running) then up and down lots of Pyrenees passes(I will work out a list in order) and over to Andorra then back on the french side of the Pyrenees to Luz Saint Sauveur  then make our way up to Le Mans.

After Le Mans we will go over to the west coast for 4 days and sail back from Roscoff 


ps I hope the new engine is ok its only done 200 miles! will take it for an other spin tomorrow as I have changed the oil and re torqued the cylinder head down so should be up to 250+ miles and 400 miles by the time we get to Portsmouth.

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We got back last week from a trip to Spain & the Pyrenees. The highest point we got to was 2080 metres. Great weather, great roads.

I hope you get to enjoy it as much as we did, we always enjoy do.

We did Pamplona last year, no bull running but Mrs Me got a tatoo of a bull done on the main bull running street ?

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1 hour ago, Chris A said:

We got back last week from a trip to Spain & the Pyrenees. The highest point we got to was 2080 metres. Great weather, great roads.

I hope you get to enjoy it as much as we did, we always enjoy do.

We did Pamplona last year, no bull running but Mrs Me got a tatoo of a bull done on the main bull running street ?

A real tatoo? (I have a low pain threshold!)

We are looking forward to the passes 

Will post photos if WiFi works!


Psi what were you driving?

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12 hours ago, rogerguzzi said:

Pyrenees passes(I will work out a list in order) and over to Andorra

I’ve been the the Pyrenees a few times - and into out of Andorra via the smugglers route a few times. Not that you would want to drive that in the Spitfire! Though there is a popular restaurant at the end of smugglers which I’ve been to a couple of times that is very good value.

Scenery is stunning though. 

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9 hours ago, rogerguzzi said:

A real tatoo? (I have a low pain threshold!)

We are looking forward to the passes 

Will post photos if WiFi works!


Psi what were you driving?

Mrs Me collects tattoos on her travels, Maple leaf incorporating Canadian flag (Canada of course), the stars from the Australian flag, turtle, Marquis islands,  etc. She is now planning her trip to finish off the Latin American countries so I suggested a coca leaf ;)

Unfortunately we were carrying so much stuff (poor excuse) to fit into the Herald so had to take the modern, Yeti. It did feel at home above the snow line though.

We were away 24 days so needed room for all the cigars, wine, anchovies and turon that one collects along the route.

Just cross your fingers that the weather is clear for the views and enjoy.

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Hello All

                Not got off to a good start(not started yet! 4am start)

Took Spitty for a last run to check and fill with fuel.

Got back and was checking around and saw an oil leak on the timing cover!!!!!!! it turned out to be where I had welded a wear patch up there was a pin hole!!!!!!!

So 12 hours later its all fixed and I am Kn****d (put enough braze on it to seal the Titanic!!!)

So its all go again now! 


ps 2 1/2 hours kip?

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Hello A'll

              We are on the ferry now had a good kip and some wine and the world seems better now (that black cloud has lifted)

I do not want another day like that (I am too old)

Checked for leaks and all looks good after 160 mile run to Portsmouth

So that,s it my bad luck has been spent!!!

Gully we did 5000 feet last year with no problems I have a second sensor for baro corrections (he said with confidence )

But I think we may get to 6000+ this time!

Still I have a spare head gasket etc!!!


Ps for got to say blag it onto the lorry deck to save putting hood up and keep salt spay off Spitty and she is talking to the macho trucks now I hope she behaves! (Bit of a floozey!)

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Hello All

               If I was superstiocus I would say the Gods are against me! 

We got stuck in a Monster traffic jam 3 miles from the ferry! And we had got off quick as we parked Spitty with the trucks!

Still in San Sebastion now and had a bottle of cava from s,market (1.75 euros!) And off out to a local dinner place

Feeling happy again now (it's all part of life's rich pattern!)

Spitty parked 4 floors under ground in private car park!

So it's game on again



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Sounds a great trip (The things like traffic jams are just to make it a bit more challenging!) 

I would like to do a decent foreign trip in my Spit at some point. Just not sure there is enough room for all the junk the Missus would want to take!

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2 hours ago, Anglefire said:

Sounds a great trip (The things like traffic jams are just to make it a bit more challenging!) 

I would like to do a decent foreign trip in my Spit at some point. Just not sure there is enough room for all the junk the Missus would want to take!

Hello Mark

            With your oil problems you would have been having a break down mentally it was 30+ degs both cooling fans came on (that was a first maybe new engine and different cam?) Oil was 95+ deg 

Still off for a walk now


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On 6/19/2018 at 6:06 PM, rogerguzzi said:

I have a second sensor for baro corrections (he said with confidence )


Roger, glad all is back on track.

I may be asking about various correction once you are home. I need to sort that on my setup...

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4 hours ago, Anglefire said:

Yes I would want that sorting first!

30+ is hot. Not sure I could cope with that without air con ?

Hello Mark

                  Air con is for wimps just take the hood down and wear a hat! Job done

You will be fitting wind breakers next!


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Hello All 

              Had a good day in san Sebastian  been on the funicular railway had tapas and vino so the world is good again! (Well worth a visit)

Off to Pamplona tomorrow to chase bulls!for 2 days

Then the mountain passes start!


Ps the water wheel is on top of the hill and pushes water around a channel with small boats in it!





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15 hours ago, Anglefire said:

Don’t think a spitfire would have enough power for Ac as well. Especially with the roof down ?

My Vitesse Mk2 has Air Conditioning - Check out the Handbook page 28 

I found the WARNING notice very interesting though think my Vitesse might be an exception !!!!



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Hello All

               We are in Pamplona now (not bull running)

We managed to drive to within 50 m of the hotel but had to move the car a few feet so a bar could set there tables up!

It was the centre of attraction and I let one lady sit in to have photo taken!

Spitty now in an underground carpark for 2 days

Now had a couple of vino,s and tapas so feeling much better

The run here was not to good as thick mist/rain on mountains but got to 2,300 feet



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When we were there 2 years ago we had a room in the hotel in the background of your photo with a view up the street where the Spitfire is parked. Good tapas places there, don't be thrown by what they look like from the outside. Look out for locals eating in them - the best recommendation you can get - shows it's not a tourist trap.

Eat, drink & be merry!

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