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Competition time! Name that clip...

Colin Lindsay

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I nipped out to the garage to find a brake pipe clip for another post and ended up spending almost an hour sorting old trim, loom and brake pipe clips, all mixed together in one container.

All of these are from Heralds and whilst I know many of them, some I do not recognise at all (second row, second from left as an example) and would welcome a jog to the fading memory. Want to try your skills at clip identification?



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Top left is from the steering column - I thought indicator cancelling at first but probably the one that grips the column in the top clamp.

To the right of that is two clips tangled together, one of which is a door trim clip. Left most of the middle row is the other style of door trim clip.

So those are the easy ones. Who's next?

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13 hours ago, JohnD said:

I claim the Prize!  They probably all have part nos. not names!


Of course they all have names, like that 'fiddly wee ******' and that 'annoying little **** that won't go back in place'.

Like Rob I too thought that second from left, top row was two stuck together but it's so well done I think they may be a composite type of clip / bracket. Later this evening I'll remove the obvious ones and post better pics of the ones I just can't place.

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23 hours ago, Chris A said:

Coincidentally they also spell out in early Egyptian the equivalent of :-

Mind the gap 

Are you really THAT old? :ph34r:


On 22/05/2019 at 20:35, NonMember said:

Top left is from the steering column

I think it holds the bonnet wiring loom to the frame tube.....


Top row centre - brake pipes to suspension turrets, several others are similar but bigger loop for wiring loom of maybe fuel pipe

Far left of centre row, door card clip, early type

Far left of bottom row - stromberg carb choke cable outer clip

The rest..... I dunno.....


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10 hours ago, Nick Jones said:

Are you really THAT old? :ph34r:


When they started building the pyramids they needed someone the plan the delivery of the materials and I had just qualified, so I was still young when I got the job.

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I've now identified most of those, bar three. The top left is steering column, and most of the others are either brake pipes to metal bodywork or wiring loom to bodywork, or else just pipe to paralell pipe ie brake alongside fuel, and a couple of early trim clips.

First left on bottom row is still a mystery, but Pete says it's a choke cable outer clip and Colin says it's from a PI car, which I've never owned, so although it may have multiple uses I'll go with Pete and store it in the drawer with the fuel components.

The other two are in the photo below; I suspect the z-shaped one is for chrome trim on estate c-posts, but the other one (or three here) has me stumped. it might be something to do with early Herald seat covers, though I'll have to confirm that. Any further ideas?


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