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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. What make of electronic ignition are you using ? Paul
  2. Here’s the setup on my mk2 vitesse Paul
  3. Check out https://www.classiccarleds.co.uk/collections/headlight-led-bulbs very helpful , I emailed them , quick response and my Vitesse guage illumination is improved significantly Paul
  4. I thought it was worth posting , Paul . In reply to some questions about the Interior of the Austin Cambridge I have a tip for all willing to experiment take a look at the pics the last 2 are before any restoration work, you will see the seats was very dry and colour worn but not torn. (TAKE NOTE THIS REALLY WORKS!!)...after many years of buying expensive upholstery dye kits and other types of restoration leather re-colour products I slowly realised most of these products are water based. This made me think about an Idea I thought of for quite some time ago...Go down to your local car paint supplier and buy yourself some Hydrofan water based car paint as near to the colour you require, apply this to your seats with a soft paint brush, a couple of coats should do it and let it dry overnight " tip when applying it will look the wrong colour but will darken off when dry". the next day buff it up with a soft dry cloth, and add a good coat of E 45 skin cream YES E45! lol, this soaks in and softens the leather, leave this on overnight, buff off with a cloth JOB DONE! cheap and better than Woolies!! and will do a great job on vynil too, will not rub off or wear either and looks totally amazing I did this whole Interior including door cards with Half a litre of Hydrofan!!, I have done around 10 cars with this method and every time it comes out stunning..Good luck with my trade secret ssshhhh
  5. The EBay version is 3 Litre and Paula’s is 6 Litre Paul
  6. I use this blow torch from Aldi My technique is to heat up and then apply WD40 , A small fire might occur but nothing serious . You might need to complete this process a few times . Then use a copper hammer . Works for me especially if a screw thread is involved . I used this technique to remove the the drain bolt with the appropriate socket on my Vitesse petrol tank . All petrol removed and thoroughly clean Paul
  7. I endorse Pete’s findings. When I was looking for a small triumph I found I could get in both the spitfire and gt6 but couldn’t get out . The Herald was fine and settled on a Vitesse saloon as personally found the convertible too draughty and noisy . Chose a sunroof version with overdrive and never looked back I’m a mere youngster compared with Peter as I’m only 72 😱 Paul
  8. I bought a battery for my Vitesse from Halfrauds . When fitting I noticed the carry handles were missing . I rang to complain and was told handles were optional 😱 Luckily the old handles fitted so completed the negative feedback which was never published Paul
  9. Really enjoying the engine blog section , I’ve never carried out a rebuild and aspire to doing this on my Vitesse mk2 at some stage . I do have a donor engine Paul
  10. Is the choke setup under discussion the same one as CDSE ?? If so I had the same leaking issues and cured it with Wellseal. From memory Wellseal applied with cotton bud so no moving parts were affected . Paul
  11. Search for retro car radio on fleabay https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=retro+car+radio&_trksid=p2332490.m4084.l1313.TR4.TRC1.A0.H0.Xretro+car+radio.TRS0 Ive got one for my vitesse , works fine and looks ok Paul
  12. Hi , I’ve fitted the Accuspark on my Vitesse . I also purchased an Accuspark coil which I believe wasn’t necessary but at least I have a spare and like the Scrapman I fitted it incorrectly and it failed . My issue was that the rotor arm touched the Accuspark unit in the distributor . Everything was fine for months then the retaining screw on the unit loosened . Always carry your original points . The Accuspark runs well and has done 2000 miles Paul
  13. I would say Practical Classics is way off the mark and the 2/3 value of TSSC insurance value is a more accurate valuation . My mk2 vitesse saloon has s TSSC insurance value of 10k and my market value estimate is £6500 . You will see lots of adverts with sellers trying to achieve the insurance value Paul
  14. I paid £360 to Andrew Turner for a pair of refurb CDSE’s which weren’t fit for purpose Lesson learnt Paul
  15. I went down the same route with Andrew Turner and purchased a pair of CDSE for my mk2 Vitesse . They were shiny , almost mirror finish and looked brand new. Unfortunately the jets were set at different heights and one jet was bent , plus one of the float bowls had been over polished and leaked ., plus the choke section leaked I was in too much of a hurry and fell for the sales patter that whilst they were for a mk3 GT6 they were fine ( with a change of jets ) . It took some time to remedy the faults and they are doing the job , I have since purchased a pair of CD150’s which I intend to overhaul and replace . Best advice is to overhaul yourself , all the help one needs is on this forum Paul
  16. I would add upgrading to vertical shockers as supplied by the Club . From my part being totally new to home mechanics changing the rotoflexes , wheel bearings etc was very difficult and proving you don’t have a time constraint it’s possible . I purchased my doughnuts , wheel bearings from Canleys and so far 2 years on and approx 4000 miles all good . You will need a spring lifter to assist with reassembly . Purchase one when they are cheap £25 ish not when you need one £45 plus or if you are close to Luton Pete will hire a TSSC one Paul
  17. Is it worth opening up the old chestnut , spin off filter or original filter , I seem to have collected 5 of the original filters with the Classic Line label Paul
  18. Thanks for info last ? re the length do i need get the Filter as horizontal as possible ? Paul
  19. Paul H


    I purchased R9 from a reputable seller on Ebay - It was fake and the inner bore started to melt and slivers continually blocked the float valve on the carbs . It took months to work out the issue - I now have Gates Barricade from the the shop, and no issues since then . The irony is R6 grade was on initially with no issues so "upgraded" to R9 thinking this would be a good step .I know several buyers took issue with the Ebay seller and their answer was there were different grades of R9 and you get what you pay for !!!!! Paul
  20. Hi , I know this has been covered many times but cant find the info using search . With Black Friday deals looking to restock on Spin off Oil Filters for my Mk2 Vitesse - From memory Mann was the best manufacturer - Need help with the model ? Paul
  21. Hi Ian noticed your spec is not to have a sunroof . Having a sunroof gives the best of both worlds as sometimes the cockpit does get a tad warm even with heat insulation . Just my pennies worth Paul
  22. Here’s a pic of a spare inlet manifold for a mk2 vitesse . The locating hole in the lower centre section had been blanked off . Just checked the engine block it came off and there are only 2 locating pins . The centre is one is missing . Is this standard or do I need to add a locating pin and open up the blanked off section of the manifold Paul
  23. I converted my mk2 to upright shockers ( TSSC shop) plus replace the rotoflex , bearings, UJs , polypropylene bushes , brakes . The job was extremely difficult for me and I even rang Canleys for advice as I couldn’t reassemble the half shafts . Dave said reassembly was the most difficult job for the Vitesse and when they carried out the job it took 2 guys . I did it on my own but it was a pig to do BUT I would do it again 🤫 Paul
  24. Welcome to the TSSC forum , I would suggest placing a wanted add with the Club , that’s how I sourced my Mk2 Vitesse Saloon and specify Overdrive as this is in my opinion essential . Paul
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