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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. The "old" (Original) "jubille" clips where (IMV) of a far better quality than the product being produced to-day. Having said that, I well prefer the "proper" hose fasteners, when I can get them! and in the correct size. Pete
  2. Certainly not unusual to find similar product, sealing windscreens. And definitely area`s on Caravan`s and Camper Van`s!!. Pete
  3. PeteH


    Very nice, But doubt if it`s £41K nice?. Half that would be pushing it?. Pete
  4. I`m with Doug on that one, The old riveted brake linings, In the early days, they where blank, you clamped them to the shoe. Drilled from the back and then (very carefully) countersunk from the front. I still have the clamp/riveting tool, kicking about somewhere?. Have to look?. All done with a Handraulic drill. Pete
  5. Havent compared the two. But in theory?. There would be no reason to not use the same Loom? Apart from the Twin Headlights, Is there any difference between the 13/60 and Vitesse dimensionally that would preclude it, or in the instrumentation, beyond the possible odd "clock". I do know of later cars which fit the same loom through a range, just not using the outlets on the Lower Models. Pete
  6. Definitive answer, at least as far as Mine is concerned would be that the door wiring is Purple/White?. Went looking for some clips for the Cill`s. and found this:- Which would suggest (to me) that the wiring loom would appear to be common to the Vitesse and 13/60`s?. Pete
  7. Very sensible. Such things are not good for those of a delicate disposition. OR the old “dicky ticker”. Pete
  8. A Friend, who was a driver in the RAF and on refuelling on many ocasions. Tell`s that is/was a Chargeable offence to fail to (Electrically) Ground aircraft, especially before refuelling, when both the aircraft and the tanker where "grounded". In Fact if IRC, there are grounding points on all the "stands" at Airports?. I vaguely remember seeing orange cables.??. Pete
  9. Haynes. Show (P)urple-(W)hite, for the Vitesse 1600. But the Earlier 12/60 Herald Manual Shows as (N-Brown) (U-Blue) on the 948cc T-C model. BUT (N-Brown) (B)lack on the later 1200. and for the 13/60. N/U (Brown/Blue) The 1200 owner manual (1962 dated). Shows (Red)-(W)hite!!!! Just to add to the confusion!. Edit; I took a look at the Loom for my 13/60 earlier, as far as I can see it is probable that the door switch wires are Brown/Blue?. As the only other on that side of the loom is Brown/Blue, as on the 948?. The other "conclusion" would be that my 1971 13/60 had a 948 loom installed as O/E?. Pete
  10. "Elf and Safety" or common sense as it was once known, Has become a Multi-Million Pound Industry, It was getting that way when I retired, I spent my Last Year or so in the Old "Day Job" mainly in just writing "Written Schemes" (of examination). AKA. "How to do, what we had been doing, for over 100years". As an aside to that, the "schemes" allow persons who have no experience, to carry out safety examinations on highly critical plant and systems. Not something I would wish to be associated with, I fear. Pete
  11. Sadly. Mine is in the (almost) exact same position as the last two years. On axle stands in garage😭. As my old school reports went “must do better”. Pete
  12. Amen to that!. I took a "belt" from a Ship`s 415v switchboard on one ocasion, the concensus was I only survived because of the heavy rubber matting on the deck?, Getting hit by 220Volts D-C is bad enough. We "lost" an alternator, one time, and spent several hours dead ship drifting in the North Sea, while we took sections of "buss bar" out of the switchboard, to allow the other 2 alternators to be used. Interesting times. Wagger, I sympathise, I too had to take electrotechnology in college for my Class One Certifcate. I still get confused by "star" and "delta" confiuration. But I got "Full Marks" from the YEB power engineer, who came and certified the Installation I did on the self build. He even took the drawings of my Spilt System, which gave emergency Power access in an outage. Pete.
  13. I put a prolonged section into a post here when modifying my (still unfinished) 13/60. To MX5 seats. It included the fitting of retractable. Belts too. I fabricated brackets to mount via the existing mountings. To ensure retuning them to OE if ever,was simple. Pete
  14. The problem with expansion and shrinkage, I find, is that it appears to be inconsistent there are parts that expand and others, mostly appendages, that appear to shrink. And of course the issue of inconsistent hair loss which appears to grow inward and reappear in the ears?. On the bright side, my dark suit, the one in most use these days, still fits even if the style is late 60’s. So at least I can say it’s retro? A modern buzz word I am advised by the junior members of my family. Although my youngest son thinks I’m still just a tight git. Pete
  15. Cut and Paste the text? to the correct topic. Then tick the 3 Dots of the right and click delete. (I think,🤞) Pete
  16. Question?, for those that have done it. Is there the clearance, even with the Pulley off?. And would it be possible to "helicoil"?. Pete
  17. I used one on a 13/60 chassis. Pete
  18. PeteH

    Synthetic Fuels

    Synthesising anything, is usually an expensive exercise anyway. I have a smart phone, Primarily because it was given to me, It`s main advantage being very cheap international phone/video calls to overseas family. Beyond that, I don`t use a fraction of it`s alleged "benefits". Pete
  19. "OLD" engine oil was ever a favourite, Father would spend hours under the Old (1940`s) Hilman, with a brush, painting everything he coud get at. He joked more than once the he did more Oil painting than Piccasso!. That and forever adjusting the old Bendix cable brakes. Pete
  20. The OLD bosch stuff was "quality", and the top favourite with the "trade". But times change Bosch are now made? In China!. Most of the trade people I see now are using Makita, DeWalt or Milwaukee. Einhell are coming up as well. My Angle Grinder was recently deceased and replaced with a DeWalt, heavier though that the old one. Pete
  21. So the East Berks, turn up in dark suit`s, fedora`s and carrying violin cases? 👍 I`ll look on line for the Violin cases?. Could be a "nice little earner". Pete.
  22. If all else fails. there are a number of cheap online options, including Aldi at around 20+quid?. At those prices If it outlasts the Aldi 3 year warranty, you have a win?. Pete
  23. I too know Rouen "intimately", having driven through the centre inadvertantly in 2003. At the time I was Driving a 32ft American R-V towing a twinaxle trailer with a car on. Not for the feint hearted!. Critair requirements are to be found on several French websites, some even in English!. As of now "officially" there is no allowance for any UK based Historic vehicles. Although this iS expected to change. Sadly, my "route of choice" N28. D13E. A13 N154. Is in part a Crit air zone. Which My Vehicle`s will not comply anyway. So my "winter" Route to Spain would have to be altered. Portsmouth to Santander, is the best option I suppose?. Not that I am likely to go anytime soon.😭 Pete
  24. I see what your up to. You want rid of the Aldi one you bought in error?😁 Pete
  25. You may think that, I could not possibly comment.😉 Pete
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