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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. In my case as the numbers in the cost window go up so does my blood pressure and heart rate so I have to stop before I collapse. . .
  2. Chris A

    Unleaded head

    You'll get a good number of replies saying basically the same thing, don't bother unless you have to take the head off for other work. There will be references to lead memory. No need unless you push the engine to its limits regularly. In my own case I have been told that the head on my 13/60 hasn't been done, should it need work then I would do it. I use a lead replacement additive in the petrol, some will say even that isn't needed.
  3. Will it work on the wife? 😱
  4. Once again the phrase 'fake R9' comes up when talking about THE SLIVERS . . I get that when someone changes the petrol pipe there is an initial risk of a bit of pipe being cut and ending up in the system, but after that surely the system would stay clean for quite some time. I bought my replacement pipe from the high street motor spares place that every mechanic in the area uses, they have no interest is selling dodgey stuff. Now id someone has some fake 98 Ron at half price . . . .
  5. With very few exceptions all our Triumphs must be bitsas by now, either through choice or necessity. My 13/60 has acquired over time a set of vitesse aluminium bumpers and a definitely not standard, for a Herald, Triumph badge on the bonnet, windsreen wipers which seem to be the opposite way to standard (i.e. park on the nearside) electronic ignition, the wrong Triumph steering wheel (these last 2 fitted during my ownership).
  6. The glass probably leaks . . . .
  7. If someone is looking for a less than cheap 13/60 a friend sent me the following link. He thinks : 1. I'm very rich 2. Mad 3. Both ***** WARNING**** Anyone of a delicate condition and/or on medication would be advised to have their pills to hand and sit down before looking further - You have been warned Bon lecture https://www.lesanciennes.com/annonce/triumph-herald-1969-a426715?ftype=vo&fcat=autos
  8. Isn't that just what the powers that be are doing, the 'our fuel' being electricity .......
  9. Like it! Do I have a spring in stock? Don't think so, but wait I have plenty of bungies . . . .😵
  10. 1 more vote for stick with the current colour scheme.
  11. My 'friend' will sleep easier now and continue just to wipe the area down from time to time.
  12. I can understand why there was a fuss. Think of the pollution it would cause. 🤪
  13. One of life's eternal mysteries. You broke that golden rule (guideline) - change 1 bit at a time and test. Well, don't we all?
  14. Youth! It's wasted on the young, oldies like us would make more of it . . 🤔
  15. The next time he raises the question of going to a pub/restaurant/take away you can reply the same . . .
  16. Best or worst of both worlds then 😁 but at least there is a backup in place.
  17. In the case of one from Scotland to Ireland it would be a bridge over troubled water.
  18. My excuse reason for buying one is that in 1970 I leant to drive, and pass my test, in a 13/60. I've never got the hang of the new fangled things. And just they do look good just standing there
  19. I can understand that. Either the bridge would end up on the Isle of Man or stop 500 metres short of Ireland.
  20. Yes I agree it's all 5 senses . . .🙄
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