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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. Here’s a few photos which show how others have tackled body tub spread . The method I’m going to try is the last photo . Paul
  2. I like to collect spares / relevant tools as they will go to the next owner which hopefully will be kept in the family Paul
  3. Uncle Pete rebuilt the overdrive gearbox in my Vitesse mk2 in July this year and used the opportunity to replace the clutch . 800 miles have passed and so far so good . I purchased the complete clutch from Canleys my trusted supplier 1 x COMPLETE CLUTCH - GT6 VITESSE 2000 2.5Part No: GCK282Price: £65.63Units: EACHAvailability: IN STOCK Checking around this is the cheapest price around and if you check EBay they all twice the price , hopefully enticing nieve buyers . A lot has happened since July with inflation and supply difficulties . I’ve just bought another for stock for the same price . Paul
  4. Rimmers sell them https://rimmerbros.com/Item--i-562116 From memory so do Canleys Paul
  5. Best place is Distributor Dr http://www.distributordoctor.com/ Paul
  6. Bilthamber make this clear product https://bilthamber.com/product/dynax-uc/ very good stuff- recommended Paul
  7. Doesn’t this product need annual treatment . Paul
  8. Wedge the clutch pedal down ??? Paul
  9. I’ve got a Huco on my Vitesse and very pleased with its performance . It sits next to the Battery . I’m considering adding a brake servo which will probably go next to the battery . Where can I move the Huco . Mine is currently mounted horizontally , can the Huco be vertical ? Paul
  10. Thanks Pete , great practical tutorial Paul
  11. Flushed out the matrix today until clear water running . I won’t be able to check if the solids have dissolved completely until it completely dries , The matrix is now fine and no leaks so can be used again . Here’s another pic which shows the top with the plate which divides the matrix . Paul
  12. Paul H


    My experience with SpitzBitz are fine , several purchases , no complaints Paul
  13. I still have the old matrix from my Vitesse mk2 , it’s probably the original and dated 69 . I’ve filled the matrix with 50/50 malt vinager and boiling water . The matrix took 250ml of the mixture . The matrix had a lot of unremovable crud at the opposite end to the pipes and rattled when shook . Currently the matrix is warm throughout suggesting there are no blockages or leaks I’ll leave the mixture in for 3 days and report back with my findings Paul
  14. I asked about the Metalastik donuts pricing and Robush said the price had gone up but they give Motor Clubs discounts . I have passed all the info on to Angie , hopefully the club might be able to purchase some . Paul
  15. A modified D type solenoid allowing access in situ The od solenoid lower fixing is a 4ins 2ba screw with tube and nuts . Might be a tad long and will adjust length when fitting . This will ensure the solenoid will never fail 🤔 Paul
  16. Checked the price with Robush today and the price is now £126 each plus postage . That’s inflation or ripoff Paul
  17. I’ve fitted a Huco 13001 in my Vitesse in the engine bay by the battery . Works well Paul
  18. Here’s some more windows https://www.gumtree.com/p/car-replacement-parts/triumph-herald-estate-/1399718947 Paul
  19. The charge out rate at Manvers Triumph (no longer trading ) was £75 per hr 4 years ago Paul
  20. What questions can I ask as to it’s condition ? Paul
  21. Seen this on EBay . Says Crisp Stamping . What does this mean or is it clever marketing https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Triumph-Vitesse-2-litre-2000-6-cylinder-short-engine-standardBore-crisp-stamping-/313727437614?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Paul
  22. Paul H

    Herald Estate

    Saw this on gumtree https://www.gumtree.com/p/car-replacement-parts/triumph-herald-estate-/1399718947 Paul
  23. Out of interest what was your oil consumption please Paul
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