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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. Rimmers sell them https://rimmerbros.com/Item--i-562116 From memory so do Canleys Paul
  2. Best place is Distributor Dr http://www.distributordoctor.com/ Paul
  3. Bilthamber make this clear product https://bilthamber.com/product/dynax-uc/ very good stuff- recommended Paul
  4. Doesn’t this product need annual treatment . Paul
  5. Wedge the clutch pedal down ??? Paul
  6. I’ve got a Huco on my Vitesse and very pleased with its performance . It sits next to the Battery . I’m considering adding a brake servo which will probably go next to the battery . Where can I move the Huco . Mine is currently mounted horizontally , can the Huco be vertical ? Paul
  7. Thanks Pete , great practical tutorial Paul
  8. Flushed out the matrix today until clear water running . I won’t be able to check if the solids have dissolved completely until it completely dries , The matrix is now fine and no leaks so can be used again . Here’s another pic which shows the top with the plate which divides the matrix . Paul
  9. Paul H


    My experience with SpitzBitz are fine , several purchases , no complaints Paul
  10. I still have the old matrix from my Vitesse mk2 , it’s probably the original and dated 69 . I’ve filled the matrix with 50/50 malt vinager and boiling water . The matrix took 250ml of the mixture . The matrix had a lot of unremovable crud at the opposite end to the pipes and rattled when shook . Currently the matrix is warm throughout suggesting there are no blockages or leaks I’ll leave the mixture in for 3 days and report back with my findings Paul
  11. I asked about the Metalastik donuts pricing and Robush said the price had gone up but they give Motor Clubs discounts . I have passed all the info on to Angie , hopefully the club might be able to purchase some . Paul
  12. A modified D type solenoid allowing access in situ The od solenoid lower fixing is a 4ins 2ba screw with tube and nuts . Might be a tad long and will adjust length when fitting . This will ensure the solenoid will never fail 🤔 Paul
  13. Checked the price with Robush today and the price is now £126 each plus postage . That’s inflation or ripoff Paul
  14. I’ve fitted a Huco 13001 in my Vitesse in the engine bay by the battery . Works well Paul
  15. Here’s some more windows https://www.gumtree.com/p/car-replacement-parts/triumph-herald-estate-/1399718947 Paul
  16. The charge out rate at Manvers Triumph (no longer trading ) was £75 per hr 4 years ago Paul
  17. What questions can I ask as to it’s condition ? Paul
  18. Seen this on EBay . Says Crisp Stamping . What does this mean or is it clever marketing https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Triumph-Vitesse-2-litre-2000-6-cylinder-short-engine-standardBore-crisp-stamping-/313727437614?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Paul
  19. Paul H

    Herald Estate

    Saw this on gumtree https://www.gumtree.com/p/car-replacement-parts/triumph-herald-estate-/1399718947 Paul
  20. Out of interest what was your oil consumption please Paul
  21. https://silverstoneauctions.com/sa077-lot-17189-1969-triumph-gt6-mk-2 Not sure if I could justify the £90k plus rebuild costs though Paul
  22. Currently on Sorn so no MOT . No excuse for no MOT .Paul
  23. Check out the for sale on TSSC website . That’s where I bought my Vitesse Paul
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