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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. I looked into this in the 80`s, for a Vittese. Even had an offer of a Herald C-V genuine rear tub to use (front end write off). But the cost was not really worthwhile IMV, by the time you have sourced all the parts and a new Hood. AND you have to remember, It will never sell on as a Genuine C-V. Pete
  2. RED, to earth "suggests" it may be for a Positive Earth Vehicle?. Of which there where still some about at the time these where being produced?. In fact where not the early Heralds Positive earth? John D; Microsoft get worse by the day!. For years I had MS "office", now I would have to "rent" it! for an annual fee. (hence gone to "Open Office")
  3. Sound`s about right. I happen to know where there are several Ton`s of Asbestos, buried, back in the 80`s. No one wants to open it up and "dispose" of it. So it will lie there until it`s "half life" expires I asume?. After WW2, there where "Pre-Fabs" built, many of Asbestos Cladding. It was only later that folk got worried about it. Some where actually just "bricked" up with an exterior cladding. There are I suspect still a few about?.
  4. There is a lot of false information around the use of Asbestos. It was (and is) a particularly good (excelent?) product. BUT, it had a downside. So long as you are aware of the hazard and treat it with respect. There is IMV many far more lethal products "out there". This come from someone who is actually on the asbestos register. As I spent my younger life working on Ships which had more "asbestos" that you can imagine. When in later years I moved to Inspection work, Much of the Heating Insulation in many estabishments including care homes and hospitals, STILL had asbestos in it. We sampled, tested, and more often than not, sealed the "lagging" with paint or similar and the merely marked it with it`s "type". The only time it was removed was when major work was carried out, then it was removed under strict conditions and disposed of in acordance with "safe" proceedures. There is a lot of "fear" around this subject, it just needs treating properly. EDIT:- As for servo assist, That IMV only makes the effort less obvious. The Braking effect ultimately is the pad(s) on the disks ?
  5. Tongue in cheek!!!!. (obviously!) = More distance between yourself and vehicle in front. Job sorted?, brown trouser avoidance. Reminds me of using the underground (Transit) in H-K. "mind the gap" (in cantonese).😇 Now to be serious. I did not know there was a real issue with brake pads?. My understanding was they must be equal to the O-E. to be legally sold ? Edit: fitting a Servo, only makes the effort of the driver`s leg less uncomfortable?. but does nothing for the end braking effect surely?. That is down to the friction (co-eficient?) between pad/disk. Pete
  6. Strangely, I too have both, a C-tek, bought originally to keep the BMW Motorcycle Charged during winter layup. (replaced under warranty when "someone" inadvertently chucked a blanket over it and it expired!) And an early day Aldi jobby which was used for keeping the R-V batteries up to speed, before I put Solar panels on it. Both do a good enough job. However for the last few years I am using a couple of 15w (£15 @ Aldi) solar panels which do the job of maintaing the two batteries on the "shelf" one of which was on the Herald when it arrived as a "kit" back in 2015. Even in the current December "gloom" they manage to keep the batteries from dropping below 12.7v. Note; the batteries have to start out fully charged. The Current Motorhome has 200w of solar panels on it`s roof and a volt sensitive charging system, so it is self contained, They where outputting 16v last week again in gloomy conditions. I`ve never disconected the batteries when maintanance charging, but do IF I ever have to use the 200w Boost Charger.
  7. If I remember correctly, The Vittesse, unlike the Herald, has matching door cappings?. Or at least my Saloon did?. So you will need a veneer match to the cappings also?. Pete
  8. Definitely, refresh the Fluid!!. "Brown Trouser" Moment trying to stop a 9t American R-V on a down grade!!. The fluid was less then 3 years old!. But NO brakes!!. The Big Diesel in the back was screaming in low gear. and the ride on the verge trying to lose forward momentum, was of serious "off road" dimensions!. It was a good job there was no other traffic at the time. Once it Cooled I got brakes back, crawled to a campground and spent the next day bleeding the whole system through with fresh Fluid. Pete
  9. Ahh!. "The good old days" I had a 110V-DC Halicrafter SW radio. It had its own padded carry bag, and went on every ship I sailed in the 60`s. Even when more of the ships began to be A-C, it was possible to get a D-C supply by using a (sometimes very) long lead from the Radio Shack, Most "marconi" gear was still D-C! The problem with using UK house wiring to run 110V, is the fact that the cable size is technically under size and spec; Pete
  10. My next door neighbour, back in the 70`s had his MG roof slashed for a couple of "8" cassettes. The thing was, he left his door unlocked anyway?. So the # of brain cells in thieving scrotes has not increased over time!. 😖
  11. I have "Tyrepal" units fitted to the Motorhome, They are just little sensors on the valve, battery changes about annually (so far). Gives "live" Temp/Pressure readout to a unit on the top of the dash which is charged by a tiny solar panel. They are quite sensitive, I have noticed that on the rare occasion I have had a full/ near full waste tank the rears run slightly warmer, assume due to the extra weight on the axle.
  12. Americans!!. ALL the 12V Neutral/earthing on the R-V`s was white!. Black was Positive!. Some US mains wiring too is Black (LIVE) Green (EARTH) and White (Neutral) (The second phase of a 3 phase is Red.)
  13. As I understand it the sensors are Attached to the Wheel inside the tyre. the Nissan is similar but if you want to know what tyre pressure is you have you have the "interrogate" the "computer"!!. I found it by accident looking to change the clock time when they went back the first Autumn!. What intriges me, is that what happens if the batteries run out, or is there a tiny charging unit running on certrifugal force? We should be told!. HaHa!. The truth is out there!. :-" most manufacturers use a sensor mounted inside the tire. This is where the expense for the consumer comes in. Each sensor has a battery with a life of about a decade. On most, the battery is not serviceable, and the entire sensor must be changed." The "horseshoe" shaped light on the dash is the warning aparently?.
  14. Yes, My wife`s latest Nissan, does everything but make breakfast!. Electronically!!. I am heartily glad I only have to send it to the Garage once a year!. (Apart from when I bent it a little bit😇) EDIT: And the most annoying bit(s), the Lane Departure (switched off), the "Stop at traffic lights feature" (Also switched off) but which comes back on every time you start up again!!/ (there is a way to permanently disable it involving a switch on the bonnet. But I am forbidden from "molesting" it!!. Pete
  15. Hi The "organ" pedal also puts the ankle at an awkward angle at it`s limit too. I may consider swapping out for the "hanging" Pedal, if I can source one. Has anyone got Pictures of the way it is fitted?. It may be possible to modify from another vehicle?. Pete
  16. My 13/60 had the "organ peddle", when I took it out at the beginning of the refurb:, half the floor came with it. Maybe that is why some do not have it?. Also fitting carpets might be more "tricky"?. Pete
  17. Hi Now you have me worried?. As part of the PAS "conversion" in the 13/60 rebuild saga. I fitted the U-J courtesy of Rimmer. As yet I have not been able to "road test" as it is still very much a work in progress, but first impressions static test under full "power", where of a very good fit and it hardened up nicely. So maybe the alleged "quality" issues have been addressed?. Pete
  18. Google, pulls up dozens of (steering wheel) cover suppliers for just a few quid, many claiming to be "genuine" not P-U leather. An hour or two and a bit of patience, I doubt if anyone would see the difference?. Pete
  19. I Had that, when I was I Sprog; Jack, (my Dad) was very decent, coming out at all hours and bringing his tool kit!. When we had the Vitesse, the (Very Heavy) toolbox lived in the boot, Helped the back end stay down on Bends!. Pete
  20. My long time "pedal pusher", sadly has grown up, joined the merchant navy and is some 6000miles away, in the Pacific. So I invested in:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sealey-Brake-Clutch-Bleeder-Vacuum-Type-1ltr-VS020/321925076016?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Works OK. Pete.
  21. I seem to remember, there was one on sale back in the 80`s. which had the facility to replace the mast?. Useful for those unfortunates who`s Ariel Mast got vandalised!. Don`t suppose they are still around?. I have successfully repaired one once, involved stripping back the coaxial to expose sufficient Inner to allow a length of Heat shrink, a solder joint and then pull the heat shrink over the joint, Then recover with the woven coax shroud and finally heat shrink over the top. Pete
  22. In the absence of a replacement. With access to a welder, and a vice, that could be repaired, trimmed back to thick steel. and flanges formed?. The trick might be to add (weld) a doubling plate between the bracket and the boot lid?, to stiffen it up?. Pete. BTW. We have a grandson living "out there" He works as plumber, based in Gosford just North of Sydney. His parents lived in Farnborough (Hant`s) at the time, he went out to visit the girlfriend he knew at school, married her and stayed!. They now have 2 kids, one of whom we have never seen, and unless the Chinese Virus goes away probably never will.
  23. Mine appears to be just a Flap of rubber? (1970 Build year 13/60).
  24. May I just observe. Many (if not most) modern cars with Electric cooling fan`s have (plastic) shrouding. The object of which (it is said) is to direct the air through and across the whole of the matrix and not just a part, thereby with improved cooling effect?. I recently disposed of a Fiat Punto (16V pocket rocket) which was fitted with shrouded twin thermostatic cooling fans.
  25. The ref; to Castings and porosity brings back a few (not so good) memories, In the 70`s We where running Dihatsu Diesel Alternator sets on a Japanese Built Ship. The quality of the Cast Iron really let down what was otherwise a ultra reliable Machine. Even the primary water, which was treated, was causing pinholes in the cooler stacks. The sea water side ones went through Cast casings in months. We finished up carrying a FULL spare cooler!. to swap out while we sorted the (next) defective one!. It was reckoned that you could have followed the ship`s course just by "pinging" the old scrap sections on the seabed between Newcastle (NSW) and Kobe!.
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