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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. I've just noticed Pete is a 'Grand Master', is this new or have it not been paying attention?
  2. Of course not what do they know about real food! Plonk! That's something they can make
  3. The real thing is solid, no way does it explode when cut into, in fact you can slice it in complete safety. The smell on the other hand is something else 🙊 Andouille de Vire, pain rustique et verre de pommeau. Then there is Tête de veau but that is another kettle of fish, no that's bouillabaisse . . .
  4. Sorry you lot. Even though i was born and brought up in Derbyshire very close to the Yorkshire border I never really got on well with the local stuff. Now I have the privilege of living 10 Kms from the true capital : (Lucky for me you aren't allowed to travel yet 😲) L'avis du Petit Futé sur LA FOIRE AU BOUDIN Evénement populaire par excellence, la Foire au boudin affiche 75 ans d'existence et attire chaque année plus de 18 000 personnes. Mortagne-au-Perche : c'est LA capitale du boudin noir. La ville célèbre sa spécialité tous les ans ! La foire débute dès le vendredi après-midi avec le concours international du meilleur boudin organisé par la confrérie des chevaliers du Goûte-boudin et se clôture le dimanche soir. Beaucoup d'animations tout au long de ces 3 jours auxquels participent 150 exposants. Samedi et dimanche, démonstrations de cuisine et ateliers participatifs autour d'un chef cuisinier sont programmés. Cette année, comme l'an dernier, la Covid-19 a eu raison de la manifestation.
  5. Maybe, but the potential of that roundabout for drifting must have been tempting? Perhaps you do enough drifting on the forum . . . .
  6. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. According to Will Shake.
  7. My first job after leaving school was in London and being a Derbyshire lad had become accustomed to a certain standard of beer. A co-worker, from further north, also had higher standards than Watney's and Foster's. We lived in South Kensington and eventually established our local in a pub in Earls Court because they sold Newcastle Brown. As for Fish & Chips, it can be found occasionally in Brittany failing that, as was the case last night, we make do with frozen from the supermarket! I know, sad isn't it. Worse still the 'deli' section in the supermarket is running out of British stuff (Brexit or not I don't know). No stock of picked onions & Sarsons vinegar for weeks ( I have 1 bottle left plus 1/2 jar of onions) Heinz baked beans are missing but I stocked up last time they had them
  8. when I first got my 13/60 I went through all the service & maintenance points as I didn't know the detailed history of the car. when I oiled the trunnions old grease was pushed out. My method with the grease gun had enough oumph to do the job, would a syringe and tube make a good enough seal? I don't know. anyway yours might have been oiled, you'll find out soon enough. . .
  9. Guilty as charged I suppose 😔. I'll make amends by leaving the fridge door open for a few hours to compensate ❄️
  10. I have used mine in the 13/60 and it does work, I have it set to deflect the hot air downwards. I can detect the warm/hot air rising and that is in a convertible with the roof down ♨️
  11. EP 90 is correct. I use a normal grease gun that I keep just for this. As long as I keep the gun vertical it doesn't leak 😒 Also best done with wheel jacked up.
  12. My 13/60 came with NGKs fitted and I've replaced them with the same, so I have a spare known working set for diagnostic purposes, l bought mine from a proper car spares company and have no complaints.
  13. Maybe ease of assembly at the factory? Engine would be complete with coil, HTs and dizzy less to fiddle with when fitted?
  14. Steam clean? 😲 I have heard of companies that clean engine bays using (I think) low temperature CO2?
  15. I do the same, I open the valve when I get between 1 & 2 kilometres from home and leave it open until I next take the car out
  16. Great weather here too. Did some jobs in the house and garden this morning and decided to bring forward some shopping planned for later in the week to this afternoon so used the 13/60. Rain and storms expected for he next 2 days hence decision to get out today
  17. Not your day, you can't even get your name right 🤪
  18. I've got one on my 13/60, with my Arthur Daley disc holder. The car was first registered in August '68 so opted for a 4 month tax period so it sowed an expiry date still in '68. PLUS I was able to specify where the post office was that issued it. The car was first registered/sold in Shrewsbury.
  19. I have one with publicity for that we'll known quality car dealer Arthur Daley.
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