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Peter Truman

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Everything posted by Peter Truman

  1. Another thing to watch for is cheap Chinese replacements, during a Club Permit annual renewal here in Vic (cheap rego) we did a club inspection of a members Stag and advised we wouldn't renew the CP until he sorted out his dipped headlights as they were pointing upwards. Upon closer inspection the molded in glass locating lugs on the rear were out of position causing the lights to be rotated near 45 degrees around hence the misalignment. The get out of jail solution was to carefully cut new and extended slots in the mounting ring to re-align the headlight, Cheap PRC rubbish! 20 years on same headlights are still fitted, but he has a spare set of mounting rings in case he gets original correct headlights!.
  2. My parents lived in Montreal Canada mid 60's you know how much snow they get, he had a ride on snow blower to clean his drive and footpaths, corner block, usually just after he'd finished and driven the blower into the garage, the municipal snow blower would come round cleaning the roads and put it all back on his drive and footpaths!! He finally got the message and paid a college lad to do it for him (I was at college in the UK, Ha!)
  3. Re ptfe tape we recently had the direct mains pressure hot water service replaced and the plumber used a ptfe thread ratherthan a tape this winds around the root of the thread so it doesn't get cut by the sharp edge of the threads or turn out when tightened also easier to put on, but seals as effectively. It would be good also on oil and temperature sender threads.
  4. If I remember the brass ring/disc has 3 Or 4 lugs that clip under a plastic late to hold it into position my lugs were loose and in turn touched the aluminium steering column earthing out the horns esp on turning the steering column.
  5. I took a standard single rail main shaft which is longer than an overdrive shaft to my neighbors large gear manufacturing factory with the intent of shortening it, modifying & resplining it for use with a J type overdrive conversion, young Wayne tested the case hardening and advised it was too hard to be modified! His advice was the case hardening WAS very hard!
  6. Must get a set of poly bush’s but when I rebuilt the Spit insulation assembly around 20 years ago If I remember I used cable grommets cut in half still going with no issues, but I initially had problems getting the split and splined joint staying tight on the shaft so I replaced the std shank hex head bolts with Allan head where I could get more purchase on them!
  7. I didn't see Richards June response, so I've PM'd him direct Thanks
  8. A few months ago I brought a complete one from Mick Dolphin, to repace a seized one that stripped the LH thread so needed a replacement
  9. Mike I referenced my records & I found when I purchased the ignition switch 2 prong tool (2013)the sellers ebay name was 'custommachinecomponents' with a website ref jrivinius@sc.rr.com the tool was called a switch tool Lucas MG Triumphetc, ebay item 200745933556, cost $15.US plus postage. Cannot remember if it was the same company I brought the multi prong units from.
  10. Pete I assumed you’d do the Concour thing put the car rear up on axle stands and put mirrors under so everyone could see your handy work, of course After you have polished the underside!
  11. It’s COVIDS fault with a lot of help we’ll talk any time!
  12. Here's my Tools ex USA around 15years ago, when postage was cheap! Beautifully made and used frequently wouldn't be without them, avoids dash damage using a screwdriver! The prongs have never marked the dash whilst rotating they must be so well engineered. Large 6 pin is 1in OD, intermediate 7/8in OD, and 2 pin Ignition Switch 3/4in OD.
  13. You have to understand the Aus constitution and politics, ie Federal and State Governments, the Federal Govt are responsible for providing the vaccines the States for getting them in arms! the States are constitutional independent and control their borders, hence the difference in lock down approaches. NSW is using the Army (Federal help) to help at Vacc and Testing Centres and check those who should be isolating, but our State Vic virtually NO army help very minor input clerical only for some reason our State Govt must consider it be a take over risk Ha! Re Medical eg hospitals, the Federal Govt supply the funds the States run the hospitals and policy, Medical centres are I think directed by the Federal Govt thro Medicare they reimburse the doctors. Re aged care private are governed by the Federal Govt, but the public system is State Govt controlled, CONFUSED we are! Re vaccinations AZ is produced locally and is readily available to anyone who wants it NOW no limits on availability or age, but because of the blood clotting issue (minor) only over 60's are fully recommended, so Pfizer has been rolled out initially to the 40 to 60's then now 18 to 40's, & some States now children, but due to the need to import and limited availability its slower than ideal, BUT anyone can have AZ now! Due to our holding Covid at bay or under control last year we were not it the disasterous state the UK was, remember we only had 800 deaths mostly over 70's. It's fair to say the Federal Govt put all their eggs in one basket ie AZ and were slow in implementing vaccinations, then the perceived blood clots issue arose which made the public scared so take up was initially slow but now increasing, appears AZ with blood clots isn't as frequent as women on the pill! Re Pfizer I'm told on pg20 it advises it can affect the heart, so there's risks with everything, ironically the biggest risk is Covid! Re the vaccinated population, I believe Vic is around 40%, NSW which is a Covid hot spot slightly higher, little Tassie leads the way, the aim is 70% by mid Oct. The Fed Govt has proiritised NSW with Pfizer as it should be, but in reality other states are getting their share, re Pfizer availabiliy some million doses were purchased from Poland (nearing expiry date) remember 3 to 5 months ago Europe confiscated/vetoed export of vaccines to Aus for their own supply! My son and daughter and SIL all early 40's have had their Pfizers (both), my daughter in law (Taiwanese) can now get Pfizer she's late 30's, she's held out for Pfizer because her mother died of an aneurysm in her 30's, understandable! On the news this morning it appears our cases have risen today (were in the 20's, with most in isolation) due to a freelancing positive prostitute making hay why she could!!! BUGGER!
  14. I know your talking re original grills and painted or not, but the daughters 66 Mk2 Spit had the wrong grills fitted so I made hers in two halves one each side by using 5/8in by 1/8in thick aluminum bar cut to lengths and spaced out between the Al bars with 1/2in long tube, and two long bolts holding it all together for each side, the tubes are painted black and the Al bars left unpainted and silver, can't get a photo due to current lock down.
  15. Presumably same as ours someone cheated eg in our case 3 furniture removalists and a family who didn’t isolate, after coming into Vic from Sydney went shopping! Most of our cases are Nth & West of the city but edging closer to the SE. Where we live, in Dingley Village we could pull up the draw bridges as were isolated by an big small plane airport, golf courses, Metro Park, and 2 freeways, a container across the road at each entrance and we’re safe!!!!
  16. good luck, sincerly hope you are well pleased with the result and an enjoyable trip home with Katie
  17. Welcome to the club, we went from zero cases to 20+ courtesy of NSW furniture deliveries not complying with the rules, were holding at around 20 with 20,000 in house isolation, but nearly all today's cases in isolation but NSW didn't lock down quick enough today 633, NZ and Aus other states know only way is a quick lock down! Hopefully we'll be out in 2 weeks!
  18. There's one for sale on ebay at at the moment item 294339743419 whilst it's not a definitive answer it's all black
  19. A fellow club member here in Aus has fitted a Netherlands manufactured kit to his E type jag and swears by it even in city traffic!
  20. Yep I too prefer an analogue meter, only trouble is it keeps breaking the probe wires,
  21. When ever I see that breather assembly I wonder what tortured mind thought it up! OR a bit of artwork, ain't Yorkshire joints and pipework the most useful things, I've used them on the Vitesse heater inlet/outlets to install a bleed valve and change the pipe direction so alternative rubber pipes can be used, on both the Spit and Vitesse the under manifold cooling pipe was replaced with annealed copper and at the back of the engine for bends and tee's to connect to the manifold heater pipe and heater connections, on a Jag XJ in the mid 80's when the heater core failed and had to be replaced so as to avoid having to remove the whole heater, only the core, but I had to cut and refix new inlet/outlet pipes. I saw a kit recently advertised for making exhaust extractors that consisted of multiple and various plastic pipe type fittings that you could assemble into a one off fitting exhaust arrangement then use to copy in steel, very ingenious!
  22. Pete you know the line "it's a Triumph and they have to leave their mark", if I remember you sold one of your bikes are there any more in the wings, been quiet on that front.
  23. Early Bird I remember Y2K we were watching to see if you imploded over there in NZ.
  24. Yep but did you notice when I post usually when your all asleep so I get to rule for a short time!!!
  25. Some ones got 1300 FWD hub caps for sale Ha!
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