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22 hours ago, dougbgt6 said:

OK I have to say it. Pimp my Vit, DVD3500 and Non Member are free loaders. WE are paying for this site and these guys are taking advantage. 

I do not apologise for this comment. These guys may well be giving good advise, but they are not paying for this site, I am. The more people that don't pay, the more those that do have to contribute. Those that think that's fine and are leaving in a huff, well, good luck.



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Sad when it has to deteriorate to this level. However, my experience of most Forum, is that to get the FULL use of the site you have to be a PAYING contributor. Eg:. For many years, as the owner of an American R-V (Motorhome, to the uninitiated). I was a "leading light" on a forum, paying my dues as a full member. I no longer contribute financially, but ocasionally something ticks in my inbox, and I will go and look. I have had ocasion to have been able to assist some "newbie", but I am, by virtues of not being a full member, ONLY able to "View" any of the site. I can no longer post, even on tech; matters. Yes, it is their loss, but I can see the point. Here only some of the "Social" area`s are to be closed, technical sections are largely unaffected. Doug, may have been blunt in his assertations, but one can see his point?. And outside of Face-ache, most Forum attached to "clubs" are limited in access to to non paying "associates". The choice is ours?.

Sort of P.s.? I hope the section`s that inform on meet`s and other gatherings will not become closed, as encouraging new blood by the very fact of being able to associate "on the ground" as it where, is going to become even more essential as the "old guard" inevitably die out.☹️


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Why not introduce a fee for forum users who do not want/need full club membership?
This would alleviate the 'freeloader' comments and would mean the club is not subsidising non members.
Many of us not UK based do not want to make use of the club shop or receive a magazine but do use the website regularly.
I used to pay £12 for a UK motorbike forum I was a member of till it changed radically during and after Covid.
I do not go to motorbike or car forums for other peoples political beliefs, I go for the vehicles.


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On 06/04/2023 at 23:43, dougbgt6 said:

OK I have to say it. Pimp my Vit, DVD3500 and Non Member are free loaders. WE are paying for this site and these guys are taking advantage. 


Well guess what?

I was planning on becoming a member next week but after such comments I am not so sure I would be welcome.

Why waiting so long:

1. I wanted to see what sense of community there was. It is perfectly normal for people to test the waters and take their time to get to know things. Up until that comment I thought I knew...

2. I have had severe financial burdens over the past two years. My house was flooded, massive damage to the garden/fence, my dog and wife were diagnosed with an incurable, but treatable diseases

3. My son had a brush with the law (he was in a bad place at a bad time) that took ages to clear up.

4. Renovations on the house that had been planned finally took off and were of course 2-3 times as expensive as planned

5. Took the opportunity to visit my Mom whom I hadn't seen for 3 years because of Covid (trans Atlantic flights aren't cheap and when the travel agent screws up it is more expensive)

6. Electricity and heating oil tripled and doubled in in price

7. I was diagnosed with an incurable condition that they can't operate on for a few years as  the replacement joint is currently experimental.

8. Mother-in-law got kicked out of her apartment so we had to do the move as she has arthritis in the shoulder and can't lift. She also just couldn't mentally handle it.

9. Brexit: It wasn't clear until just a year or so ago what it all really meant to be honest...

I could go on....

I used the knowledge here to help a half a dozen Spitfire/Gt6 drivers get their cars back on the road and as money other classic car owners. I am also active promoting TSSC on other social platforms that I don't see many other "members" on.

I actually used to be a forum admin so I am fully aware of the cost of running a forum. I don't disagree with a members-only section at all but the choice of areas seems odd to me.

Taking my thread about the V8 Triumph 2000 and putting it in a forum I can't respond to just seems odd to me in many ways. I don't remember there being a section stating that anything I post becomes the property of TSSC but I could be wrong.

Do I pay my fees? Not yet and i am seriously reconsidering doing so in the future.

Do I contribute positively to the upkeep of the Triumph marque? I thought I did,  but after seeing things handled here I am not so sure I should bother when people make broad assumptions and accusations that, had we been in a pub face-to-face I highly doubt they would have had the audacity to attempt.

It is a pity because I had the impression that the "Board" and Admins had the best intentions in mind but I fear they have at least partially failed on that front.

Had I become a member I would have offered my three decades of online marketing and interaction experience. Had I become a member I would have become even more active in promoting the club and its activities.

That won't happen any time soon I am afraid unless someone can explain to me why my position and my behavior have been incorrect or out of order.

Good day to you all...

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27 minutes ago, DVD3500 said:

It is a pity because I had the impression that the "Board" and Admins had the best intentions in mind but I fear they have at least partially failed on that front.

I think you are right and I urge those who are not current members and are valued contributors to the forum to please pause any action you may make. The forum is for a lot of us a great way to share our personal thoughts, problems, happiness not related to anything Triumph or cars. To that end it serves an important service. Yes it can at times be frustrating as many of us have, how can I put it, fairly fixed views but on balance it helps many of us. I understand those overseas won't use all the members services and think Adrian's idea of a small forum charge for full access could be of merit to all. I also agree with Pete's post about making club meets open to view. Every non member is a potential member! 

I do think there should be a members only area but perhaps we haven't got the boundary line quite right yet plus some of us may have started topics in the wrong place? 


Edited by Iain T
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OK, many of us are surrounded with problems of all sorts. Finance is becoming difficult for me. Sadly, I have curtailed paying to all the charities that I have used, Red Cross, Macmillan etc. A very tough decision.

I do not want sympathy, just wish to be allowed to assist when I can no longer afford fees. The time that experts can give is priceless.

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Most clubs I've been in have open forums but none member are not able to post comments and some have advertising (lots of them some times) if your a none member viewing the forum. 

When did the Tssc forum go public?



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I've been very reluctant to comment on this. First and foremost the openness and welcoming nature of the forum was by far the most appealing point of membership. I used the shop discount but not any insurance or any meets, etc but that is a personal choice. We have had extremes of comments here which I must admit saddens me greatly as none members appear to be categorised as second class citizens. It is worth noting that none member rates at the shop do contribute to the club as well as (I assume) meets etc.

By all means if you wish to restrict access to none members do so. Perhaps if it is so precious, you add a category for none members questions which if posted in other restricted areas is transferred to this area to allow continued access? I do realise that we live in a world where internet bullying, pishing, etc occurs and can fully support measures to eradicate this.

I urge you all, please keep this forum open, friendly and welcoming.


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6 hours ago, Adrian said:


I urge you all, please keep this forum open, friendly and welcoming.


as has been stated multiple times before, and I will state again now,

the TECHNICAL areas of the forum remain open for ALL forum users to post to, they have NOT been restricted to only TSSC members.  The only limitation in this area is the volume of pictures that NON TSSC members can store on this site has been restricted to 200Mb, which is still a huge amount, especially when compared to similar forums.  If any non TSSC member exceeds the 200Mb limit, then they can host the pictures elsewhere and link them into the thread - not exactly difficult

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