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June Courier still not arrived on 11th June


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So,  it's the 11th June and I've still not received my June edition of the Courier. Looking at some posts on facebook lots of members still haven't received theirs either. What's going on with the new distribution company, they seem pretty poor TBH. Do we have a decent contract with them with penalties for late delivery and a break clause so we can use another delivery company if they continually fail to perform? If not it's a very poorly negotiated contract.

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It seems pretty poor.  Chris has said in the AOs WhatsApp that the magazine is always ready for the first of the month (Saturday in June).  So not posted out until the following Monday (3 June).  What I don't understand, nor do many of our members, is that very often, under Bern's Editorship, the magazine was received BEFORE the end of the month. Hence so many of us write our contributions to include details of events in the first couple of weeks of the month.  As it is, half my June Area Report is totally superceded as the dates have long gone.  It is up to COM to examine the Service Level Agreement signed with the new suppliers, not us as members to do so but I do wonder what has gone wrong.  Yes, there has had to be a lead in period which should have been covered by not having an April Courier but now it is a complete nonsense.


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I got mine early last week, you can read it tonight Andy! :) 

However, I'm disinclined to start posting area news again because our meeting is way after the deadline and anything I write will be 2 month old before it's read. 


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It's available electronically on the website, which is the way I keep up to date, if I wait for a paper copy at the earliest its the 3rd week of the month.

There's a big bear with a yellow GT6?? and an Interesting article by John D about Silverback

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Area News reports have always been some time after the event.  What I find disturbing is that, with the later delivery times, if we want to publicise forthcoming events, we are going to have to work even further ahead than we have done previously.  I fear the magazine could become an irrelevance to the majority of members.

What's the point of writing an interesting article to have it truncated to a couple of lines?

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On 11/06/2024 at 13:38, Peter Truman said:

It's available electronically on the website, which is the way I keep up to date, if I wait for a paper copy at the earliest its the 3rd week of the month.

There's a big bear with a yellow GT6?? and an Interesting article by John D about Silverback

that's my GT6 with the bear!

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Posted (edited)

just phoned the club as mine still hasn't arrived and I've had today's post delivered. Apparently the printers are blaming Royal mail for the delays and reckon all the Courier magazines were posted on 4th June. Seems strange that some members got them quickly and others like myself are still waiting. Something doesn't stack up TBH! The club want to wait until next week to allow Royal Mail a chance to deliver and for members to phone up on Monday if they haven't arrived by then so duplicates can be sent.

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On 11/06/2024 at 15:12, Sue Franklin said:

Area News reports have always been some time after the event. 

In East Berks case  it was two to three weeks, now two months. 

On 11/06/2024 at 15:12, Sue Franklin said:

I fear the magazine could become an irrelevance to the majority of members.

Certainly Area News will.


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Mine arrived Wed 5 June so I suspect this is a Royal Mail rather than Club problem.  However, I sense not all of us are as gushing in praise of the new format as some comments would indicate.

I am not a fan of A4 size for these sort of club magazines, apart from Pete L's bookshelf issue you cannot pop it in a pocket when travelling.  I am also bemused by the fact that nearly 20% of the pages carry adverts of a 'commercial' nature rather than club related activities.  As for proof reading I am bemused by the photo numbering in Darren Groves excellent article, pics 14, 15 & 16 are clearly not of the interior, and a 'Herald 2000' in a different article.

On 11/06/2024 at 15:12, Sue Franklin said:

What's the point of writing an interesting article to have it truncated to a couple of lines?

Too true Sue.

Dick, time for a Condor moment me thinks

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it arrived today - 13th June, almost halfway through the month. The other letters I received were posted 1 and two days ago so the post seems to be working fine for everything apart from the courier. 

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I think most should have received the Courier by now (?) but I am pretty sure this is not a localised postal problem as others have suggested.  It is happening all over the country and frankly not a good enough service however caused.  I have been told that it is ready for despatch by 1st of the month - this month that was a Saturday - and therefore should have been despatched on Monday 3rd.  Have now been told not despatched until Tuesday 4th so already 4 days late.  Bern often managed to get it out so that it was received before the end of the month.  Why cannot this happen now - what level of service has been agreed with COM / Publishers / New Editor.  So many sloppy mistakes appearing, making a nonsense of Darren's 13/60 Register report and I am looking forward to seeing the Herald 2000 !!!! What a beast.

Meanwhile, we AOs are trying to submit our reports to make them interesting for our members.

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Another club I was involved with had this issue. Magazines printed, delivered en-masse to a mail house, then deliveries took place over a c. 2 weeks period . We had to pay for the next tier of delivery priority to stop it occurring.


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I agree with the comment about the size, I did find the original size better for reading as I picked it up read bit and put it down over the month. Having a larger page means I have spent more time reading to get to the end of the page. 

Nothing to do with my finger following the words while reading. 👴🤓

Also noticed some errors, more than in the past.

With the commercial products being advertised, does this mean the club supports these products?


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Something is wrong if the magazine isn't even being sent out until the 4th.

Surely it should be leaving the printers at the end of the previous month so it arrives as near as possible to the 1st.

As someone said previously it mucks up reports from shows etc by being so late


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Gully's comment is interesting and makes sense.  Maybe the problem is with the mail house as opposed to the printers or Royal Snail?  Still a query for COM regarding the Service Level Agreement reached over the delivery of the new style Courier.  As I said before, Bern frequently got the magazine out and delivered before the beginning of the month, hence why we are so unhappy now.

Many unhappy members querying this now, and more than before saying they do not like the new format.  I feel they were happier before the debacle with the June Courier.  I really do not think it is a local problem as others have suggested. 

I hope that COM are conducting a proper investigation now.

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On 18/06/2024 at 10:01, Sue Franklin said:

Gully's comment is interesting and makes sense.  Maybe the problem is with the mail house as opposed to the printers or Royal Snail?  Still a query for COM regarding the Service Level Agreement reached over the delivery of the new style Courier.  As I said before, Bern frequently got the magazine out and delivered before the beginning of the month, hence why we are so unhappy now.

Many unhappy members querying this now, and more than before saying they do not like the new format.  I feel they were happier before the debacle with the June Courier.  I really do not think it is a local problem as others have suggested. 

I hope that COM are conducting a proper investigation now.

Morning Sue, sorry i have not responded before as i was checking every eventuality.

The Courier should be posted on the 1st of every month as it always has been, this month the 1st was a Saturday so it got posted on the Monday so two days late.

The majority of member’s got their magazine within a few days of that on the Thursday or the Friday.

I am very sorry for the people that did not receive it until the next week but once it is out to post the Tssc cannot do much about it.

The new magazine has arrived on time for the last two issues i really think it was the two days late posting that made the difference.

When Bernard got the magazine out early it was because he had finished it early and sent it off to print early this was only occasionally not the normal.

The new look Courier is still very much a work in progress  and we are learning all the time, the mistakes in this month’s copy are not acceptable and we have now put in place more Triumph based proof reader’s than we had before to stop this happening in the future.

You are always going to get comment’s when thing’s change as the Courier has been in all of our lives for a long time, the majority of these comment’s are still positive but we are listening to all comment’s to try and take OUR magazine forward in a way that makes it a better publication for all of us.


Yours  sincerely 

Chris Gunby

Tssc chairman 



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My copy arrived in good time, and I've been reading it, with pleasure.  Congrats to the new Editor Paul Guinness!

And I find two items of especial interest to me.

First the Chairman's column, where he announces that overseas members will get a digital version of the Courier if they wish, and that the same may be available to UK members if this year's AGM so approves.  The objection has always been a trivial increase in subscription due to an accounting dodge involving, I think, VAT, and the Chairman warns that overseas postage of the paper version will incur increased subscriptions.  " A prophet is not without honour except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house" but I am delighted to see this happen as I was advocating it ten years ago. 

But from welcome if delayed changes, to blatant joy riding.   The very next page of the July Courier is entitled "Support from the FBHVC"     Yes,  the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs has been lobbying the Government about Q registrations.    But when the TSSC is neither a member of the FBHVC nor makes any contribution to their work, to include such a report is shameful.     Maybe Paul Guinness doesn't know that the TSSC has refused to pay the per member subscription to the FBHVC, but he does now.


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I noted that the TSSC is not an FBVHC member.  That the Courier announced their achievements when that is the case is what I objected to.  This thread is about the Courier, and that is not a private magazine, else it would be kept under lock & key, in the "Restricted" drawer.   In fact anyone may read it.

You may be fed up with my comments. Tough, will the club ban me, again?


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I actually agree with JohnD is does seem strange that the magazine does have a title of an article " Support from the FBHVC" when we do not support them. 

In a previous thread I did ask what action the COM was going to take, besides telling members to complete the form, not sure what the COM actually did to represent members.



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