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Scissor car lift

euan douglas

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Hi all

I wonder does anyone have experience of scissor car lifts?  There seem to be plenty of different types about, most of which will lift the car to about 1 metre, though some appear to have limited access underneath due to the type of construction.

All look to be around £1500 in price so I was wondering if they are worth the investment?

At the moment I'm just contemplating the matter so all thoughts about type and maker would be welcome, thanks in advance.




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Hello Euan.


This is an item I have often thought about and certainly loked at many times at various large shows.


I do like the equipment that this company sells:  http://sm-t.co.uk/


There are other companies with various prices, so it really does pay to do your homework. Quite often these items are on EBay with a decent selling price if you are prepared to collect. I would be wary of second hand units for obvious reasons !!


It's really a case of personal taste and funds. It certainly saves laying on a roller under the car or worse still just laying on the garage floor. A lot of these items are portable, BUT, they are not the lightest item to man handle.


I think at some stage I will invest in such a unit; perhaps age starts to have a guiding hand !! My last observation is, buy from a UK supplier owner with a good back-up & service / parts pedigree.


Will be interested to hear your progress; be it either contemplation, enquiries or purchase. 


All the best.



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there is a whole load of ideas out there , yes some scissor  really restrict centre access its a mine field


I  used CJ Autos for some full length ramps with the centre bridge being removable , built like a brick sh1t house 

strong but heavy they dont do them now but do have some good ideas on lifting ideas 




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I would like a set of these , but only available in the USA http://myliftstand.com/specifications/


Heres a DIY approach http://www.myturbodiesel.com/wiki/wood-cribbing-block-diy-for-raising-the-car-in-addition-to-jack-stands/




I looked at these a while ago but could never find a price, they are a good idea, but at 35ld each per corner I don't think I could sneak them back home in a suitcase !


...... Andy

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I also have a set of of the CJ Auto ramp set up that Pete refers to and they have been a real boon; low angle entry suits the GT6 and they cope with Land Rover and Jeep 4x4 no problem.  They were not cheap at the time but you get what you pay for, and soooo reassuring when you are underneath!

Time is coming to move them on so PM me if you want more info.


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Have a pit in my garage, and you need to think is the roof high enough to open the bonnet if you raise the car on a lift.






I used to have a pit in a previous garage; it filled up with water and I used to float about like Gollum in a small plastic tub... my plans for my new garage include an open roof space so as to accommodate a two-post lift. I too am getting too old to crawl under cars on a cold concrete floor!

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i cant find a CJ photo of the full length ramps but its quite different


you have 4 tyre pods   11" high  which you set out to suit the wheelbase track of your car , there is a bridge which connects the front to the rear pod, this is adjustable to suit longer shorter wheelbases, it has a pedal that raises the bridge up off the pods and can be wheeled  out the way .

the run up ramps lock onto the first  pod and are around 5ft long so gives a gentle incline ans saves scraping front spoilers etc.


i have to remove the run ups or they extend beyond the garage  door , all parts are heavy getting the run ups off with the  long boot overhang on my 2000 is darn near impossible , so next use will have to reverse on 


these are built to last made from recycled titanic 


i dont have a shot of them in use , they stack against the wall when not in use 



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Thanks for all the advice.  I suppose the reality is that my garage is not big enough to accommodate what seems to be the best type, the Hamer car lift, and anyway I doubt if I could justify the expense.  I will just continue to use axle stands and crawl around on my back!

Thanks again for all the feedback.


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As mentioned in a previous post I have a pit in my garage it is as dry as a bone, and takes up no room when not being used. I am currently refitting the rear suspension on my MK1 Vitesse, started with a need to replace diff. half shaft seals.

Very useful to be able to stand under the car to refit diff etc.





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