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Hi everyone,

I am an 18 year old student looking to buy either a GT6 or a Spitfire, probably a spitfire (just because of the insurance on a 1.3/1.5 compared to the 2L). I was wondering if anyone here had any experience in the mentioned insurance discount for 18-25 year old members as that’s currently my main barrier to my realistic dream car. Any and  all help much appreciated. 


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Be patient.    The only car you'll get less than crippling premiums for will be a small capacity shopping trolley, a sub-1 Litre.

There used to be low cost polices for classics but they were abused by certain young people, and the companies won't do it anymore.      There may be some discount if you go for a 'black-box' policy with an in-car monitor that looks at time and speed, and possibly acceleration, to see that you 'drive responsibly'.   Sorry, but that's the way it is.

Be patient, build up a NO Claims, and then go for your classic passion!

Good luck!


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You'll have to modify your dream a bit - annoying, but worth the wait in the long run....

Don't go for a Spitfire or GT6 - the SPORTS image is the deathknell for young drivers. Go for something boring and family-like, like a Herald, or even a Standard, which even the Insurance companies agree are less of a risk. By the time you're able to get a good price on Insurance on your intended car, you'll know all the mechanicals of the Triumph range inside out as they're all so similar. You may not even want to change.

The other alternative - and sadly there are no cheap alternatives - is to go for a boring Eurobox along the lines of my daughter's Peugeot 107 - Group 3 Insurance and £20 annual road tax - and get yourself a Triumph as a project car, which you can work on somewhere safe until you can afford to get it on the road. This way you get some of both worlds - a car to go on runs in, and a Triumph to own and work on.

As John says, explore options for young drivers and see what discounts you can obtain for black boxes, limited mileage, curfews, etc. Did you know that some companies will offer daily insurance, so you can insure a specific car for one day at a time only? I'm not completely sure how that works but a workmate of mine used to insure his 17 year old son to drive his car on single, special days, I think up to a maximum of 12 or so per year... so it may be worth looking into. 

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Not sure if they can do anything but have a look at marmalade insurance. 

I’m insuring my wife’s car for my daughter whilst she is learning through them and it’s £150 for three months. It’s an overlay insurance. 

But they do do a policy that a young driver can learn on and then keep going once past. That was about £1500 for pretty much any car. But don’t know if that would include classics. 

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Thanks Colin and John for the quick responses, alas it is as I had feared. Although I may have mis-represented myself; despite being only 18 I do have about 18 months named driver experience (my older brother has stolen the NCD from me). I am now insured alongside my brother on a 1.6l Seat Leon for a fairly reasonable rate; I know it will still likely be a few years before I can treat myself and maybe waiting is all I can do... :(

Either way I'll keep reading up on triumphs and hopefully by the time I do get one (And I will get one) I'll be more than ready to join your ranks.

Thanks anyway


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Obviously if you don’t have another car then you can’t use classic insurance. As said normal insurance I’m sure will be very expensive because a classic will be easily written off (financially). I guess get some quotes and see. I hope you can get the car you want and prove us wrong. Good luck. 

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Hi Toby,

it can, unfortunately, be quite a challenge to get reasonable insurance at your age, the one thing I would say is to take 45 mins to ring and speak to the TSSC insurance panel members (don’t rely on web-quotes) ..... you may find out some nuggets of info in a conversation.

earlier advice to rack up some NCB on a cheap/cheerful regular car is sensible - c1/107 is a good choice from a practical perspective, but I understand it may not sound very exciting!

one point to note, I don’t think you ‘must’ have another car to have a classic insurance policy..... certainly I have just had a classic as only car in the past without an issue - limited mileage isn’t mandatory either (but does reduce the cost)


good luck with with your search.......  andy 

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Its the underwriters that pulled the plug on percieved high risk ages in classics

As Andy says its certainly best to ring and talk than rely online  

Example this week to help a friend who used Go C it had all gone  bottoms up and didnt knownwhat she had done

So I start again picked a quote from esure whilst clicking away the phone goes, its them calling 

The result doing deal direct on the blower reduced the Go C  online quote from £69 pm to £34 for same cover same company

So dump the on line enquiry  ideas   and too many online requests for quotes will block deals as they monitor stats and think you are 

Just skimming for clues .



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  • 3 months later...

Forget marmalade for insurance once passed. Or at least it’s no good in my daughters case. Over £2500. We insure both our daily cars through a plan and they do a young driver policy which is still £2100 for her in a car worth less than £1300. But it will cover her until she passes and then carries on with a full licence. And is black box free. Not that a black box is a hardship 

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Insurance goes UP once the test is passed - the driver is now qualified to drive unsupervised and it's more of a risk than if accompanied.

My daughter started at about £2400 as a 17-year old learner, dropped to £1800 the second year and is now down to £1100 approx; the Insurers reckon that by her next renewal she'll be down to realistic figures. Getting her mobile for school, Uni and part-time work, was the most important thing; the actual car is well down the list. (Peugeot 107 but she claims to love it anyway; besides I quite like it and may well inherit it!)

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We have just insured George prior to going to university.

He had a knackered Micra and so we have given him our 53 plate Vauxhall Astra 1.4; whilst treating ourselves to a second newer car.

We have put him on our multi car policy with LV, fully comp and recovery etc.

Cost £870.

That's a result and rate LV very highly with numerous other polices we have with them.



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Colin, the quote for £2100 is starting with a provisional licence and carries on once past. 

Ive done some other quotes assuming she has passed and the best I can get on a 107 is £1200 odd. With a black box. If that is what it takes then so be it. 

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3 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

(Peugeot 107 but she claims to love it anyway; besides I quite like it and may well inherit it!)

We have a 107, and I too like driving it. Need to use the gearbox to get it to move, and 5th gear only useful on the flat, but it just seems to be a car that is pretty basic and works well. Sort of reminds me of a herald, in a strange way. Great city car....and reliable as a reliable thing.

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My daughter just passed her test at 17 and the insurance came to £1,200 again with a black box fitted to an Hyundai i10...both my wife and I are name drivers on her policy...Policy with Tesco Bank Box Insurance...went down the usual insurance comparison sites with prices ranging from £2800 to £1200 with Tescos.

She had a provisional drivers policy with Marmalade where premiums can be paid on 30, 60 or 90 days depending on how long you want it at around £200 per month which is not too bad I suppose.



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21 year old son runs a Spitfire 1300.

Premium this year is in the 600s but he's passed the 21 milestone and has 3 years NCB.

Classic insurance seems hopeless. They don't want anyone under 25 and you need to be insuring another car too.

I do know a young gentleman who runs a Vitesse 2L convertible with reasonably modest premiums (sub 1k). He's 20 now but has been running it since 17. Uses the mainstream insurers like Admiral, Hastings, Aviva etc.

LV is one of the few I've found with worse online reviews than Hastings........


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I’ve just got a quote from Tesco £1280 ish for her based on 6000miles pa. for 8k it was another £400! I’ve never done less than 12000 since I’ve been driving. Most of the last 20years over 25k. 

Anyway at least it’s not too bad. If you squint and blink very hard, cough and sneeze. ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I have now got my daughter a Peugeot 107 - and have insured her on it whilst she is still learning for £110 for 2months fully comp - which as soon as she passes ceases to be valid.

Its fully comp as you would expect theses days, the only restriction is that she can't drive between midnight and 6am. Not an issue!

A friend uses "Insure the Box" which is essentially the one Tesco broker but is cheaper - so I'll look at that when she passes, hopefully in the not too distant future.

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Get your daughters married, ASAP!

I suggested to my wife that I was removed as a named driver - I have more points and claims than she has (she has none) and I never drive her car.     The insurer wanted to INCREASE her premium, as she would be in effect a single woman, and so obviously a higher risk!   Insurance and insurers are crazy.


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The youngest is only 17 and has no plans to get married - she does want to leave home when she goes to Uni - which won't solve any cash problems for a while at least! The eldest is still at home as she is at Uni in Birmingham. Still costs us, but not so much! 

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